Japanese town erects monster wolves to deter wild bears

4.54K Views0 Comments

Just to hazard a guess, we reckon that pretty much all of you cheeky buggers in the comments section know what a bloody scarecrow is. After, it’s not exactly a cerebral concept. What might be a bit more niche, though,...

Japanese scientists create robotic girlfriend hand for ‘lonely people’

7.90K Views0 Comments

If there’s one culture on earth that you just can’t pin down as adhering to a single stereotype, it’s the Japanese. These bloody legends are all about the height of politeness one minute, cute and quirky the next, and...

Dutch train crashes through barrier and lands on giant whale sculpture

15.29K Views0 Comments

One of the things we bloody love here at Ozzy Man Reviews is that little quirk of fate that’d you’d never be able to predict and that would be completely f**ken unbelievable if there wasn’t documented evidence of it. ...

People share their favourite comfort meals and they’re f*@#en terrible

14.99K Views0 Comments

We don’t reckon it’s a stretch to suggest that most of you f**kers know what comfort food is. What we reckon might be more of a stretch, though, is explaining to others that your super-personal comfort food is actuall...

Crazy moment eel says “yeah nah” and escapes bird’s stomach

84.50K Views0 Comments

F**k yes, Mother nature. F**k yes! There’s an old adage that says real-life is stranger than fiction, and this story’s gonna back that s**t right up (well, all right, just as strange). If you’ve seen aliens, you’ll kn...

Footage captures the moment a humpback whale flips kayakers over

8.50K Views0 Comments

When it comes to mythological, historical, and classical characters of the sea, one of the ones you don’t wanna emulate is bloody Jonah. Yeah, nah, this silly prick got himself f**ken munched by a bloody whale, and re...

Canadian Police seize $150 million in weed, weapons, and 3 f*@#en kangaroos!

63.10K Views0 Comments

Mate, some s**t you just can’t make up. Deadset, have you seen this s**t? Cops in Canadia have arrested thirty-seven people, seized a metric f**ktonne of  pot, nabbed a bunch of weapons, and taken three kangaroos into...

Oreo built a doomsday vault to protect cookies for future generations

7.33K Views0 Comments

Let’s be honest, when we talk about the end of the world, loads of us go straight to thoughts of zombie-slaying and souped-up cars. What we don’t do is ask the important questions, like what’s gonna happen to the Oreo...

Blokes create world’s worst Airbnb and people actually book it

14.45K Views0 Comments

If you’ve ever stayed AirBNB, you’ll know that it can be an interesting experience. It is, of course, possible to get awesome s**t on there, but, at the same time, it’s possible to get something pretty f**ken crap. St...

Cow caught casually eating snake in outback Australia

24.97K Views0 Comments

All right, without banging on about it, 2020’s thrown an awful lot of s**t at us. But, of all the things we’ve seen this year, we reckon no one could have predicted carnivorous cattle. Yeah, nah, we’re not even joking...

Bloke walking through NYC falls into sinkhole full of rats

782 Views0 Comments

When you ask people what their worst fears are, you’re bound to get a few common answers. Yeah, nah, you can reasonably expect people to mention storms, darkness, snakes, existential crises, clowns, and rats. Obviousl...

A giant 2,000 year old cat drawing was accidentally found by workers in Peru

6.84K Views0 Comments

Sometimes you see news that you just think has to be bulls**t. Don’t get us wrong, we know the Nazca lines contain f**ken tonnes of awesome images that you wouldn’t expect to be there, but a giant Nazca line cat just ...

Japan has just opened an “Adult Theme Park” in Tokyo

3.47K Views0 Comments

The Japanese are well known for their quirky attitude to life. While on one hand they’re seen as some of – if not the – most polite people on the planet, they’re also seen as some of the kinkiest. Yeah, nah, we don’t ...

Dog communicates through buttons and tells its owner important news

8.85K Views0 Comments

It’s no secret that we bloody love dogs here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We’re firm believers that the little legends are man’s best friend, and whenever we see or hear about one doing something rad, we’ve gotta share it. Wi...

Vets remove entire bloody blanket from hungry snake’s stomach

11.78K Views0 Comments

We all know that bloody snakes are hungry buggers. Deadset, they don’t even chew their food. They just swallow that s**t whole. Naturally, that can lead to the occasional hiccup. Take the snake in this story for examp...

Footage captured shows 11 year old kid taking joyride in stolen school bus

757 Views0 Comments

Look, for our American friends, we know it might feel like we’re punching down a bit lately and focusing on a fair bit of the s**t going on in your neck of the woods. We honestly don’t mean to. It’s just that—without ...

Earth to get second moon in October, completely man-made

680 Views0 Comments

One infallible rule of life is that the earth has one moon. Until now. Yeah, nah, apparently, the earth’s about to get a second moon. Some of the more mystically and mythically-minded among you might figure that can’t...

The most dangerous aspect of travel in 2020 might not be the novel Coronavirus

636 Views0 Comments

There’s really not much in life that’s as gross as a used glove. Yeah, nah, the rubber Johnny might be a lifesaver, but there’s no denying that once it’s used, the only place for it is in the bin. Deadset, on their ow...

Some of the cringiest notes from teachers you’re likely to see

10.16K Views0 Comments

Sometimes you’ve gotta feel sorry for teachers. Deadset, those poor b**tards have to put up with some real s**t. But, on the other side of the coin, they must see some f**ken funny s**t as well. Anyway, as part of tha...

Snake bites a poor dude while he was using the toilet

56.98K Views0 Comments

Right, we’re starting this one off with a bit of a f**ken how-ya-going. Yeah, nah, if you’ve ever said anything bloody dodgy about the land down under because we’re supposed to have redbacks in the dunny, you need to ...