All Wildlife

This spider ate a bloody possum

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We’re pretty sure we’ve said this a few times, but Mother Nature and the myriad of predators she’s unleashed on the world will never cease to amaze us. Crikey, just the arthropods and arachnids are impressive enough o...

This Cheeky monkey photobombs a family photo and flips them the bird!

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If you’ve been reading Ozzy Man Reviews for a while, you know full-well what we think of monkeys. To put it simply, we don’t trust the buggers. Not only are they dodgy little thieves, they’re also recklessly violent –...

Cat fitted with four bionic paws after losing limbs to frostbite

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We’ve all heard the saying ‘cats always land on their feet,’ right? Well, while that always turns out to be true when you throw the neighbour’s annoying cat back over the fence, it’s also true on a deeper and cheesier...

Police surround house for burglary and find more than they were hunting for

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F**ken dear oh dear, this is one of those situations where s**t could have gotten out of control really f**ken quickly. Deadset, when the local cops rocked up to this suspected burglary, they sure as s**t weren’t expe...

Footage of Japanese chef reveals what the inside of a giant squid looks like

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We’ve talked about octopuses a few times here on Ozzy Man Reviews, but we’ve never really given much love to their cousins, the squid. And that’s not really fair. We f**ken love calamari, and when we recently came acr...

German circus uses holograms instead of live animals to combat animal cruelty

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You know, we’ve gotta be straight up with you on this one, but when we were younger, we bloody loved going to the circus and seeing the clowns, the trapeze and the animals. Of course, circuses have come in for a bit o...

A Roadrunner is flirting with this sheila by bringing her lizards he catches

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When you mention the term ‘roadrunner’, most of us are going to picture that cheeky ‘meep meep’ c**t from the Warner Bros cartoons. You probably remember him as the big bloody bird that was constantly getting his arse...

Tourist group instantly learn lesson after forgetting to lock car door on safari

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It seems like everywhere you go these days there are bloody safety directions. If you’re like us, you’ve probably looked at some of them and wondered just why the f**k we need some of the blatantly obvious directions ...

Bloke in his undies jumps into freezing cold lake to save deer

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Loads of old folk tales feature blokes helping out deer who’ve got themselves trapped on s**t creek in a barbed wire canoe. Usually, those blokes find themselves being rewarded in some awesome way. If there is any tru...

Meet the f***en Goliath Birdeater, largest tarantula in the world

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We joke a lot about out f**k-off huge spiders here in Ozzyland, but although we hold our own when it comes to the most venomous spiders – with the Sydney Funnel-Web coming in at a respectable 2nd place – we don’t real...

“Wild Charles” almost loses an appendage “exercising” a giant Alligator

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We all know that you should never smile with a bloody crocodile, but in our rush to talk about the big bloody salties we have over here in the land of Oz, we sometimes forget just how f**ken mean a full-grown American...

F**ken Huge Humpback Whale Gets Some Airtime Right Behind Fishing Boat!

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You can usually count on seeing a fair few members of the various phyla, suborder and species of the animal kingdom here on Ozzy Man Reviews at any given time, but we’d be lying if we said we didn’t have our favourite...

Legend of a Beluga Whale returns iPhone woman dropped in the sea

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You probably remember the beluga whale we told you about the other day. You know, the one that had defected from the Russian military and was suspected of perhaps being a trained soviet spy. Well, while we knew the bl...

Bloke leaves back fence open, gets invaded by 200 sheep who refuse to leave

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We all know that bloody horrible feeling of discontent you get when an uninvited guest turns up. There’s nothing funny about it. In fact, there’s pretty much only one thing worse – and that’s when the uninvited guest ...

Octopus attacks sheila and sucks onto her face as she attempts to eat it alive

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The food chain is a pretty f**ken important part of life on earth. It deems that every critter great, small and tasty gets to be eaten by something – unless it’s at the top of the chain. Of course, that doesn’t mean t...

Two Seagulls continue to land in front of a London traffic camera and have become stars

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We all know that morning traffic reports have become somewhat redundant since the advent of Google maps and GPS, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to go away anytime soon. Yeah, nah, even when you’re driving with the m...

This video of an opossum family in some sheila’s bbq is prime Internet

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Here in the land down under, we like to think of marsupials as being one of ‘our’ families of critters, but while we’ve got a pretty f**ken good claim with the likes of the wombat, the kangaroo, the koala and the Tasm...

This little sheila has trained her bird to attack on f***en command

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Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we’re pretty firm believers in the idea that animal attack videos are the f**ken height of comedy. Deadset, we love it. F**ken gecko grabbing someone by the goolies? Comedy gold! F**ken casso...

Shrimp are testing positive for cocaine

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All right, it looks like we need to have a bit of deep and meaningful convo about what’s going on over there in Pommyland right now, because the coke problem’s gotten so out of bloody control that even the shrimp are ...

This huge f**ken whale is suspected of being a Russian weapon

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F**k yes, Russia! F**k yes! Here we all are, still thinking you’re busy dicking about with bears and having your plans to turn them into super-soldiers backfire on you, but you’re bloody way past that. It turns out th...