All Wildlife
Puffer fish destroys anyone in his f*cken way
30.60K Views0 Comments
Ooooohhh yyyeeeaaahhh!!!! It’s bloody fight time. Invite your mates over, crank up your f**ken Survivor album, knock back a couple of tinnies, and enjoy the latest and greatest animal battle. Today, we’re leaving the ...
Seal slaps the f*cken shit out of noisy kayaker with an octopus
45.40K Views0 Comments
Yeah, we know that sounds like the set up to a punchline, and we promise that if it were it’d be a real kneeslapper. A proper hit with the ladies! And er, yeah, I’m done now. Three puns before we’ve even hit the artic...
Scientists gave MDMA to octopuses – here’s what happened
13.08K Views0 Comments
F**ken octopuses. These cheeky little buggers are sensational little creatures. About as clever as known life-forms under the sea come, they’re also about as far from humans biologically as any other creature on earth...
The terrifying moment bloke feeds grasshopper to spider
26.05K Views0 Comments
We’ve spoken before on this very website about spiders and the fact that they are f**ken machines when it comes to killing the sh*t out of their prey, terrifying wives and girlfriends everywhere, and looking like they...
Bloke reckons he’s found the Aussie “Yowie” Bigfoot
6.25K Views0 Comments
The bigfoot! The sasquatch! The abominable f**ken snowman! You’ve probably heard of these famous bloody cryptids. Most people have. What you might not realise is that we’ve got our own version here in Ozzyland. Nah, y...
The Great Barrier Reef is showing “significant signs of recovery”
8.15K Views0 Comments
As you probably know, the Great Barrier Reef – so called because it’s a barrier reef and it’s f**ken great – has been royally shafted by coral bleaching over the last few years. As annual temperatures have tended to r...
Russia is opening a Jurassic Park-Style cloning facility to revive extinct species
20.21K Views0 Comments
OK, ladies and gentlemen, rightio, sheilas and wankers, it’s time we set the record straight. We hear that it’s a bad idea to revive long-extinct species too bloody often. We’re told that what’s dead should stay dead ...
Huge huntsman spider devours a f*cken gecko
16.50K Views0 Comments
Oh f**k yes, it’s time for another episode of Big F**ken Spider, the Ozzy game show where we show off our spiders and marvel at their ability to grow really bloody big. In today’s episode, we’re heading to the little ...
Vegetarian dog embarrasses the f*ck out of his owner on live TV
47.12K Views0 Comments
G’day, ya wankers, how are ya? Hopefully you’re doing bloody grouse, and if you’re not, this video should cheer you right up. It’s a supposedly vegetarian dog making a really tough choice: bowl of meat or bowl of vegg...
Russian Deep-Sea Fisherman Catches Some F**ked Up Sh*t!
8.54K Views0 Comments
The deepest darks of the ocean are often cited as the last frontier on our big wet planet. They’re supposed to shelter some potentially terrifying beasties that look like they’ve fallen out of the ugly tree, hit every...
Video footage shows ants performing some sort of ritual on a dead bee
17.19K Views0 Comments
Death. It really does affect us all. And it affects us all in different ways. Across individuals and across cultures, we all respond to death differently. Some of you might need to respond to death by wrapping it in a...
Parrot tells fire fighters to f**k off during rooftop rescue attempt
39.32K Views0 Comments
You know, for all the cheeky, belligerent and angry animals we invite onto Ozzy Man Reviews, we really don’t see enough parrots. And that kinda sucks. Parrots are f**ken awesome. Not only are they gorgeous little bugg...
Man attempts selfie with a bear, suffers terrible consequences
53.99K Views0 Comments
It’s been a while since we’ve featured a particularly brutal video of someone’s final moments on this website, and that’s for good reason. While we do sometimes think poachers and the like deserve it, it’s important t...
Car thief gets chased down by f*cken cow police
10.41K Views0 Comments
The police force has always been known to employ a select few animals in its fighting of the good fight. Dogs and horses are the obvious go-to animals, while some others would probably throw pigs in there. Personally,...
Group of ants build a f*cken bridge to attack wasps and steal their larvae
65.72K Views0 Comments
Ants are pretty awesome little buggers. They’re famously strong for their size, but their reputation for teamwork is spectacular. Whether they’re walking in straight lines, helping each other lift something heavy, or ...
People in zorb balls getting nailed by bulls is f*cken brilliant
56.64K Views0 Comments
The creativity of the human mind is a marvelous bloody thing. Some say it knows no bounds. That’s probs bullsh*t though. What makes the human mind such a master of adaptation, of evolution, of infinite initiative is i...
Russian couple have been raising a f*cken orphaned bear for over 20 years
16.20K Views0 Comments
G’day blokes and blokettes. Have you realised that we haven’t been to Russia in bloody yonks? Well, seeing as it’s been too long between crazy car crashes, full-on fights or bloody bear stories, we’ve got something he...
Monkey steals a bike, fends off a dog and rides off like a f*cken boss
48.70K Views0 Comments
Riding a bike is one of those things that everyone has to learn. It’s also one of the things that you really shouldn’t forget. But how would you manage riding your pushy around a tiny little area while an annoying-as-...
Worms frozen in permafrost for over 40,000 years brought back to life by scientists
17.49K Views0 Comments
G’day ladies and gents, how ya doing today? If you’ve ever woken up after a really bloody long sleep and felt a bit groggy, spare a thought for two Russian nematodes revived by scientists in Moscow. They’ve been broug...
Big F*ck Off Alligator casually strolls across golf course
16.15K Views0 Comments
You know we bloody well love our crocodiliacs here in Ozzyland, and why wouldn’t we? We are, after all, home to some of the biggest and nastiest specimens on the planet. That’s not to say we’re the only ones though. T...