What happens when you decide not to pay the bloke with machinery

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You know, it seems like no matter how many videos of pissed-off tradies smashing up their work after not getting paid go viral, some people will never learn. Yeah, nah, it’s not even like it’s a surprise anymore. Stil...

In scientific first, brain implant translates paralysed bloke’s thoughts into speech

4.58K Views0 Comments

Sometimes you’ve just gotta look at a piece of news and say ‘Holy s**tballs tittyf**k!’ Yeah, nah, we’re standing by it because this is one of those stories. Deadset, scientists have gone and used bloody technology to...

Landslide wreaks havoc in the Himalayas

291 Views0 Comments

One of the things we often find ourselves saying here on this website is that the forces of nature are not to be f**ked with. Yeah, nah, whether it’s a mountain of flame, a raging sea, a gale-force wind or a f**ken la...

Rival gangs of f#@*en monkeys are fighting on the streets of Thailand again!

15.45K Views0 Comments

We’re gonna hazard a guess here and say that you might just remember a little article we ran last year about the street-fighting monkeys in Thailand. If you don’t, we’ll refresh your memory: the monkeys – usually well...

New York’s $200 french fries are the most expensive on earth – and offer an ‘escape’ from reality

3.91K Views0 Comments

Yeah, the days of feeding your family with a couple of bucks worth of chips from the local fish shop are so far in the past now, that you don’t really bat an eyelid at forking out a decent wedge of cash for chips, but...

Sheila finds “proof” that birds are battery-powered drones

9.96K Views0 Comments

As you know all too well, the world takes all bloody types, and as long as you’re not hurting anyone, we’re happy to go along with that here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Don’t get us wrong, we might still think you’re a silly...

Teen sheila slapped in the face by a seagull on 120-km/hr Sling Shot ride

10.37K Views0 Comments

Lately, there’s been a bit of talk around the Ozzy Man offices that a fairground video is in order. Well, this latest story is gonna do sweet f**k-all to dispel that notion. Fortunately, no one’s been hurt, but you ca...

GoT fans desperately try to decipher blurry page from ‘The Winds of Winter’

6.98K Views0 Comments

As you know, the world of Game of Thrones (and we’re not talking about Westeros here) is divided into two kinds of people: book wankers and television show wankers. Of course, neither is having a great deal of fun at ...

42 year old bloke sleeps for 300 days a year due to rare condition

358 Views0 Comments

F**ken sleep! For some people it’s an elusive bigger that never seems to come when they need it. For others, it’s a pain in the arse that stops them being productive. Finally, for some people, it’s just that thing you...

New Bigfoot sighting leaves experts baffled!

469 Views0 Comments

F**ken Bigfoot! Deadset, it seems like it’s been ages since we’ve seen a good (or at least entertaining) claim about Bigfoot, but fresh footage out of Michigan in the United States reportedly shows old mate going abou...

Bloke roasted for ridiculous Tinder profile

39.74K Views0 Comments

If you’ve been on the internet for a while, you’ve probably seen some pretty f**ken memeable Tinder profiles in your lifetime. Yeah, nah, while we’re not here to s**t on Tinder and the people who use it, we are going ...

Terrifying video shows moment swing breaks and ejects two girls off Europe’s deepest cliff

62.46K Views0 Comments

As far as what the actual f**k videos go, this one is right up there with the best of them. Don’t get us wrong, it’s not weird, it’s not obscure, it’s just spot-on footage of one of the most terrifying things we’ve ev...

Jackass star mauled by shark in stunt-gone-wrong

143.03K Views0 Comments

As you know, it’s f**ken Shark Week, so it only makes sense that Ozzy’s not the only one posting new shark videos. Yeah, nah, we’re far from the only buggers who reckon the pelagic pricks are majestic-as-f**k. Of cour...

Bloke explains mysterious windowless buildings that appear in US cities

7.62K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing we bloody love here at Ozzy Man Reviews, it’s a genuine conspiracy theory. And no, we don’t mean those pissweak modern ones like ‘lockdowns are a means of control’. Yeah, nah, we’re talking about ...

This Instagram account shares some of the worst food dishes you’ve ever seen…

13.12K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing we know about the internet, it’s that people everywhere love to look at pictures of badly f**ked-up food dishes. Yeah, nah, there’s something about it that just makes you want to look at it – even...

Redditors divulge their “best” drunken inventions

470 Views0 Comments

One of the greatest things about having a few beers with your mates and having a grand old chat is the sheer number of brilliant ideas you have. Deadset, most people will come up with at least one or two good ideas in...

Artist draws self-portraits on different drugs & gives himself brain damage

45.36K Views0 Comments

Regardless of your personal opinions on drugs, it’s pretty tough to say that they have no place in society or that the various effects they have on the human body aren’t worth studying. That’s one of the reasons we fo...

Ozzy woman wakes up to mouse eating her eyeball amid ‘rodent plague’

9.89K Views0 Comments

As you know, we’re always harping on about our life-threatening critters here in Australia on this website, but until now, there’s one deadly f**ken animal we’ve neglected to cover. And, in fairness to us, you can’t b...

Googly eyes make everything look 10x f#*%en better!

55.95K Views0 Comments

You know, we think a lot about humour here at Ozzy Man Reviews. For some people, it’s a pretty complex thing. After all, there are emotions you need to reach, there’s a reaction you’re aiming for, there are cultural s...

Massive “eye of fire” breaks out from pipeline leak in Gulf of Mexico

4.13K Views0 Comments

Life is full of strange things. Yeah, nah, s**t that shouldn’t happen does. Sometimes it’s because of a big weird rip in the space-time continuum. At other times, though, it’s because something humanity has done has g...