All Wildlife
11-year-old Tassie Sheila rescues stranded shark – with her bare hands
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Here in Australia, we’re pretty proud of national treasures like Steve Irwin and his family. We bloody love the way those legends are warriors for wildlife, and we friggen love it when we see their passion has rubbed ...
Legend from Florida saves drowning puppy from jaws of Alligator
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As you lot know, we are big fans of dogs here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Generally speaking, we’re fans of most animals, and we even tend to love the big reptiles like crocs and alligators. Of course, if we’re forced to cho...
Cat missing for three days returns home with note around his neck
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As you know all too bloody well, we’re big fans of cats here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Don’t get us wrong, we reckon they’re c**ts, but that’s why we love ‘em. These cheeky little pricks just love getting up to mischief. N...
Japanese town erects monster wolves to deter wild bears
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Just to hazard a guess, we reckon that pretty much all of you cheeky buggers in the comments section know what a bloody scarecrow is. After, it’s not exactly a cerebral concept. What might be a bit more niche, though,...
Crazy moment eel says “yeah nah” and escapes bird’s stomach
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F**k yes, Mother nature. F**k yes! There’s an old adage that says real-life is stranger than fiction, and this story’s gonna back that s**t right up (well, all right, just as strange). If you’ve seen aliens, you’ll kn...
Footage captures the moment a humpback whale flips kayakers over
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When it comes to mythological, historical, and classical characters of the sea, one of the ones you don’t wanna emulate is bloody Jonah. Yeah, nah, this silly prick got himself f**ken munched by a bloody whale, and re...
Cow caught casually eating snake in outback Australia
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All right, without banging on about it, 2020’s thrown an awful lot of s**t at us. But, of all the things we’ve seen this year, we reckon no one could have predicted carnivorous cattle. Yeah, nah, we’re not even joking...
Dog communicates through buttons and tells its owner important news
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It’s no secret that we bloody love dogs here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We’re firm believers that the little legends are man’s best friend, and whenever we see or hear about one doing something rad, we’ve gotta share it. Wi...
Vets remove entire bloody blanket from hungry snake’s stomach
11.78K Views0 Comments
We all know that bloody snakes are hungry buggers. Deadset, they don’t even chew their food. They just swallow that s**t whole. Naturally, that can lead to the occasional hiccup. Take the snake in this story for examp...
Bloke finds f**k-off big spider in his earmuffs after feeling a little tickle
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As you know, Ozzy Land doesn’t get to claim all of the world’s scary animals as its own, but when it comes to spiders, we’ve got our fair share. Yeah, nah, again, we might not be the country with the most, but the one...
Unique camera angle shocks internet with how big bloody moose can get
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For all the big bloody animals we’ve covered in recent months, we have to admit that we haven’t really given Moose the credit they deserve. These f**kers are, quite simply, bloody massive. Here’s the thing, though, fo...
These cheeky parrots were relocated after swearing too bloody much
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F**ken parrots. If you’ve got much experience with talking ones, you probably know that they can be real troopers when it comes to swearing. Deadset, the avian b**tards are well-known for turning the air blue. That pr...
Adam Sandler’s Attenborough-like narration of Kevin James in fur suit is bloody gold
24.43K Views0 Comments
We’ve said this on more than one occasion now, but while Adam Sandler isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, there’s a whole generation of people out there who grew up with his movies and comedy stylings as an almost permanent ...
Man dives in to swim with harmless shark, then realises it is a Great White
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Some people in the world are made of different stuff. Deadset, these blokes see things that’d make most of us go ‘yeah, nah,’ and they try to get closer to it. Take the bloke in this video for instance. He sees a shar...
Aussie kid’s encounter with relentless swooping magpie is brutal
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We’ve spoken about this in detail here before on Ozzy Man Reviews, but magpies are f**ken c**ts. Deadset, tourists are scared of our dunny-spiders, snakes, scorpions, sharks, serial killers and saltwater crocodiles, b...
Snake bites a poor dude while he was using the toilet
56.98K Views0 Comments
Right, we’re starting this one off with a bit of a f**ken how-ya-going. Yeah, nah, if you’ve ever said anything bloody dodgy about the land down under because we’re supposed to have redbacks in the dunny, you need to ...
Watch 4.5 metre ‘pi**ed off’ croc scare fisherman by ‘porpoising’
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Whether you reckon it’s deserved or not, you can’t deny that humans are a bit f**ken prejudiced when it comes to wildlife. Yeah, nah, when a dolphin gallivants around in the water and swims alongside a tinnie, everyon...
Great White Shark leaps 5 metres out of the air, highest ever seen
13.66K Views0 Comments
No bulls**t, sharks f**ken terrify us. Don’t get us wrong, they don’t stop us paddling our feet in the water, and we love the big ferocious b**tards, but we firmly understand that the oceans are their f**ken territory...
Two Beluga whales have been caught smiling while being rescued from animal performing show
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Mate, we never get bloody sick of telling you lot exactly how much we love wildlife here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Of course, you’re well aware that we enjoy a well-deserved animal attack video, but there’s nothing we love...
Man plants mystery seeds delivered from China after being warned not to
1.47K Views0 Comments
F**k, if the stories of our childhood taught us anything, it’s that mystery seeds can only lead to geese that lay golden eggs, angry giants falling from the sky and a s**t-tonne of adventure, so we understand why auth...