Jackass star mauled by shark in stunt-gone-wrong
As you know, it’s f**ken Shark Week, so it only makes sense that Ozzy’s not the only one posting new shark videos. Yeah, nah, we’re far from the only buggers who reckon the pelagic pricks are majestic-as-f**k. Of course, you can count on the Jackass crew for a special type of Shark Week vid: one which features one of the team’s stuntmen getting f**ked on by a bloody shark. Check it out…
Yeah, those crazy b**tards are well-known for their ridiculous stunts, but even by their standards, this one’s gonna have to go down as one of their riskiest, especially considering that Poopies did not come away unscathed. Yeah, nah, he can consider himself well and truly scathed.

Credit: Discovery
The stunt involved the lads jumping a pack of sharks on a wakeboard. Of course, this is Jackass, and they filled the water with burley – and even doused Poopies in it – before he started filming. Naturally, when he went arse-up, a shark was like, “Nah, yeah, you’re going to Destination F**ked, dude!”

Credit: Discovery
When you watch the video down below, you’ll see how quickly the boys move to get him out of danger, but let’s be honest, the shark attack itself is pretty bloody majestic. Poopies hits the drink, and then, like a f**ken torpedo, the predator launches at him.

Credit: Discovery
He pisses blood as they drag him out of the water, and it’s pretty clear that he should consider himself lucky the fish only took his wrist and not his f**ken throat. As it stands, he’s come away with severed tendons and two arteries opened the f**k up.

Credit: Discovery
Fortunately, doctors were able to save his hand, even if he can’t bend two of his fingers any more.

Credit: Discovery
Scary s**t, though. For sure.
Final thought: Yeah, nah, as Ozzy says in his latest Shark video, we can’t go in the water and then get cranky-pants when they bite us. Yeah, nah, it’s their bloody territory, and if you get something you ask for, it’s really something you have to expect.
Because this one’s topical as f**k, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Sharks
Video Link: Discovery