All Wildlife
Today’s Google Doodle pays tribute to the late Steve Irwin on 57th Birthday
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Today would’ve been Steve Irwin’s 57th birthday. He was a bloody phenomenal ambassador for all things wildlife, for our awesome country and just a great f**ken bloke. Steve Irwin became a household name through va...
The terrifying moment a 5 metre Great White Shark lunges out of the water
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Let’s talk f**ken sharks for a moment. Everyone knows what they are and just how badly they can f**k you up, but despite our love of wildlife, we don’t talk enough about the b**tards on this website. Having said that,...
Bloody legend photographer catches rare black leopard in Africa for the first time in almost a century
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As you know, we love to give a little shout-out to Steve ‘bloody legend’ Irwin whenever we share another animal story with you, so upon news that a black leopard has been photographed in Africa for the first time in a...
BLOODY RUN! State of emergency declared after 50 polar bears invade Russian town!
1.48K Views0 Comments
F**K YES! We bloody love Russian stories here at Ozzyman Reviews. Deadset, we love to read ‘em, watch ‘em and listen to ‘em while drinking vodka and laughing to ourselves about those crazy Russians and their antics. P...
Relative of the Redback and Black Widow spiders found and it’s the largest of them all!
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We seem to speak about spiders a fair bit here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We won’t apologise for that. They’re pretty bloody spectacular creatures and they’re cool as f**k. So when there’s a new species discovered, we need ...
The Internet freaked out when they realised ‘Mega Bats’ are a thing
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So it turns out that some things we take for granted here in Ozzyland are apparently big f**ken news to the internet. To be honest, we’re not sure why that is. It’s not like we’re hidden right away in some little corn...
There’s a bloody snake that has a fake spider-tail to ambush birds
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As you’re no doubt aware, we bloody well love wildlife here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We reckon that if we can channel even a tenth of the love and passion Steve 'bloody legend' Irwin had for all critters great and sma...
Video footage captured in Brazil shows it’s f*cken raining spiders
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These days, you’ll hear plenty of people talk sh*t about the coming end times. With all the earthquakes, tidal waves, strange creatures washing up on beaches, and existence of a president like Donald Trump, you could ...
Poor bastard discovers a sh*tload of cockroaches in old phone
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If you think you’ve heard things scuttling inside your appliances, scratching inside your walls and scurrying underneath your floorboards, but haven’t been able to locate the b*stard critters responsible, you might ju...
Pervy giraffes watch on as three cheetas do the dirty
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The world of sex and sexual kinks really does take all sorts and in 2019, society’s a pretty liberal place. The thing is, it’s not only people who have their kinks, fetishes and preferences; in some cases, animals can...
Weird alien looking creature washed up on Ozzy beach
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There's a pretty f**ken unanimous consent that we know f**k-all about the ocean and all of its denizens, but if there’s one thing we do know for sure, it’s that there are tonnes of scary little c**ts off the coast of ...
Spiders could eat the entire human race in a year if they wanted
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F**ken spiders. They’re practically perfectly evolved killing machines. Whether they’re those little jumpy c**ts, the ones with the f**ken bolas, the fast-running little b*stards or the ones that hide underneath the d...
Fisherman jumps on entangled whale’s back, cuts it free
11.92K Views0 Comments
F**ken right on, blokes and blokettes, you read that sh*t right. Get ready to stand up, clap out a round of applause, shout a fella a beer and make a toast to his heroic arse. Deadset, some blokes are born heroes, and...
Roger the Kangaroo dies aged 12
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It’s a bloody sad day here in Ozzyland. One of our most beloved roos, Roger the Hench Kangaroo, who was known to love crushing metal buckets, has finally kicked one. Yep, the buff red kangaroo who took the world by st...
Man discovers a family of mice living in his backyard, builds them an epic village
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Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we’re not fooling anyone. All of you big cuddly b*stards know we really like our wildlife. On top of that, if you know us, you’ll know we don’t discriminate between Ozzy wildlife and the wild...
F**k off big cow is too big to be slaughtered
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The list of things the average bloke or blokette needs to know about cows, cattle and bulls is pretty f**ken simple: they taste great, they piss milk, they hate little Spanish c**ts with red flags and swords, their be...
Legendary firefighter rescues cat from US wildfire, now she won’t leave him alone
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It’s pretty f**ken hard to find positive news stories in the wake of the fires that have torn through California in recent weeks. Having been racked by nasty-as-f**k fires ourselves on more than a few occasions, it’s ...
Steve Irwin’s son Bob is an award winning photographer
19.60K Views0 Comments
Make no mistake about it, ya big bloody dickheads. We f**ken love Steve Irwin here at Ozzy Man Reviews, not only because the bloody legend was local, but because he was, without a doubt, the king of the top f**ken blo...
Group of bears f**ken destroy a wolf in Dutch zoo
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In the world of majestic-as-f**k predatory animals that feature heavily on tie-dyed t-shirts and dream catchers, there can only be one true king of the jungle. And today’s video, if you’ve got the f**ken stomach for i...
Ridiculous family calls the cops on whales while sailing
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Yeah, nah, I’m not sh**ting ya here, but until recently we weren’t actually certain these apparent ‘white people call cops on black people’ videos were real. Before you get your knickers in a twist about that, we know...