Bloke falls to Destination F**ked after married woman’s husband came home

Credit: Twitter/Rex Chapman

Bloke falls to Destination F**ked after married woman’s husband came home

If you’re the kind of bloke who’s going to get it off with someone else’s wife, you kind of have to be prepared for bad things to happen. Don’t get us wrong, we get it, and sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants, but if you’re going to do it, you need an exit plan – and preferably one that doesn’t involve a massive swan-dive. Check this video out to see what happens when you’ve got a really dodgy escape route…

So, we’ll get the disclaimer out of the way before we get going: we’re basing this story on hearsay and speculation, so it could be all bulls**t. Still, though, at times like this, you’ve just gotta take a page out of Chopper Reid’s book and unleash the old ‘don’t let the truth get in the way of a good yarn’ chestnut. So, without further ado…

Credit: Twitter/Rex Chapman

When this video opens, you’ve got a bloke hanging from the ledge of a window and he is f**ken starkers. Deadset, he’s as naked as the day he was born. Completely. In. The. Buff.

And that should tell you why the internet immediately decided that this video – which seems to be from China – tells the tragic tale of a man who had to quickly escape from a randy bit of business when the sheila he was bonking’s husband came home.

Credit: Twitter/Rex Chapman

Now, anyone with a discerning eye can see there’s a f**ken huge problem with his escape route. In short, it’s f**ken rubbish. He’s got one foot on a bit of downpipe and one on what we think might be a power-cable. We could be wrong there; it could be something else, but whatever. It’s precarious as f**k.

In no time flat, he’s f**ken plummeting. Honestly, it’s a great impression of a lead weight or a bloody lemming, but he’s not gonna get the call from the Avengers anytime soon if his Peter Parker impersonation is anything to go by.

Credit: Twitter/Rex Chapman

He does some flippy-spinny s**t on the way down, collects himself on some air-conditioning units and f**ken crashes into a bin. Seriously, that had to f**ken hurt. Still, it looks like he got away with it, so you know, he’s all good, mate.

Credit: Twitter/Rex Chapman

Final thought: This one’s obviously a pretty f**ken hectic video, but if the speculation is correct, you’ve gotta wonder what the f**k he was thinking. Surely, no beating is going to be as bad as a fall like that. Fark!

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Best Thanksgiving Fail

Video Link: Rex Chapman