All Wildlife

New Bigfoot sighting leaves experts baffled!

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F**ken Bigfoot! Deadset, it seems like it’s been ages since we’ve seen a good (or at least entertaining) claim about Bigfoot, but fresh footage out of Michigan in the United States reportedly shows old mate going abou...

Jackass star mauled by shark in stunt-gone-wrong

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As you know, it’s f**ken Shark Week, so it only makes sense that Ozzy’s not the only one posting new shark videos. Yeah, nah, we’re far from the only buggers who reckon the pelagic pricks are majestic-as-f**k. Of cour...

Meet the Aussie beetle giving Kim Kardashian a run for her money!

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As you know – we do harp on about it a lot – Australia’s wildlife is weird and f**ken wonderful. Unfortunately, though, not everyone knows about much outside of our scary creatures. Yeah, nah, that’s a bit unfair. We’...

A giant 3D Cat has taken over one of Tokyo’s biggest billboards

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You don’t have to be a long-time visitor to Ozzy Man Reviews to know that we give cats a fair bit of s**t on this website. But, just so we’re clear, that doesn’t mean we don’t like the little buggers. Yeah, nah, far f...

Ozzy woman wakes up to mouse eating her eyeball amid ‘rodent plague’

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As you know, we’re always harping on about our life-threatening critters here in Australia on this website, but until now, there’s one deadly f**ken animal we’ve neglected to cover. And, in fairness to us, you can’t b...

Sheila live tweets from her bedroom as racoons break into her NY apartment

6.65K Views0 Comments

While we’re obviously well-known for our animals here in Oz, there are some that, frankly, we’re thankful we don’t have to deal with. One of those critters is the racoon. Don’t get us wrong, we really like them. We lo...

Shark leaps out of the f@#*en water and bites parasailor’s foot

19.14K Views0 Comments

We seem to be saying this an awful lot lately, but f**ken sharks are terrifying creatures. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, they’re bewdiful and they’re entitled to their space, but they don’t bloody quit do they? In th...

Lobster diver swallowed whole by humpback whale while fishing

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As you know, we bloody love an interesting wildlife story here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and when we saw this one, we knew we had to share it with you. The poor f**ker in this story was diving for lobster when a f**ken hum...

Loose bat on Air India flight forces it to turn around mid-flight

2.43K Views0 Comments

Yeah, nah, nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah, bats, man, they’re bloody cheeky little buggers at the best of times, but no matter how much they’ve made the news lately (rightly or wrongly), it’s a bit of a surprise to see one h...

If a cat is dropped upside down at near-zero gravity, will it fall on its feet?

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When it comes to the really f**ken big questions, there are a few that are real brain-busters. Chief among them is whether or not cats can land on their feet in zero gravity? Yeah, nah, don’t pretend you haven’t wonde...

Tiger strolls streets of Houston – leads to hectic confrontation

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Some people reckon that normal pets like cats, dogs, and goldfish just don’t cut the mustard. Yeah, nah, these thrill-seekers reckon an animal doesn’t make a good pet unless it can rip your f**ken face off. These kind...

80-year-old Ozzie Fisherman trapped on boat with ‘certainly lethal’ tiger snake

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We’re pretty well-known for our snakes here in Ozzy Land, and as plenty will tell you, when it comes to the most venomous snakes in the world, we’ve got our fair share. Up near the top of that list is the bloody tiger...

Massive crocodile comes out of the surf to eat a f@*#en shark

16.54K Views0 Comments

Mate, if there’s one thing you know about Australian waters, it’s probably that the surf’s full of sharks and the rivers are full of bloody crocodiliacs. It makes swimming anywhere a daunting prospect when you’re in t...

S**t escalates quickly when bobcat attacks gun-lovin’ American!

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We say this all the bloody time, but if there’s one reason the internet—and the proliferation of video camera footage—is bloody tops, it’s the fact it captures all the eccentricities of life for everyone to see. Deads...

Bloke discovers mysterious “sheep circle” containing hundreds of sheep

5.42K Views0 Comments

One of our favourite things about the internet is that it really highlights just how quickly stuff can become sensationalised if you don’t have the proper knowledge to understand it. On the flipside, it also shows how...

Taika Waititi and Ricky Gervais take part in creative short-film masterpiece against animal testing

35.61K Views0 Comments

If we can be serious for a minute, we’ve gotta be honest and say that animal-testing is pretty s**t. Yeah, nah, we don’t even reckon that’s a controversial statement. Straight up, animal testing sucks – and that’s why...

This squirrel was photographed showing off his bloody big nuts

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If you’ve ever been presented with the word ‘squirrel’ in a word-association game, your response may well have been ‘nuts’. There’s a reason for that. The two go hand-in-hand, and there’s a long tradition of word-play...

Welcome to the wonderful world of cigarette-smoking crabs

1.31K Views0 Comments

Sometimes, we just don’t know what to tell you. Yeah, nah, usually we can come up with a ridgey-didge bit of blurb to get started on a little story, but today, we’re feeling the pinch and we’re not really sure what to...

Bondi Vet has to remove three teeth from saltwater croc’s mouth

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Mate, if there’s one thing crocodiles are famous for, it’s their bloody teeth. Yeah, nah, the big buggers are well-known for their chompers. There’s a good reason for that. They’re kinda vital for helping ‘em catch th...

20-foot python attacking snake handler attempting to steal her eggs will give ya nightmares

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One of the biggest problems about keeping a massive f**ken python for a pet is the fact that it’s a massive f**ken python and it’s not always gonna be friendly. Nah, yeah, if you do something that gives it the s**ts, ...