Credit: South China Morning Post
Japanese bloke is renting himself and offering ‘nothing in particular’!
Now, don’t get us wrong here, we bloody love our jobs at Ozzy Man Reviews, and we’re sure you big bloody bewdiful b**tards love your jobs too, and even though we’re pretty sure that plenty of you go to work and get away with doing nothing, don’t you just wish you could do less at work? The bloke in this story – Morimoto Shoji – is living the f**ken dream, because that’s his actual factual gig: doing nothing in particular.
Yeah, nah, as he says in the video you’ll see down below, “My job is called ‘rent a person who does nothing’. It means you can rent me, and I offer myself for hire even though I don’t do anything, except eating and drinking, and I give a very simple reply when asked anything.”

Credit: South China Morning Post
Obviously, that sounds like the duck’s nuts, the dog’s bollocks, and the bee’s knees all rolled into one, but the most interesting part of this is how it’s panned out for bloody Morimoto. Yeah, nah, he’s found himself offering companionship when people need him most, and while that’s kinda tragic, it’s also wholesome as f**k.

Credit: South China Morning Post
The insightful bugger reckons, “People don’t like being in a situation where their weaknesses are on display so they want to talk about themselves to people who are completely outside of their usual relationships.”

Credit: South China Morning Post
As you’ll see in the video, he’s providing a much-needed service. The bloke he’s accompanying in it has recently lost his best mate, and f**ken Morimoto is there for him. It’s bloody golden and he deserves an award.

Credit: South China Morning Post
Best of all, though, he’s getting paid 10,000 Yen every time he hangs out with someone. That amounts to just under a hundred US dollarydoos, so he’s not even ripping people off while he’s helping them – and getting paid to do ‘nothing in particular’.

Credit: South China Morning Post
Final thought: F**k yes, Morimoto, f**k yes. We reckon this is bloody genius and you’re a quiet bloody hero for offering this service. This top bloke award is all yours, mate. All yours!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Sharks
Video Link: South China Morning Post