Sheila is called out by car dealership after leaving her sex toy in car

147.06K Views0 Comments

From time to time, we all embarrass ourselves and that’s okay. We’re only human and we can’t all be perfect. We have flaws and as a result of that, we all do things we later regret. Still, while we know that more than...

Police release dashcam footage of T-Rex running down the street

8.55K Views0 Comments

It’s no secret that the boys and girls in blue see tonnes of strange sights while they’re patrolling the streets and keeping us all safe from criminals. Still, a video released by Plymouth Police in Pommyland reveals ...

Baby born at 7:11 on 7/11 just scored college fund from 7-Eleven

602 Views0 Comments

We’re gonna be bloody honest with you here; when we first saw this headline, we thought it was a crock of s**t and nearly dismissed it. But, after about five minutes of googling, we’ve decided to run with it anyway. A...

Amazing Russian dog leaps off train and travels 200km back towards owner who rejected her

925 Views0 Comments

All right, straight up and completely without bullshit, this isn’t the happiest story in the world. Don’t get us wrong, it’s not like a movie about a dog where the dog cark its or anything, but there’s still an underl...

This sheila live-streams moment she tracked down thieves who stole her car

2.51K Views0 Comments

Some pricks would steal the eye off your dick and tell you that it looked better without it. It’s a shame, but it’s true. Deadset, these scumbags’ll flog bloody anything. As you may be aware, when someone does steal y...

Tennessee Police warn the public about ‘Meth Gators’

32.42K Views0 Comments

In the world of man-made monsters, there are plenty of psychotic bio-engineered animals that are only too happy to rip your guts out, eat your face and turn you into a steaming pile of monster turds. Fortunately, most...

Elon Musk reveals his plan to ‘merge’ human brains with AI

4.67K Views0 Comments

We know you blokes are all over Elon Musk. After all, the bong-smoking memelord and technological visionary isn’t exactly media-shy or short of a far-out way to make science-fiction reality, but while we’re still tryi...

Bloke tries to smuggle drugs under his wig

5.65K Views0 Comments

If you’re the kind of bloke or blokette who’s a little bit into drugs, you should probably rethink that. We all know that sometimes it seems like everyone’s doing it, but the reality is, even if you don’t do yourself ...

UV light shows just how messy a standing pee is

24.11K Views0 Comments

One of the greatest things about being a male is the ability to take a leak standing up and then shake it off when you’re done. It might seem minor, but it truly is a blessing. It adds unbridled freedom to life. Need ...

Bloke gets stabbed in the guts but still manages to knock out his attacker

2.56K Views0 Comments

Have we told you blokes lately that we bloody love Russians? We do, you know. We friggen love ‘em. They are the internet’s go-to crazy bastards. The wild card. The bloody surprise package – and seriously, if there’s o...

Bloke goes blind in one eye from showering with contact lenses in

15.23K Views0 Comments

As young blokes, pretty much all of us are warned that we’ll send ourselves blind at one point or another. The reasons for that tend to vary, but most of the time, we’re also told that we’ll also earn ourselves hairy ...

Steve-O completed the bottle-cap challenge in the most Steve-O way possible

20.33K Views0 Comments

You’d better friggen believe we’re still going strong with the bottle-cap challenge here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We are committed to bringing you blokes and blokettes the biggest breaking news, and let’s be bloody honest...

Innocent nan puts on ‘thermal socks’ – not realising they’re for something else

63.65K Views0 Comments

After a quick survey, we’re pretty sure that most people know that ‘odd socks are cock socks’. It’s an old adage that’s stood the test of time. And there’s a reason for that. There’s a shape there. That’s all we’re go...

Crim’s massive fart alerts police to his hiding spot leading to arrest

6.91K Views0 Comments

Mate, if you’re not familiar with the trope of sneezing while you’re trying to hide, you’ve clearly missed out on some quality viewing in your life. After all, it’s right up there with the best of the old chestnuts th...

7.1 magnitude earthquake hits during sheila’s make-up video blog

67.40K Views0 Comments

Every now and then, the team at Ozzy Man Reviews goes through Ozzy’s video submission zone and has a squiz at some of the gold on offer. We can usually count on finding something rad in there, but on rare occasions, w...

Bieber calls out Tom Cruise again, this time for the Bottle-Cap Challenge

15.07K Views0 Comments

In lieu of recent events with Justin Bieber developing some sort of weird beef with Tom Cruise, we’ve come to the conclusion that he’s just one of those young blokes who talks copious amounts of shite. To be honest, w...

Nurses ‘off their faces’ after Granddad brings cannabis infused cake into hospital

17.82K Views0 Comments

We’re not sure whether it’s all the dodgy movies we watched as kids, but we’re always gonna find something funny about unsuspecting people mistakenly eating weed-laced edibles. As you can tell from the title of this s...

This bloke found a creature that looks like an alien on his ceiling

28.15K Views0 Comments

The internet’s the kinda place where people can spend their whole life looking at cute pictures of adorable puppies and gorgeous kittens. The kind of place where it’s easy to forget that Mother Nature loves a bloody u...

The Blue Bell Ice Cream licker has got the entire internet fuming

13.34K Views0 Comments

There are some things in life you just don’t do. Well, some things in life that regular folks don’t do. Obviously, you’ve got all your major crimes in there, but we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about the g...

Photos show freak hailstorm during summer with 5ft of ice on Mexican roads

4.47K Views0 Comments

If the weather can be a but unpredictable where you are, you’ll know that it can be pretty bloody annoying when you’ve dressed for cool weather and the sun comes out to toast your bollingbrooks. On the flip-side, you’...