All World News

Little Ukrainian lass leaves bomb shelter occupants in tears with rendition of “Let It Go”

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For all the talk of tanks and bombs and guns and refugees, it’s really easy to overlook the kids who’ve been caught up in the war in Ukraine. Don’t get us wrong, we know that’s a s**t sentiment, but perhaps the footag...

Putin stripped of his black belt after Ukraine invasion

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If there’s one thing that truly screams final boss, it’s the president of an invading country having a f**ken black belt. Deadset, you can imagine it now. You finally jump onto the last platform, blast the sole remain...

KFC slammed by Chinese authorities for ‘arousing panic buying’

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If you’ve been to the supermarket lately, you might have noticed that the shelves are pretty f**ken bare. A lot of the blame for that can be split between panic buyers and supply chain shortages. As a result, Chinese ...

Scientists have figured out the maximum age a human body can reach

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Over the years, there’s been a lot of thought put into the concept of age and just how long a human can live in ideal circumstances. Yeah, nah, it’s no secret that mortality is probably the most singular universal the...

Here’s how long-lost yeasts could improve and refresh your beer!

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As proud bloody Ozzies, we love beer. Yeah, nah, it’s true. We f**ken love it. That’s why we like to keep an eye on news in the beer world, and any news that suggests there could be more beer on the way, beers could b...

Artificial Sun works and burns five times hotter than the actual Sun

15.98K Views0 Comments

Mate, if you’re familiar with superhero movies, Bond villains, and f**ken comic books, the headline up above us might fill you with a sense of dread. The good thing is this isn’t fiction. Yeah, nah, this is the real w...

NASA’s probe took a video as it f@#*en “touched the sun”

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If you’ve been reading these blogs for a while, you’ll know that we kinda love the science-tech kinda s**t that happens out in space. On top of that, we bloody love that NASA and other space-related organisations like...

Smithers finally finds love in landmark gay romance Simpsons episode

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Anyone who’s ever watched The Simpsons, along with plenty of people who never have, will know that Waylon Smithers, Mr Burns long-suffering assistant is gay. Yeah, nah, that’s not been a secret for a long time, but un...

Old footage of Linkin Park ensuring their moshpit is safe goes viral

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Right now, we’re not gonna go on too much about the AstroWorld incident. Obviously, there’s tonnes of conjecture and speculation around, and plenty of it’s being whipped up by the media, but what we know for a fact is...

Let’s talk Pitiquette – in defence of Mosh Pits!

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Yeah, look, let’s fair dinkum front up and catch this fair in the nuts as it’s becoming a huge deal. In the coming days and weeks, you’re probably gonna hear a great deal about what exactly goes on in a moshpit, why t...

North Korea’s latest martial arts display is a bit f@#*en intense

10.95K Views0 Comments

When it comes to crazy communist countries that need no introduction whatsoever, North Korea has gotta be one of the first that comes to mind. Deadset, when it comes to bats**t crazy despotic regimes, they’re the litt...

The 2021 Comedy wildlife photo finalists are in

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One of the greatest annual traditions we look forward to at Ozzy Man Reviews is the announcement of the Comedy Wildlife Photo finalists. Yeah, nah, we’re big bloody fans of wildlife here, and, funnily enough, we’re al...

The moment a terrified TV presenter was held at gunpoint and asked to debate with Taliban soldiers

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If you know your s**t and have a passing interest in the media, you might well be aware of a famous quote from Hiram Johnson. If not, he once said that ‘The first casualty, when war comes, is the truth.’ We reckon tha...

Prince Andrew offered $100 Million to take lie detector test live on TV

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At this point, it’s not news to anyone that’s Prince Andrew is just one of the rich and powerful men to have been accused of participating in convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex ring. So far, though, a...

The Nevermind baby is suing Nirvana over allegely being forced into “commercial sexual acts”

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When you’ve been around for a while, you can be forgiven for starting to think you’ve seen everything. Yeah, nah, it’s true. You start to take the world for granted. You forget about its propensity to spew up surprisi...

Olympic gold medal karate match ruined after spectacular head-kick KO deemed too forceful

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You may have already seen this one, but we’ve gotta bloody share it because we haven’t seen it doing the rounds enough. If there’s one thing you wouldn’t think was possible it would be this s**t. Basically, the Olympi...

People are demanding that the 2032 Olympic mascot is Brisbane’s bin-chicken, the Ibis!

1.55K Views0 Comments

Rightio, ya big bloody bewdiful b**tards, we’ve been pretty quiet about it, but we’re pretty f**ken stoked that Australia’s just secured its third Olympic games. Yeah, nah, as you probably heard, they’re going to be h...

Father reunites with abducted son after spending 24 years searching for him

10.49K Views0 Comments

Mate, despite all the animal attacks, all the trips to Destination F**ked, and all the crazy s**t we show you on this website, nothing fills us with warm fuzzies like a bloody good news story. Where those are concerne...

Massive “eye of fire” breaks out from pipeline leak in Gulf of Mexico

4.09K Views0 Comments

Life is full of strange things. Yeah, nah, s**t that shouldn’t happen does. Sometimes it’s because of a big weird rip in the space-time continuum. At other times, though, it’s because something humanity has done has g...

Spiderman meets the Pope and is recognised for his good work!

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Regardless of your opinions on life and religion, you can’t deny that for millions of people, the Pope is the figurehead of a f**ken huge institution. Yeah, nah, when he talks, people listen. So when we saw that he’d ...