All Crikey!

NFL Correspondent busted her ex cheating thanks to his Fitbit

19.52K Views0 Comments

We all know the long-running joke about Fitbit numbers rapidly spiking thanks to the wearer enjoying a quick one off the wrist, but it seems like they’re actually pretty effective when it comes to catching your signif...

F*@#en wanker swan lays the smack down on dog going for a swim

14.72K Views0 Comments

Look, straight up, we all know geese are f**ken b**tards sent from the depths of hell to frighten and injure anyone who comes too close. What you might not know – we bloody didn’t – is that friggen swans can be total ...

Bloke ‘outraged’ after finding swear word printed on his KFC gravy

23.55K Views0 Comments

As you know, here in Ozzyland, we bloody love a good swear. Honestly, when you see your mate at work, the first thing you might do is call him a d**khead or a big f**kwit or a bloody wanker. It really is, quite litera...

Gender neutral bird stuns bird experts!

1.83K Views0 Comments

Look, we don’t want to make this all political, and we know that the phrase ‘gender neutral’ can often spark an online war of words that makes a comments section a hostile and angry place, but this bird is bound to be...

This bloke created a smoke breathing Godzilla Christmas tree

16.85K Views0 Comments

Now that December’s well and truly here and everyone should have their Christmas tree up, we’re gonna give you a squiz at the tree we reckon might just be the king of them all. We give you, Tree-f**ken-zilla! Have a b...

This local fisherman went viral after discovering a $20 note inside fish

16.47K Views0 Comments

We’re pretty sure that plenty of you blokes and blokettes out there in the comments section are keen as mustard when it comes to fishing. We’re betting you’ve got secret spots, lucky charms and even a few tall tales, ...

Rare photos reveal a colony of bigass spiders Australia has to deal with

29.47K Views0 Comments

That old chestnut about Ozzyland being a place that’s f**ken chockers with deadly – or at the very least, scary – critters just keeps popping up on this website. To be honest, that’s because although our bewdiful isla...

‘Starving artist’ plucks $120,000 banana from Art Basel gallery and eats it

9.02K Views0 Comments

We’re gonna have to be honest with you here. We’re not exactly art aficionados here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Don’t get us wrong, we know we can look at something and decide whether we like it or not, but when it comes to ...

Video of Boy with Down Syndrome comforting his Autistic Friend viewed millions of times

3.85K Views0 Comments

Life can be a bloody bitch sometimes. Deadset, we’ve all had days where we just wanna cry our eyes out, assume the foetal position and scream, or just have a grand old whinge, and you know what, there’s f**k-all wrong...

You can now buy Avatar and Total Recall inspired adult robots

14.75K Views0 Comments

In a move that’s probably a surprise to no one, it seems like the nerdlingers and sci-fi junkies have been among the first to really grasp the idea of the much vaunted "adult" bot. In saying that, we don’t mean to ste...

Doctors replace bloke’s lopped-off thumb with his toe!

14.12K Views0 Comments

We all know that opposable thumbs are what separate us from the monkeys. Deadset, if you lose a thumb, you’re bloody buggered. Fortunately, doctors have a pretty handy solution for this problem. As Aiden Adkins from M...

Some bloody clever Doctors have discovered way bring dead heart back to life

811 Views0 Comments

Our typical understanding of life and death usually centres around ideas like ‘dead is dead’, ‘there ain’t no coming back, man’ or ‘sometimes dead is better’, but in a massive kick to the balls of pop-culture clichés,...

Bloke has eel removed from ‘nether regions’ after prank goes wrong

827 Views0 Comments

Yeah, look, we’re gonna let this be known. This one’s pretty gross, so if you’re squeamish, consider yourself warned. So, if you’re anything like us, you hear the phrase ‘you’ll not believe where this was found’ and y...

GoPro catches moment shark knocks 7-year-old boy from his surfboard

1.16K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we’ve got a lot of respect for the surfers out there. You blokes and sheilas have got balls of steel and lips of iron. Deadset, you hit up the water on even the coldest days, but that’s not a...

This sheila flipped out after her butt implants rotated inside her

94.03K Views0 Comments

We’re gonna go out on a limb and guess that there are more than a few ass-men and ass-women in the comments section of this fine site. After all, it’s not exactly like people the world over don’t love a nice ass. Whic...

This Comedian asked for audience participation, he wasn’t ready for the response

859 Views0 Comments

There’s something about watching a comedian perform audience work in a live gig that’s just special. We reckon a big reason for that is the total unpredictability of it. One minute, everything might be going completel...

Scientists are stunned by this perfectly preserved 18,000 year-old animal

6.72K Views0 Comments

Everyone knows that bloody doggos originally evolved when ancient humans domesticated wolves. While we’re not actually a hundred per cent sure it’s as cut and dry as that, we’re gonna make out like it is and just move...

Doctor’s issue a warning against this new ‘bum-sunning’ craze

40.88K Views0 Comments

You might remember the sheila who was promoting the idea of bum-sunning on the internet the other day. If you don’t, Metaphysical Megan is her name and this cheeky lass jumped online to tell the hole world that exposi...

Bloke falls to Destination F**ked after married woman’s husband came home

957 Views0 Comments

If you’re the kind of bloke who’s going to get it off with someone else’s wife, you kind of have to be prepared for bad things to happen. Don’t get us wrong, we get it, and sometimes the heart wants what the heart wan...

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Reunites with Elliott 37 Years Later

5.79K Views0 Comments

It’s no exaggeration to say that E.T. is one of the most memorable movies ever made. Honestly, it’s a bloody classic, and thankfully, it’s one that no bloody lunatic Hollywood producer has tried to sully with a dodgy ...