All Wildlife

Chimpanzee escapes Ukraine zoo, avoids keepers, gives up in exchange for a rain jacket

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As much as we seriously love our Aussie critters, we’ve gotta admit to being a little bit jealous that we don’t have apes. Yeah, nah, fair dinkum, bloody chimpanzees will always get us f**ken excited. Whether they’re ...

Bloke’s “emotional support alligator” astonishes patrons of US water park

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If you’re anything like us, you probably hear the word alligator and think about a huge man-eating reptile. You know what, though, we shouldn’t do that. Yeah, nah, it’s stereotyping and that s**t’s bad. Because, let’s...

Rabid Fox picks fight with Grandma

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Oh yes, welcome to fight day, you big bloody bewdiful legends! Today, we’re getting straight to business with a somewhat unexpected battle. Yeah, nah, these two unlikely opponents had no f**ken idea they’d be getting ...

Drone captures moment Florida man is f**ked by “huge” gator

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Maaate, you know that we love a bloody good crocodiliac story here at Ozzy Man Reviews! You also know that we love an underdog story, a survival story, and a defy the f**ken odds and come out the other side scathed bu...

This bloke built legs for a snake, here’s how it reacted

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As you lot are no doubt aware, we bloody love snakes here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Yeah, deadset, our country’s renowned for playing host to tonnes of the legless little buggers, and as typical Aussie blokes who sometimes...

Footage emerges of fire tornado in LA County

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Fire is a f**ken fickle beast. At times, it’s man’s best friend, separating us from the animals and ensuring we maintain dominion over the land. At other times, though, it’s a real s**tc**t. Yeah, nah, sometimes fire ...

Sheila gets sent to Destination F**ked by cranky koala

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It’s no secret that koalas are known the world over for being cute and cuddly. Yeah, nah, they’re often seen as big fluffy teddy bears, we all know that. But, at the end of the day, they’re wild animals. And they’re w...

Topless breastfeeding mum saves pet goose from eagle – while feeding bub!

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They say that not all heroes wear capes. If this story’s anything to go by, that statement is true as f**k. Yeah, nah, in this case, our hero wears bugger all except a pair of boxer shorts. She’s also breastfeeding a ...

Largest freshwater fish ever recorded caught in Cambodia

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F**ken tell you what, this is a fish that’d give Rex Hunt a big bloody stiffie. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, we know he wasn’t exactly Troy McCluring the fish he caught, but he knew how to reel in the big ones. Stil...

Turns out bees ejaculate themselves to death when things get too hot

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As you know, some parts of the world are pretty f**ken hot. Yeah, nah, those of us who live in the warmer parts of Ozzyland know what a f**ken scorcher is. Sweaty ballbags aside, though, we have it better than some cr...

Newly discovered crab species fashions it’s own hat out of Sea Sponges

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One of the things we often talk about when we imagine the undiscovered creatures of the oceans is the potential for horrifying animals. Deadset, we picture big teeth, gangly bits, tentacles, and weird floating lights....

Male giraffes headbutt females until they pee, then drink it before mating

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When you think about it, the internet really is man’s greatest testament to knowledge and intellectualism. No matter what kind of info you’re looking for, the world-wide web has probably got it. Yeah, nah, fair dinkum...

Missing pet tortoise found alive in attic after thirty years!

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When it comes right down to it, pets are a bloody important part of life. Yeah, nah, it’s true. Whether you like cats, dogs, fish, birds, or any of the other amazing creatures we keep for love and companionship, one t...

Thieving seagull makes frequent raids on local shop, no one can stop the b*stard!

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We don’t know what it is about thievery, but when people do it, we reckon it’s s**t. When it’s animals, though, we f**ken love it. If they’re thieving from big corporations, even better. After all, no one really likes...

David Attenborough parody doco brilliantly explains: Clubbing In The Wild

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When you think about it, clubbing is a pretty f**ken strange thing. Yeah, nah, the idea of a bunch of strangers getting together in a dark place where they can get blotto while pop music blares, bouncers watch on, and...

This silverback gorilla and groundhog are best mates!

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F**ken everybody needs a friend. Whether you just need someone to shoot the s**t with, someone to share your company, or someone to get up to crazy hijinks with, a friend is a f**ken must-have in today’s society. That...

Two dolphins getting “aroused” with anaconda in mouths

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If you’ve ever seen a wildlife documentary, you’ll know that animals don’t always have the same filters we humans do. Yeah, nah, they don’t need to worry about finding a private place before getting their freak on. De...

Scientists find deepest fish ever caught off Australian coast

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As you know, we’re always banging on about how bloody special the wildlife is here in Oz. Yeah, nah, we’re always like, ‘aw yeah, we’ve got heaps of rare s**t not found anywhere else, heaps of dangerous s**t, heaps of...

Baby roo won’t leave backyard, so bloke puts on onesie to see what happens

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If you know anything about kangaroos, you probably know that they keep their joeys in pouches. Yeah, nah, when we think about major kangaroo facts, that’s one of the big ones. The f**kers hop, they have pouches, and t...

Bloody legends use digger to save dog from drowning

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F**ken dogs are right up there with the best creatures on the planet. Yeah, nah, deadset, they’re truly bloody awesome. That’s why we love people that love dogs. They’re bloody grouse. Dogs are grouse. And, when you t...