All Crikey!
Teen sheila slapped in the face by a seagull on 120-km/hr Sling Shot ride
10.37K Views0 Comments
Lately, there’s been a bit of talk around the Ozzy Man offices that a fairground video is in order. Well, this latest story is gonna do sweet f**k-all to dispel that notion. Fortunately, no one’s been hurt, but you ca...
GoT fans desperately try to decipher blurry page from ‘The Winds of Winter’
6.98K Views0 Comments
As you know, the world of Game of Thrones (and we’re not talking about Westeros here) is divided into two kinds of people: book wankers and television show wankers. Of course, neither is having a great deal of fun at ...
TikToker captures the moment a shark charges oblivious swimmer
6.84K Views0 Comments
Rightio, much has been said about sharks, and we’re probably responsible for a f**ken tonne of it. Yeah, we’ll wear it, we feature sharks a lot on this site, but that’s only because we have several keen interests here...
42 year old bloke sleeps for 300 days a year due to rare condition
358 Views0 Comments
F**ken sleep! For some people it’s an elusive bigger that never seems to come when they need it. For others, it’s a pain in the arse that stops them being productive. Finally, for some people, it’s just that thing you...
New Bigfoot sighting leaves experts baffled!
469 Views0 Comments
F**ken Bigfoot! Deadset, it seems like it’s been ages since we’ve seen a good (or at least entertaining) claim about Bigfoot, but fresh footage out of Michigan in the United States reportedly shows old mate going abou...
Japanese bloke is renting himself and offering ‘nothing in particular’!
10.59K Views0 Comments
Now, don’t get us wrong here, we bloody love our jobs at Ozzy Man Reviews, and we’re sure you big bloody bewdiful b**tards love your jobs too, and even though we’re pretty sure that plenty of you go to work and get aw...
Bloke roasted for ridiculous Tinder profile
39.74K Views0 Comments
If you’ve been on the internet for a while, you’ve probably seen some pretty f**ken memeable Tinder profiles in your lifetime. Yeah, nah, while we’re not here to s**t on Tinder and the people who use it, we are going ...
72 year old bloke looks like he’s in his 30s due to fitness regime
4.25K Views0 Comments
It’s no secret that regular exercise keeps you looking fit as a fiddle, but the Chinese bloke in this story has bloody shocked the internet with his youthful appearance. Deadset, have a bloody squiz at this bloke and ...
Athletes given “anti-sex” beds at Tokyo Olympics
43.96K Views0 Comments
If there’s one thing we know about the Olympics, it’s that the athletes are frisky. Yeah, nah, apparently, competitive events aren’t the only places that people are scoring at the Olympics. Of course, this isn’t usual...
Olympian dismayed after being told her sprint briefs “too short”
463 Views0 Comments
Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we don’t feel like we’re qualified to provide comment on whether a sheila's briefs are too short. S**t, we didn’t even know that could be a thing. Yeah, nah, apparently, though, according to ...
Terrifying video shows moment swing breaks and ejects two girls off Europe’s deepest cliff
62.46K Views0 Comments
As far as what the actual f**k videos go, this one is right up there with the best of them. Don’t get us wrong, it’s not weird, it’s not obscure, it’s just spot-on footage of one of the most terrifying things we’ve ev...
Father reunites with abducted son after spending 24 years searching for him
10.53K Views0 Comments
Mate, despite all the animal attacks, all the trips to Destination F**ked, and all the crazy s**t we show you on this website, nothing fills us with warm fuzzies like a bloody good news story. Where those are concerne...
Unopened Mario 64 Cartridge sells for record amount of money
350 Views0 Comments
If you own any kind of console, you’ll be all-too familiar with the idea that video games are f**ken expensive. For most of us, it’s a fact of life. And, for those of us old enough to remember, it’s kind of always bee...
Jackass star mauled by shark in stunt-gone-wrong
143.03K Views0 Comments
As you know, it’s f**ken Shark Week, so it only makes sense that Ozzy’s not the only one posting new shark videos. Yeah, nah, we’re far from the only buggers who reckon the pelagic pricks are majestic-as-f**k. Of cour...
These blokes recreated the Dumb and Dumber motorcycle road-trip!
9.97K Views0 Comments
We reckon we’re probably not exaggerating when we suggest that for a significant part of our audience, Dumb and Dumber is an iconic f**ken movie. Coming out in 1994, it was one of the dumbest, but also one of the funn...
Meet the Aussie beetle giving Kim Kardashian a run for her money!
370 Views0 Comments
As you know – we do harp on about it a lot – Australia’s wildlife is weird and f**ken wonderful. Unfortunately, though, not everyone knows about much outside of our scary creatures. Yeah, nah, that’s a bit unfair. We’...
A giant 3D Cat has taken over one of Tokyo’s biggest billboards
1.31K Views0 Comments
You don’t have to be a long-time visitor to Ozzy Man Reviews to know that we give cats a fair bit of s**t on this website. But, just so we’re clear, that doesn’t mean we don’t like the little buggers. Yeah, nah, far f...
Bloke explains mysterious windowless buildings that appear in US cities
7.62K Views0 Comments
If there’s one thing we bloody love here at Ozzy Man Reviews, it’s a genuine conspiracy theory. And no, we don’t mean those pissweak modern ones like ‘lockdowns are a means of control’. Yeah, nah, we’re talking about ...
This Instagram account shares some of the worst food dishes you’ve ever seen…
13.12K Views0 Comments
If there’s one thing we know about the internet, it’s that people everywhere love to look at pictures of badly f**ked-up food dishes. Yeah, nah, there’s something about it that just makes you want to look at it – even...
Artist draws self-portraits on different drugs & gives himself brain damage
45.36K Views0 Comments
Regardless of your personal opinions on drugs, it’s pretty tough to say that they have no place in society or that the various effects they have on the human body aren’t worth studying. That’s one of the reasons we fo...