All Crikey!

People are now dressing up to celebrate taking the rubbish bins out every week

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We’ve all heard of cabin fever, so let’s not beat around the bloody bush. By this stage of lockdown, some people are starting to really long for the outside world. They’re used to dressing up, going out, seeing people...

Watch what happens when this bloke leaves a jar of pond-water on his windowsill

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If you’re anything like us, you’re bloody fascinated by the myriad ways in which nature operates. Obviously, we talk about cool s**t like big bloody predatory land animals pretty frequently. S**t, we even venture into...

Matthew McConaughey hosted a bingo session on Zoom for seniors in isolation

10.20K Views0 Comments

As you know, much of the world is currently confined to lockdown. As a result, more and more of us seem to be becoming au fait with the use of live streaming technology and video-calling software to conquer the isolat...

Legend explains how to turn an IKEA lamp into the f**ken death-star

13.65K Views0 Comments

Mate, right now, the internet’s coming up with plenty of ways for the good folks of the locked-down world to pass their time in social isolation. Surprisingly, relatively few of those seem to involve spanking the span...

UK couple catch their neighbour dressing up as a shrub to escape lockdown

11.28K Views0 Comments

We’ve all got that one bloke on the street that’s a bit of a clown. Don’t get us wrong, we know that some Ozzies have neighbours who live miles and miles away, but the point still stands. There’s a village idiot in ev...

Someone created a transparent Jigsaw Puzzle set with three difficulty settings

4.15K Views0 Comments

Bloody jigsaw puzzles. We get that these brain-busting frustration factories aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but considering how much some people love ‘em, it was only a matter of time before some monster came up with a...

Coronavirus conspiracy theorists are burning down 5G towers in Pommyland

890 Views0 Comments

We reckon you blokes and sheilas are all big enough and ugly enough to know that whenever there’s s**t going down on planet Earth, the bloody crackpots come out of their hidey-holes and start spouting absolutely bonke...

Japan finds bloody great solution to continue having graduation ceremonies

4.19K Views0 Comments

Bloody Japan. We feel like we’re always saying it, but while the rest of us are whinging about our petty problems, the resilient island nation just finds a solution and gets on with its business. Deadset, not only are...

This might be the greatest bloody love story of the Coronavirus era

6.71K Views0 Comments

You might have seen the story online the other day about a couple of young whippersnappers in New York who’ve begun dating thanks to a unique set of long-distance circumstances. If you didn’t, it all started when Jere...

Robert Irwin follows Dad’s footsteps and captures incredibly rare species on film

12.61K Views0 Comments

You blokes and sheilas know how much we love the bloody Irwins here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and if you don’t, you should. We’ve gone on about it on plenty of occasions now, and we’re not gonna stop anytime soon. Just lik...

Empire State Building was lit up like a f*@#en ambulance to signal state of emergency

4.86K Views0 Comments

Over the last week or so, the Unites States has become the bloody epicentre of the Coronavirus, and the state of New York has been hit particularly badly. Yeah, nah, the virus is running rampant in the big apple, and ...

These self-isolators attempted to cut their own hair – results are bloody gold

11.82K Views0 Comments

As you know, the art of the haircut is a pretty f**ken specialised one. Deadset, unless you’re just chopping it all off with your own set of clippers, you really want someone else staying on top of that s**t for you. ...

Koalas are finally returning to wild after Ozzy bushfires

2.59K Views0 Comments

Now, we know that for some of you the bushfires are lost somewhere back in history with the invasion of Area 51 and dunny roll, but for plenty of critters – and people – the devastation has turned the world upside dow...

UFC Star reveals recovery from huge hematoma on her bloody head!

32.92K Views0 Comments

Hematomas. If you’re a fan of bloodsports and fisticuffs, you’re no doubt familiar with these hardcore f**ken lumps, but for the uninitiated, they’re a huge friggen’ swelling that erupts on the human body when the wal...

Brazilian gangs enforce Covid-19 lockdown when Government fails to act

911 Views0 Comments

Before we start this one, we’re going to say that we’re doing our best to bring you a variety of stories outside of the doom and gloom of the coronavirus, but just as it’s pretty f**ken hard to give everyone a fair go...

Quarantined Mexican bloke sends pooch to the store to get Cheetos

11.75K Views0 Comments

Let’s be honest, when the going gets tough and you’re stuck at home while quarantined, you need to get your Bear Grylls on and figure out how you’re gonna improvise, adapt, overcome, and survive. Now, if you’re hungry...

Texas Mayor holding press conference forgets to mute mic when taking toilet break

41.91K Views0 Comments

If you’ve seen the ‘Poor Jennifer’ video, you’re probably already aware of some of the things that can go wrong when you work from home. However, we reckon that just pointing your camera away isn't enough. Yeah, nah, ...

These hidden product ‘hacks’ have bloody blown my mind

716 Views0 Comments

Yeah, look, we like to think we’re pretty f**ken clever, but when push comes to shove, we’re probably no smarter than the next bloke. Yeah, nah, we’re not s**tting you. We’ve just been looking at some of the design fe...

100 year old bloke asked the Internet for 101,000 likes after his birthday was cancelled

11.83K Views0 Comments

The internet can be a fickle b*tch. We all know that it’s moods change with the shifting of the tides, and the sense of entitlement on social media like Twitter can often lead to strange and savage humours. So when a ...

Meet Tim, the Cowboy Museum’s wholesome security guard – and Twitter manager!

25.85K Views0 Comments

Yeah, nah, there’s no doubt that the next few months are probably gonna be the making of a few new online personalities. After all, if there’s one thing blokes and blokettes in quarantine are gonna be fanging for, it’...