All World News

While Aussies swelter, North America is so f**ken cold that Niagara Falls has frozen over

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We spoke to you bloody legends the other day about the fact it was so hot here in Ozzyland you could cook a f**ken steak in a hot car. But it turns out that while we were bemoaning that bullsh*t, parts of the Northern...

A man has been killed attempting to convert extremely isolated tribe to christianity

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Like it or not, the world is f**ken chock-a-block with extremely dangerous places. Usually, when we’re warned to stay away from certain places – and people – because of the simple fact that the going there is likely t...

Couple and homeless man charged with conspiracy over $550,000 GoFundMe

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You may remember a while back a ‘paying it forward’ Go-Fund-Me campaign designed to help homeless bloke, Johnny Bobbitt Jr, get back on his feet, turned into the feel-good story of the summer. It had all the makings o...

Marvel Actors And Fans Pouring Tributes To Comic Book Legend Stan Lee

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This morning, the face and co-creator of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee, passed at the age of 95. As you can imagine, tributes are pouring in, and there’s a bloody good reason for that. He just might have been the most loved...

Bishop apologises after being caught groping Ariana Grande at Aretha Franklin’s funeral

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You might remember a while back when we talked about the dirty old git groping Mel B on live television, we figured out the only thing you could do was name and shame the b*stard in the hope it would stop their busy, ...

Footage of tarantula shedding its skin is f*cken terrifying

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There’s a bloody good reason spiders and spider-like monsters are meat and f**ken potatoes stock monsters for the horror genre, heavy metal and Halloween. They’re spectacular predators that scare the sh*t out of tonne...

Terrifying footage of “fire tornado” ripping through California looks like hell on Earth

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Holy sh*tballs, blokes and blokettes. Have you seen the f**ken fire that’s been tearing its way through California over the last week or so? It’s forced the evacuation of thousands upon thousands of citizens and shows...

Canadian startup company creates the world’s first cannabis beer

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Beer is a beautiful, beautiful thing. It’s already been with us for centuries, and it’ll undoubtedly be with us for many more, but if one Canadian company has their way, it’ll have a little bit of competition from an ...

Appalling footage shows sea completely inundated with rubbish

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The world’s got a lot of problems. That’s not exactly a secret, but one problem that just won’t seem to go away is the problem of rubbish. Even though we’re all a bit smarter about rubbish than we used to be, there ar...

Coca Cola launches its first ever alcoholic drink

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We all know that Coca-Cola have their fingers in a few pies when it comes to their range of beverages, but for the first time ever the biggest brand in soft drinks is releasing alcohol-based bevvies. The company has a...

Real life Spiderman scales burning building to save trapped sheila

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Is your spider-sense tingling? Are you ready for a taste of true heroism? Today’s video features a Burmese legend Peter-Parkering his way up a three-story building to save the poor sheila trapped inside. Chuck has the...

Conspiracy theorists discuss their “proof” at Britain’s first ever Flat Earth convention

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G’day, folks. How ya going? Chuck here with a review of Britain’s first ever Flat-Earth Convention. The event, which took place in a Birmingham hotel, can probably claim to be the first convention held by a univers...

The King of Swaziland just renamed his own country

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G’day, Chuck here. The world these days is pretty globalised. It’s easy to travel around the planet, visit a wealth of countries and explore the diverse cultures of Earth. But if we have to be critical and menti...

Kim Jong Un’s bodyguards run alongside his limo as he heads for lunch

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Things have been pretty serious on the Korean Peninsula for a while now. There’s been US Submarines, North Korean weapons tests, threats of war, and intense conversations between the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, ...

China has started punishing jaywalkers by spraying them with cold water for crossing at red lights

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To me, jaywalking has always seemed like a victimless crime. There’s probably a good argument it shouldn’t even be a crime considering it’s one of the first lessons most kids receive from their olds. Right after ‘good...

Going To The Gym Is a Sign of Being Gay, Says This Malaysian Newspaper

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In a timely reminder that not everywhere around the world is as sophisticated as us here in Ozzyland, a Malaysian newspaper has published a gay-spotter’s checklist that’ll help gay dudes work out who is and who isn’t ...

Science Confirms Blokes Should Get Drunk With Their Mates Twice A Week

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You’ve got to bloody love it when Science raises its beautiful, beautiful head and imparts some knowledge that makes every bloke’s life better, boozier and more fulfilled.  Just recently, our mate Science struck anoth...

Elon Musk and Tesla Unveil Slick New Electric Semi-Truck

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Electric cars have just about become a normal part of our forward-thinking and progressive society these days.  But while they’re becoming more and more common, our roads are still clogged up by those big-ass polluter...

Story of Two Women Who Survived Five Months Lost at Sea

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In a breath-taking true story to rival Life of Pi, two women have been rescued by the US Navy after spending five months staving off sharks, enduring wild storms, eating long-life rice and throwing dog turds over the ...

Research Shows That Your Brain Still Works After You’re Pronounced Dead

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Bloody big – and terrifying – news out of the brainiacs at the New York University Langone School of Medicine right here: once your heart stops beating and doctor’s announce that you’ve kicked the bucket, you’re cactu...