Credit: Sergio Moreira
Thieves grow a conscience and return stolen goods to kid with brain injury
Unfortunately, it seems like we’re seeing more and more stories about people having deliveries stolen from their porches. Obviously, in the age of internet shopping and Amazon, low-lives and junkies everywhere have decided it’s an easy, ‘safe’ and faceless way to rip people off. Just recently, when it happened to a young bloke waiting for brain surgery, the media outcry worked and shamed the ‘porch pirates’ into returning the goods with an apology letter.

Credit: Ring.com
Now, you know we like to give everyone a fair stroke of the stoker here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and we’re aware that there’s a cynical way to look at this story. We’re not gonna go that way, though. Despite their intentions, and questions about the thieves motives in returning the belongings, we’re gonna take ‘em at face value. After all, everyone loves a redemption story.

Credit: Ring.com
So, let’s get to business. A little dude from Delaware, Timmy Vick, was expecting a delivery of replica WWE belts. Timmy’s currently waiting to go into surgery for a brain tumour and his belts give him a little bit of solace.
That’s why Sergio Moreira, a wrestling belt artist who specialises in refurbishing replica belts, sent Timmy a package of fully sick belts. Moreira says, “I told him to just pay shipping and I would take care of the rest. I felt like it was the right thing to do for Timmy and his family. They have been through so much.” It was these belts that got flogged.

Credit: Sergio Moreira
Timmy was ringside at WWE Raw when the porch pirates struck. Footage of the thieves making off with the package was shared on the news. Moreira, outraged, told KIRO7, “I want them to know they took hope from a 5-year-old boy who is looking forward to that item coming back to him. You stole that from him. You broke a child’s heart.”
And, guess what, it bloody worked. Ashamed with themselves, the thieves wrote an apology letter and returned the stolen goods. One part of the letter reads:
“We are so sorry for taking your stuff. Never in a million years would I have expected I would have stolen from a sick five year old. I have a 6 year old myself and am ashamed of what I did. We never wanted to steal a child’s hope. After seeing ourselves looking like low lives on the news, we have both decided to get clean and sober.”

Credit: Sergio Moreira
Final thought: Obviously, you can question whether or not these girls were just trying to avoid some jail-time, but if this the scare they’ve needed to set themselves straight, that’s a bloody good thing. More importantly, though, little Timmy’s got his belts to help him through a tough time. From all of us here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we wish you the best of luck, little dude. We hope you dropkick that brain tumour in the dick and give it the elbow from the top turnbuckle.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Tom Holland interview & Guess the Ozzy Slang