All Crikey!

If a cat is dropped upside down at near-zero gravity, will it fall on its feet?

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When it comes to the really f**ken big questions, there are a few that are real brain-busters. Chief among them is whether or not cats can land on their feet in zero gravity? Yeah, nah, don’t pretend you haven’t wonde...

Some f*@#en ripper hair cuts!

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For many of us, there’s nothing in life quite as f**ken shameful as a bad haircut. Don’t get us wrong, we know it’s shallow and we know that we shouldn’t worry so much what other people think, but pretty much everyone...

Police release footage of bloke making slow get-away in lawnmower theft

4.11K Views0 Comments

We know that when it comes to joyrides, bloody Hollywood has created a bit of a stereotype about the way they look, but a recent video released here by coppers from Cairns in Queensland flies in the face of all that. ...

Tiger strolls streets of Houston – leads to hectic confrontation

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Some people reckon that normal pets like cats, dogs, and goldfish just don’t cut the mustard. Yeah, nah, these thrill-seekers reckon an animal doesn’t make a good pet unless it can rip your f**ken face off. These kind...

First shipment of alcoholic spirit from Chernobyl seized by authorities

5.29K Views0 Comments

You might not know it, but apparently, the land around Chernobyl is now totally fine for farming—at least in some areas. Yeah, nah, by all accounts, it’s all safe and productions a goer. Despite that, though, we’re no...

Kiwi bloke paints penises over potholes to get them filled in faster

12.12K Views0 Comments

If there’s anything comic-book movies have taught us, it’s that the great and gallant works of society’s biggest heroes aren’t always welcomed by the authorities. Yeah, nah, J Jonah makes Spidey’s life a misery, and e...

Maccas employees spill the beans on the secrets they discovered while working there

24.90K Views0 Comments

Bloody Maccas. You all know what it is. We do too, and we reckon that anyone who’s not quite sure probably wouldn’t be reading this. With that said, the restaurant under the golden arches holds a kind of magical place...

This is hands down the greatest f#*@en wedding proposal of all time

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Do you ever have one of those days on the internet where you long for something from the past? We do, and we know that tonnes of you lot do—even if there is plenty of new stuff to enjoy on an almost daily basis. We’re...

Reddit users share their plans to seduce new bachelor Bill Gates

1.02K Views0 Comments

In case you’ve been making like the proverbial ostrich and have had your head buried in the sand, Bill bloody Gates and his wife Melinda are cutting ties. Yeah, nah, their marriage is ‘irretrievably broken’ and they’r...

80-year-old Ozzie Fisherman trapped on boat with ‘certainly lethal’ tiger snake

3.40K Views0 Comments

We’re pretty well-known for our snakes here in Ozzy Land, and as plenty will tell you, when it comes to the most venomous snakes in the world, we’ve got our fair share. Up near the top of that list is the bloody tiger...

Awesome footage shows UK Marine f@*#en jetpack onto ship

6.01K Views0 Comments

It goes without saying that guns are bad, violence is abhorrent, and war sucks, but we’d also be liars if we didn’t say that this footage of a pommy marine using a jetpack to board a ship and whip out his gun isn’t f*...

Wrestling legend Mark Henry is unrecognisable after staggering weight-loss before WWE return

28.34K Views0 Comments

Ooh yeah, we’re gonna own it, a bit of wrestling on the tube can go down a treat. Yeah, nah, we know that it’s not everyone’s cuppa tea, and we know that it’s not exactly the most legitimate of sports. But, it’s all r...

Russian bloke trapped on Chinese reality TV show finally voted out after three months

6.49K Views0 Comments

As you know, we bloody love a strange story here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and in a way, this one might just be one of the strangest we’ve come across. Don’t get us wrong, it’s not out there in a hugely bizarre way, but th...

Sheila is left absolutely mortified in this bloody brilliant prank

20.47K Views0 Comments

Look, we’ve gotta be honest with you. Most of the time, the pranks you tend to see online are in danger of veering away from humour and just becoming a straight-up d*ck move. Obviously, we won’t name names, but you pr...

Massive crocodile comes out of the surf to eat a f@*#en shark

16.53K Views0 Comments

Mate, if there’s one thing you know about Australian waters, it’s probably that the surf’s full of sharks and the rivers are full of bloody crocodiliacs. It makes swimming anywhere a daunting prospect when you’re in t...

S**t escalates quickly when bobcat attacks gun-lovin’ American!

1.26K Views0 Comments

We say this all the bloody time, but if there’s one reason the internet—and the proliferation of video camera footage—is bloody tops, it’s the fact it captures all the eccentricities of life for everyone to see. Deads...

Bloke discovers mysterious “sheep circle” containing hundreds of sheep

5.40K Views0 Comments

One of our favourite things about the internet is that it really highlights just how quickly stuff can become sensationalised if you don’t have the proper knowledge to understand it. On the flipside, it also shows how...

First-person footage of two paragliders crashing into each other will give ya breathing issues

7.60K Views0 Comments

As a rule of thumb, mid-air collisions are never a good thing. Nah, yeah, they’re pretty much always a recipe for disaster and if you somehow manage to come away from one with everything intact, you’re doing all r...

Elon Musk’s firm Neuralink confirms real-life Jurassic Park possibility

9.74K Views0 Comments

As you know, we tend to keep a bit of an eye on Elon Musk and all of his associated interests and eccentricities. And really, how could you blame us? As well as getting some pretty bloody rad tech out into the world, ...

Builders of $700k “half-house” explain WTF went wrong

11.36K Views0 Comments

Home ownership is seriously one of the great dreams in this country. S**t, it’s one of the great dreams in any country. It’s not always easy, though. Yeah, nah, you need to lay off the avocadoes, pinch your pennies an...