Chinese Doctors’ skin turned dark after Covid-19 recovery

731 Views0 Comments

Now, you know we’re not big on sensationalist bulls**t here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Having said that, we sometimes come across a story that makes us go, ‘Yeah, nah, that’s clearly f**ken untrue.’ We legit sat on this one...

Vegas Mayor gives unhinged interview proposing ‘experiment’ on residents

545 Views0 Comments

We bloody love America here at Ozzy Man Reviews, but like most people across the world, we sometimes look at the place and wonder just what the f**k is going on. Don’t get us wrong, we don’t say that to be nasty or an...

Can the Corona-virus be spread through farts?

2.72K Views0 Comments

Yeah, nah, while we were all being warned that we had to maintain distance, cover our mouths when we coughed, wash our hands regularly and not f**ken sneeze; the experts were sleeping on what might be the worst possib...

Cheeky pilot makes emergency landing on highway – in traffic

12.24K Views0 Comments

If you know anything about small planes, it’s probably the fact that the bloody things fall out of the sky all the friggen time. Yeah, nah, from what we’ve been told, those things come crashing to earth all the bloody...

UK couple catch their neighbour dressing up as a shrub to escape lockdown

11.32K Views0 Comments

We’ve all got that one bloke on the street that’s a bit of a clown. Don’t get us wrong, we know that some Ozzies have neighbours who live miles and miles away, but the point still stands. There’s a village idiot in ev...

Someone created a transparent Jigsaw Puzzle set with three difficulty settings

4.18K Views0 Comments

Bloody jigsaw puzzles. We get that these brain-busting frustration factories aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but considering how much some people love ‘em, it was only a matter of time before some monster came up with a...

Dalek spotted cruising around UK streets ordering humans to self-isolate

28.46K Views0 Comments

Just the other day, we spoke to you about some of the unique ways places like Japan are dealing with social distancing requirements. And, to be fair to them, they’re bloody nailing it. They’re busting out the robots a...

Coronavirus conspiracy theorists are burning down 5G towers in Pommyland

929 Views0 Comments

We reckon you blokes and sheilas are all big enough and ugly enough to know that whenever there’s s**t going down on planet Earth, the bloody crackpots come out of their hidey-holes and start spouting absolutely bonke...

Japan finds bloody great solution to continue having graduation ceremonies

4.23K Views0 Comments

Bloody Japan. We feel like we’re always saying it, but while the rest of us are whinging about our petty problems, the resilient island nation just finds a solution and gets on with its business. Deadset, not only are...

Italian Mayor uses drone to hurl abuse at wankers breaking quarantine

29.97K Views0 Comments

Bloody drones! We might be wrong, but we’re pretty sure we’ve covered ‘em on here a few times. We know we definitely did when the yanks chucked a flamethrower on one, but we reckon this is a pretty f**ken novel use of...

Brazilian gangs enforce Covid-19 lockdown when Government fails to act

949 Views0 Comments

Before we start this one, we’re going to say that we’re doing our best to bring you a variety of stories outside of the doom and gloom of the coronavirus, but just as it’s pretty f**ken hard to give everyone a fair go...

Uni lecturer recorded moment she caught student ‘lewd act’ during class

795 Views0 Comments

The wristy. Regardless of how bloody good you reckon they are, there’s a time and a place for one, and that’s true whether or not you’re the owner-operator or whether you’ve got a friend getting in on the action. Yeah...

People are going mental over the #buttholecut of Cats

47.67K Views0 Comments

Anyone who’s ever seen a cat knows that personality aside, the little buggers can be pretty cute. Of course, anyone who knows that cats are cute also knows that they have one big round design flaw just puckered up and...

Mayhem on board after woman ’deliberately’ coughs on flight attendant

22.74K Views0 Comments

You know, it doesn’t really matter what’s going on in the world, some people just have no sense of self-awareness or desire for self-preservation. If you’re not sure what we mean, ask yourself this: would you go cough...

People think Puma’s latest shoe “Storm Adrenaline” looks exactly like Hitler

27.51K Views0 Comments

Hitler. There’s really no good way to have your products associated with the infamous dictator, murderer and general scumbag. Yeah, nah, when someone in the marketing department says you could use his likeness to driv...

This bloke got rejected and went on a bloody insane selfie filled rant

26.55K Views0 Comments

You know we love a bloody good text-exchange story here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We know that sometimes their legitimacy is questionable, but they always tell a bloody good yarn, and you know as well as we do that you don...

Coronavirus ‘adult content’ is going viral on xHamster right now

28.24K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from P0rnhub’s annual stats releases, it’s that the world of smut is incredibly responsive to the big news stories and world events of the day. Deadset, that industry is as predictab...

These cheeky seagulls were busted playing with a ladies ‘pocket rocket’

9.57K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing we know all you birds out there in the comments section appreciate, it’s a big rubber donger. Yeah, don’t pretend you don’t know what we’re talking about. A d*ldo. But don’t worry, you’re not alon...

TikTok user ‘almost dies’ after getting trapped under frozen lake

13.25K Views0 Comments

Okay, we know you’ve heard this before on this website, but we genuinely do like to give all of the good people of this planet the benefit of the doubt. Nah, yeah, we reckon everyone deserves a fair shake of the shaft...

Sheila consumed 550x the usual dosage of hallucinative and had unintended side effects

23.56K Views0 Comments

You probably know by now that scientists are pretty keen on experimenting with acid – usually in microdoses – but what you might not know is that as part of their research, they look to hear from people who’ve taken m...