All Wildlife
Cheeky Sea-Lion chases down speed boat to steal ALL the fish
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As you’re all too bloody aware, we love our wild critters here at Ozzy Man Reviews. And, deadset, we really love it when they’ve got personality. That always comes out best when they’re interacting with us humans, and...
Cheeky croc steals shark off fisherman’s line in Western Australia
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Mate, we know we talk a lot about Australia being the land of the predator and make plenty of quips about the food chain and the fact that crocs are the big dogs at the top if it, but this little bit of drama backs th...
Knife-wielding rooster sends owner to Destination F@*#ed trying to escape cockfight
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To be honest, we really kinda want to be tactful here with this story, but we’re struggling. After all, we’re all about love for our fellow man and compassion for the victims of tragic circumstances. On the other side...
Escaped sheep rescued from 35kg fleece
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Mate, when it comes to sheep, there’s really not much funnier than finding one that’s gone a little too long without a good trim. Yeah, nah, the hipster look is in right now, but when sheep get a bit too shaggy, they’...
Steve Irwin’s son is now a nature photographer and just won an award for his photo of raging bushfire
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As you know, we’re big bloody fans of the Irwin clan here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and we reckon that big Steve would be bloody stoked with the work his kids are doing to make the world a better place for wildlife everywh...
Footage captured of deer wearing another deer’s skull
8.02K Views0 Comments
In the world of animal battles, there are very few creatures that can demonstrate the same kind of majestic spectacle that two buck deer can generate when they draw a line in the snow and f**ken have at it. Don’t get ...
“He had puncture marks on his head”: Bloke escapes jaws of crocodile
10.79K Views0 Comments
Mate, if you’ve been thinking it’s been a little while since we talked about crocodiliacs here at Ozzy Man Reviews, you’d better bloody brace yourself because we’re f**ken bringing ‘em back! Yeah yeah nah nah, in case...
Stranded Orca Killer Whale rescued from beach
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Imagine walking along the bloody beach and finding a f**ken killer whale stranded there on the sand. Unfortunately, this s**t isn’t hypothetical for the blokes and sheilas who call the Scottish island of Orkney home. ...
Close call when owners rescue 9-week-old puppy from carpet python
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Yeah, f**ken hell, when we first became alert to this one we thought yeah, nah, nahnahnahnahnahnahnahanah. Deadset, even as we were watching it, we were kinda thinking the same. Fortunately, it all turns out all right...
Golden Retriever fetches stick on icy road – the results are good value
5.80K Views0 Comments
There’s probably never a bad time to share awesome footage of awesome dogs. Yeah, nah, we dunno about you, but we reckon we’d never knock back that as an option. So really, that’s what brings us to this moment. When w...
The bloke with the massive huntsman reveals why he is still living with it
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If you cast your minds back to about a month ago, you might remember the piece we had on here that showed the massive f**ken huntsman living in an Ozzy bloke’s loungeroom. At the time, Cairns local Jake Gray had just ...
Moment bloody swole kangaroo flexes and stares down annoying barking dog
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By this stage, we reckon you big bloody bewdiful legends are pretty f**ken knowledgeable about kangaroos and the fact they can be built like brick s**thouses. If you’re not, you should be, but just in case, give this ...
Have a bloody gander at the never-before-seen orgies of shipworms
5.89K Views0 Comments
Rule 34. We’re going to assume that most of you know what this one is, but just in case you don't, it suggests that if you can think of a concept, the internet has p*rn for it. In this case, those of you who were curi...
Hospital hires cat as security guard and even gives it a bloody staff ID
5.46K Views0 Comments
When you think of animals that can provide a proper security service, cats aren’t necessarily the first animal that comes to mind. Yeah, nah, dogs have got that s**t locked down, but anyone who’s got a good cat – as o...
“Thought it was hairy caterpillars at first. Haven’t used my car for a week”
21.15K Views0 Comments
Look, we’re not gonna give you the spiel about spiders and Australia in detail right now because we feel like we’ve done it only recently, but it’s fair to say we’ve got some pretty f**ken big spiders here down under....
Sheila attacked by kangaroo for wearing Sarah Jessica Parker perfume
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We know you’re looking at that headline and thinking ‘crikey, fellas, that seems a touch overblown’ and maybe it is, but if you ask the Aussie sheila who was savagely assaulted by an irate kangaroo how it happened, sh...
Huge 4m alligator says “yeah nah” and steals duck from hunters
8.44K Views0 Comments
We’ve mentioned on here before that hunting’s one of those funny pastimes that can veer between right and wrong. Yeah, nah, sometimes it's a 'completely acceptable method of gathering your own food for completely acce...
Aussie bloke’s been living with this humongous spider for the last year
18.34K Views0 Comments
Just the mere mention of spiders is enough to get some of you lot in the comments section s**tting broken glass. Deadset, they’re a pretty common fear for millions of people, and that poses an issue for us here in Str...
The moment a bull shark comes face to face with a croc in Oz
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Yeah, nah, it’s been a while since we had a croc story on these fair pages. Obviously, we had the alligator recently, but as cool as those buggers are, they’ve got nothing on our favourite crocodiliacs, the salties. A...
Facebook user shares some of the most incredible tree photos from across the globe
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We see them everywhere: on the sides of roads, in the forests, in the bushlands, parks, and nature-strips, but we don’t always really appreciate just how awesome they are. We’re talking, of course, about trees. Yeah, ...