All Crikey!
Giant snake is caught on video ringing a doorbell
7.15K Views0 Comments
We all know that it’s just bad form to rock up at someone’s house unannounced in this day and age, and to be quite honest, we reckon that’s fair enough. Given the propensity of mobile phones, messenger apps and social...
The Blue Bell Ice Cream licker has got the entire internet fuming
13.33K Views0 Comments
There are some things in life you just don’t do. Well, some things in life that regular folks don’t do. Obviously, you’ve got all your major crimes in there, but we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about the g...
Photos show freak hailstorm during summer with 5ft of ice on Mexican roads
4.47K Views0 Comments
If the weather can be a but unpredictable where you are, you’ll know that it can be pretty bloody annoying when you’ve dressed for cool weather and the sun comes out to toast your bollingbrooks. On the flip-side, you’...
Thieves grow a conscience and return stolen goods to kid with brain injury
796 Views0 Comments
Unfortunately, it seems like we’re seeing more and more stories about people having deliveries stolen from their porches. Obviously, in the age of internet shopping and Amazon, low-lives and junkies everywhere have de...
Check out this bloke’s expert-level rock-skipping technique
13.74K Views0 Comments
For all the high-tech gaming devices, HD television, electronic toys and augmented reality gadgets we have available to us these days, there’s still an awful lot to be said for the classics. Seriously, we’ll probably ...
Shark tries to attack dog on beach, gets ass kicked by a pack of other dogs
30.07K Views0 Comments
We’ve spoken in the past on this site about some of nature’s natural enemies. There are cats versus birds, cats versus fish, cats versus mice; and, to be honest cats versus pretty much anyone – including dogs. Obvious...
Asteroid filled with gold could make everyone on earth a bloody billionaire
11.80K Views0 Comments
If you haven’t realised that we’re already living in a beautifully dystopian science-fiction future by now, you really haven’t been paying attention. We’ve got bloody moguls running the free world, technology governin...
Rugby bloke slaps dislocated knee back into place, carries on playing
26.29K Views0 Comments
Pain. Depending on your personality, it might be the kind of thing that’s bloody debilitating. You might be the sort of bloke who gets a splinter in his finger and needs a day off work, and that’s okay. After all, we’...
Stork flies 13,000kms every year to reunite with his wounded soulmate
619 Views0 Comments
As a young bloke, you may well have been big into wildlife. You might have had all sorts of encyclopaedias and you might have watched every single David Attenborough documentary that appeared on the television. But, w...
Blokes car was so messy he couldn’t reach the handbrake and crashed
1.61K Views0 Comments
There’s not one of us who doesn’t have a mate with a car that looks like a bloody tip. Honestly, that bloke might even be you. Still, even if you are a bit of a grub when it comes to keeping your car spick n span, you...
Japan has just perfected the toaster and it’s price reflects that
1.35K Views0 Comments
If you’ve spent any time at all with us here at Ozzy man Reviews, you’re no doubt aware that we love the bloody Japanese almost as much as we love the Russians. Don’t get us wrong, they’re nothing alike, and we love ‘...
‘It kept me to eat later’: Claims Russian rescued after spending a month inside a bear den
165.39K Views0 Comments
When it comes to crazy bear stories, you really can’t discount Russia. Seriously, for a minute there, we were starting to think those bloody legends had exhausted their supply of ursine insanity for the year. Obviousl...
Reliving the Muay Thai fighter who had his head caved in by a ‘hellbow’
23.03K Views0 Comments
Following on from MMA’s recent bunghole-kick debacle, we were wondering what could be worse than a toe to the phu-phu-valve when we remembered this bloody doozy. From memory, we were talking about the rules of MMA and...
Kids from different parts of the world photographed with what foods they eat in a week
1.18K Views0 Comments
We all know that what you eat is pretty bloody important. And, to be fair, we all probably know that healthy eating habits start when you’re young. Don’t get us wrong, we know that tastes evolve and loads of you bloke...
Bloke in MMA fight gets penalized for illegal ‘butthole’ kick
19.29K Views0 Comments
You know, to those of you who don’t really follow the sport, MMA can look like a complete no-holds-barred free-for-all. And, to be fair, we get that. The sport pits competitors against each other in gladiatorial comba...
Super Mum leaps to save son from falling through railings on fourth-floor balcony
23.39K Views0 Comments
With the FIFA Women’s World Cup currently underway, you’ve probably seen a few comments on the internet critiquing the quality of the goalkeeping. Some people have gone so far as to suggest that the fairer gender just...
This turtle lost both his back legs so vets got creative
2.99K Views0 Comments
We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. It’s a bloody classic that’s been around since the days of Aesop, and that dude was kicking around Greece five to six hundred years B.C. Well, while the tortoise in ...
Deep sea explorers capture rare footage of a 12-foot giant squid
9.70K Views0 Comments
As far as ‘mythical’ beasts go, the bloody kraken is one that’s definitely held our attention for a long time. For bloody centuries, we’ve known they’re down there in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean, but unti...
This artist has been accused of faking her paintings by internet detectives
15.79K Views0 Comments
If you’ve been lurking on the internet for a while, you’re pretty au fait with the idea that it constantly throws up ethical conundrums, moral dilemmas and baffling arguments. And, you know, we don’t really think ther...
This bloke’s built his wife a ridgey-didge tiki garden
10.35K Views0 Comments
Rightio, blokes, it seems that a challenge has been laid down. Deadset, if you’ve been slacking off on spoiling the missus, you might not want her to see this bonza bloody tiki garden a Pommy bloke has built for the w...