This doctor delivered a Halloween baby dressed as the Joker
5.53K Views0 Comments
Look, seeing as this Halloween is clearly going to be chock-a-f**ken-block with Jokers, we reckon this bloody story is pretty timely. As you’re aware, the Joker’s been a bit of a Halloween staple since long before Led...
This haunted house is so terrifying, you’ll get a $20,000 prize if you finish it
47.29K Views0 Comments
When most of us hear the phrase ‘haunted house’ we probably think of one of those fairground attractions with the dudes in costumes, animatronic spiders and bad sound effects, but for a select group of thrill-seekers,...
This bloke mailed vegetables – and other junk – to test the limits of Australia Post
7.21K Views0 Comments
If there’s one thing we really do enjoy, it’s a bit of social research. Now, while most of that tends to be fairly humanist in its scope, every now and then you come across something really bloody good that focuses on...
Sheila attempts to aggressively seduce cop who is placing her under arrest after too many beverages
36.52K Views0 Comments
It’s pretty well known that if you’re under arrest the last thing you should do is act in a way that makes the situation worse. Of course, most people who actually are under arrest didn’t get there by making a series ...
Family’s “pumpkin portraits” are f*@#en mint
70.60K Views0 Comments
Bloody Halloween is lurching, stalking and lumbering towards us again. As you know, the evergreen celebration of all that’s spooky and fun is synonymous with the pumpkin. Deadset, Halloween wouldn’t be what it is with...
Bloke who identifies as broccoli gets torn apart on morning TV show
23.17K Views0 Comments
If you know anything about Piers Morgan, you’ll know that he’s exactly the kind of overly conservative celebrity know-it-all who makes a habit of punching down, getting roasted on Twitter by Gary Lineker, and saying d...
Ozzy sheila gives birth to bloody huge 5.9kg baby
10.13K Views0 Comments
Let’s give some credit where it’s due. Sheilas are tough as bloody nails and that’s no bulls**t. Seriously, carrying around any baby is hard enough work, but carrying one full-term – inside your guts no less – is a f*...
Schoolgirl refuses to answer “offensive” homework question
18.92K Views0 Comments
Remember homework? If you do, you probably remember needing even the slightest reason for saying, ‘Yeah, nah, my olds reckon I don’t have to do that one.’ And, honestly, who can be blamed. We might know that homework’...
These pics are so bloody good it’s hard to believe they aren’t photoshopped
2.31K Views0 Comments
We all know that the ability to use Photoshop and doctor images is almost as important as the ability to take photos if you’re a photographer these days, and s**t, why wouldn’t it be? With a few simple tweaks, any sim...
Some of the most bizarre things doctors have had to explain to their patients
46.30K Views0 Comments
If you’ve ever had to deal with the general public outside of your workplace, you’ve undoubtedly come into contact with people who just don’t seem to have a clue about the basic things. Deadset, it doesn’t matter what...
Video of UFO siting out on the ocean has racked up sh***oads of views
15.13K Views0 Comments
Rightio, ya big bloody legends. Get out your alfoil hats and prepare to be amazed because we’ve got some video for you that’s gonna absolutely blow your tits off. Deadset, fresh from reports that US military footage a...
It took this family two years to realise their pet wasn’t a dog
32.79K Views0 Comments
F**ken dogs are great aren’t they? Seriously, they’re smart, they’re friendly, they’re obedient and they’re really bloody good at growing to three metres tall and walking on two legs. Nah, we’re not kidding. This Chin...
Sheila climbs into Zoo’s lion den
17.40K Views0 Comments
It’s really not a big claim to say that the world is full of stupid people. Yeah, nah, really it’s not. The evidence is all around us, and despite the fact that we’re supposed to grow collectively smarter as a race wi...
Sheila abandons adopted 11y/o, claims girl was actually 22y/o sociopath
1.69K Views0 Comments
All right, ya big scaredy-cats, we know Halloween isn’t here for another month or so, but if this story isn’t one that gets the hairs on the back of your neck standing to attention, we reckon you’ve either got balls o...
Emergency call operators tell bloody crazy stories about people who had to ask for help in code
4.82K Views0 Comments
For the sake of convenience, we’re just going to assume that everyone out there in the comments section has seen movies before. On top of that, we’re going to assume you’ve all seen the kinds of movies that have someo...
Lab where Russia store Smallpox and Ebola viruses has exploded
919 Views0 Comments
It feels like only yesterday we were talking about an explosion of bovine jism at an Australian storage facility, but as the Russians are wont to do, they’ve only gone and topped that already. Yeah, deadset, as soon a...
Navy confirms that three UFO encounter videos are real
7.61K Views0 Comments
Rightio, ya big bloody legends, it’s time to grab your tinfoil hats and venture into the world of the unknown. That’s right, we’re getting extra-terrestrial here today – and we’re not even going to Area 51. Yeah, nah,...
Messy clean up underway after massive cattle semen explosion at aussie farm
9.36K Views0 Comments
Mate, if you’re a firefighter, we’re gonna guess you don’t get taught about ALL of the dangers on the training day. Obviously, you’ve got all the stuff about getting cats out of trees, posing for calendars and sliding...
Mum asks for time off when son is put on life support, manager’s response causes outrage
49.85K Views0 Comments
Every now and then, everyone has to face some sort of personal catastrophe in their life. It’s a s**t state of affairs, but unfortunately, there’s just not a lot we can do about it. Yeah, nah, it’s a rough old ride, a...
Kiwi bloke about to get the sack brings emotional support clown to meeting
12.65K Views0 Comments
If there’s one thing people who’ve been on the internet are familiar with, it’s the idea of quitting your job in a ‘humorous’ or outlandish way. We’ve never seen it happen in real life, but we assume it’s a lot more u...