Massive f**ken TikTok snake shocks the Internet

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We don’t reckon we’re blowing any minds with the news that some snakes get really f**ken big, but we do have to wonder how many people are aware of just how f**ken big some snakes can get. Don’t get us wrong, we’re no...

North Korea’s latest martial arts display is a bit f@#*en intense

10.99K Views0 Comments

When it comes to crazy communist countries that need no introduction whatsoever, North Korea has gotta be one of the first that comes to mind. Deadset, when it comes to bats**t crazy despotic regimes, they’re the litt...

When Russian synthol user Popeye tried his hand at MMA

887 Views0 Comments

Man, as you know, every now and then, s**t from the past seems to come looping back on the internet. Most of the time, you can go, ‘ah, yeah, seen it,’ and move on. Sometimes, though, it really does ring a bell and ma...

Bloke’s office lunch gets stolen at work, left stunned after viewing the security cameras

50.38K Views0 Comments

Workplaces are funny bloody things. You’ve got all the drama of reality television, all the intrigue of a mystery novel, and all the potential violence of a Tarantino flick wrapped in a tight little ball of anxiety, i...

Scientists dropped dead alligators to ocean floor and discovered a new bone-eating creature

110.80K Views0 Comments

A fairly frequent theme on this website is the idea that we have no f**ken clue what’s really lurking at the bottom of the ocean. Still, that’s probably why scientists are always trying to explore the place and figure...

Scientists have detected 1652 radio signals from an unknown source in space

444 Views0 Comments

You know, now that we think about it, we really don’t talk about space enough here at Ozzy man Reviews. Nah, we hardly mention it at all. Maybe that’s because there’s just so much cool s**t here on Earth, or maybe it’...

Scientists have come up with a simple experiment to test whether we’re living in a simulation

9.31K Views0 Comments

From the Truman Show to the Matrix, popular culture has always loved the idea that our reality might not be everything it seems. Yeah, nah, if you’re familiar with either of those, you’ll know that they’re all about p...

Bloke who married rice cooker gets divorce 4 days later

9.62K Views0 Comments

There’s a reason there are seventy-billion songs, novels, movies and poems about how bloody tough love is. Deadset, while it can be a tremendous thing when you’re in it, being out of it can be a real kick in the d-ck ...

Dog casually throws up adult toy while at the Vet

3.91K Views0 Comments

Bloody dogs are quite obviously man’s best friend, and you lot know we love ‘em to bits, but we’d be lying if we said that from time to time they’re not cheeky c**ts. Sure, they’re not as bad as bloody cats, but anyon...

The normal Aussie foods that the rest of the world finds bizarre

5.45K Views0 Comments

All right, while we’re not really the angry sort here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we do occasionally find ourselves backed into a corner. Yeah, nah, sometimes people take umbrage with things we know and love, and when that h...

Bloke can’t stop laughing after chick who rear-ended him in her car tries to blame him

391 Views0 Comments

As you’re probably all too aware, we genuinely try to give the benefit of the doubt here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We do. We reckon that everyone has s**t going on that you might not know about and ridiculing people on the...

“Missing” drunk bloke spent hours helping a search party look for himself

54.33K Views0 Comments

In the history of all-time greatest drunken blunders, this one has got to be right up there. Don’t get us wrong, this isn’t one of those stories about the time your mate got so drunk he passed out in the gutter and sh...

Costa Coffee cancels “flick the bean” promo

587 Views0 Comments

‘Sex sells’ is probably one of the most famous concepts in all of marketing. And there’s obviously a reason for that. When used correctly, appeals to emotions and human urges can be pretty persuasive. Of course, the s...

Rare condition causes bloke to poo from his penis and ejaculate semen from his butt

532 Views0 Comments

Obviously, illnesses and ailments come in all shapes and forms, but sometimes even we’re a bit surprised by the specific nature of some of them. Take for example the affliction in today’s story: a mix-up between the t...

Contractor sledgehammers construction and claims customer refuses to pay

321 Views0 Comments

These bloody videos of tradies and builders smashing s**t up after the customer ‘refuses’ to pay seem to be pretty bloody popular at the moment, and that’s why we’re not surprised we’ve got another one for you here. A...

TV Presenter taken out and dragged to the ground by guide dog on live TV

18.16K Views0 Comments

We like to think we are people of the people here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Deadset, that’s why we – like you – reckon dogs are f**ken awesome. Deadset, these intelligent and noble creatures can rescue people from avalanch...

US Bloke arrested for repeatedly calling cops to say he was “tired”

361 Views0 Comments

If you’re anything like us, you probably remember being told as a kid that you should never call emergency services unless there’s a real emergency. You might also remember a very pissed-off fire-fighter scaring the s...

US Mum loses her s**t over school book with sexual details she “had to Google”

86.55K Views0 Comments

If you ever actually read the books you were told to at school, you’ll know that not all of them are the sweet and cuddly kind that you might expect. Yeah, nah, the kinda literature doing the rounds in school curricul...

Teen gets USB cable stuck in urethra

498 Views0 Comments

Let’s start this one with a f**ken trigger warning. It’s f**ked. You’ll know from the headline whether it’s your kinda read or not, so let’s get to it. A 15-year-old Pommy kid has ended up in hospital after a bedroom ...

Barber cuts hair while ‘fishing’ at the beach to flout lockdown laws

332 Views0 Comments

As you’re no doubt aware, more than a few blokes and sheilas in lockdown-affected areas of the world are looking a bit bloody shaggy. Yeah, nah, there’s bloody plenty of dodgy home-cut mullets doing the rounds right n...