Nasa shuts down website right after ‘undeniable proof they are hiding E.T. activity” emerges
100.78K Views0 Comments
In recent years, conspiracy theories have gotten a bit s**t. Yeah, nah, we’re not gonna lie about it. They have, there’s no denying it. Sometimes it almost feels like the traditional conspiracy theory is dead and gone...
Bloody rare gender-neutral bird found in the US
354 Views0 Comments
These days, the term gender neutral is pretty bloody common. Yeah, nah, we live in a woke-as-f**k timeline and that’s bloody awesome. People can be who they feel they are, and that’s fantastic. By the same token, so c...
Bloke had a penis on his arm for six years!
645 Views0 Comments
Before we even begin, we’re gonna stop you right there. The penis on this bloke’s arm was not a tattoo, it was not a drawing, and it was not some sort of weird growth. Yeah, nah, it was a cock. It was a womb broom. It...
Sheila gets stuck behind sofa after boozy brunch
1.68K Views0 Comments
We’ve all got that one mate who just can’t help but make a tit of themselves when they’ve had a few. And, no, we don’t mean that in a derogatory way. We literally mean that we’ve all got a mate who’s a bit of a clutz,...
Mike Tyson beats up ‘annoying’ bloke on flight
495 Views0 Comments
Iron Mike Tyson has had a pretty f**ken remarkable career. From his humble beginnings to his storied stint during the 90s, and his modern role as a businessman and entrepreneur, he’s grown into one of the most easily ...
Machine Gun Kelly covered System of a Down song and the internet is outraged
67.14K Views0 Comments
Look, the headline says plenty, but we’re not quite sure it goes far enough. Judging from the various tweets we’ve seen, the internet is more than outraged. It’s borderline disgusted. It’s offended. It’s f**ken baffle...
Sheila busts boyfriend at strip club, jumps on stage, dumps him, makes $100 in tips
36.89K Views0 Comments
Every now and then the internet gets all excited because of an epic dump. Wait, that sounds wrong. We’re not changing it, though. But, yeah, nah, what we mean is that sometimes the internet loves it when a bloke or sh...
Sheila takes her Mum clubbing after wishing she could relive her youth
16.58K Views0 Comments
For some people, the idea of going clubbing with your parents is bloody abhorrent. Yeah, nah, for some people that s**t sounds terrible. It sounds like their worst nightmare. It sounds like a living hell. And then the...
Sheila horrified after date accidentally sent her text meant for mate
145.55K Views0 Comments
We all know that the world of internet dating is a pretty f**ken sketchy one. Yeah, nah, it doesn’t really come as a surprise when dodgy s**t goes down on it, but you still have to spare a thought for the innocent vic...
Sheila has to tell her late husband’s mistress that he’s kicked the bucket
111.76K Views0 Comments
It’s always good to remember that you should always treat your loved ones with the care and respect you want them to remember you by. After all, you never know when someone’s time is up, and it’d be pretty f**ken awkw...
Bloke builds his own working X-Ray machine after receiving huge f**ken bill!
4.42K Views0 Comments
Clever b**tards. Let’s be honest, we all know at least one or two of these legends, and while they might sometimes drive us crazy with their big words, we’ve gotta be honest. They show us that anything’s possible, and...
This optical illusion confirms whether you’re an optimist or pessimist
28.88K Views0 Comments
Back in the day, humans used to see omens, portents, and symbols in f**ken everything. Deadset, ill-winds, waning moons, a strange birthmark, it didn’t matter what it was, someone out there would see deep meaning in i...
Hectic news report captures live crash while reporting on ‘dangerous’ intersection
28.87K Views0 Comments
These days, there’s a lot of talk about fake news. Yeah, nah, plenty of people reckon that unless they see the s**t live for themselves, they just aren’t going to believe a word of what television news reporters say. ...
NFT collector mistakenly sells $1 million drawing of rock for “nothing”
12.25K Views0 Comments
Whether you like NFTs or not, you can’t deny that some people are making big money on them. Yeah, nah, it’s true, it’s true. While some folks claim that they’re bad for the environment, that they’re a scam, and that t...
Sheila’s ‘UTI’ was actually glass tumbler lodged in bladder for 4 years
65.23K Views0 Comments
As you know, we never kink-shame here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We reckon that you’ve just gotta do you. And sometimes, people take that s**t seriously, which is all good by us. But, we will say that if you are gonna do so...
Photo showing Russian soldiers allegedly trapped in elevator by Ukrainian civilians
1.15K Views0 Comments
As you know, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been the big news lately. In fact, it’s been such big news, that it’s the first war to be given the tag of ‘the TikTok war’. It’s kinda obvious why this has happened, b...
Ukrainians defuse Russian bomb with bottle of water and their bare hands
38.36K Views0 Comments
If one thing has become abundantly clear in recent weeks, it’s that some of the things the Ukrainian citizens have been doing in the wake of the Russian invasion and occupation reveal that they have massive f**ken bal...
Google Street View pics catch Aussie couple having a quick shag on the side of the road
1.64K Views0 Comments
If you’ve ever travelled long distance on Aussie highways, you’ll know that they can be really f**ken long, really f**ken straight, and really f**ken boring. Of course, there’s a tonne of ways to deal with the boredom...
The Iranian Hulk has a new challenger: The Brazilian Hulk!
8.25K Views0 Comments
All right, look, we know we’ve talked about some of these social media fights being all about the gimmick, but if you thought the Iranian Hulk was getting himself into too much bloody drama with Martyn Ford, he’s not ...
Little Ukrainian lass leaves bomb shelter occupants in tears with rendition of “Let It Go”
3.75K Views0 Comments
For all the talk of tanks and bombs and guns and refugees, it’s really easy to overlook the kids who’ve been caught up in the war in Ukraine. Don’t get us wrong, we know that’s a s**t sentiment, but perhaps the footag...