Check out this bloke’s expert-level rock-skipping technique

13.74K Views0 Comments

For all the high-tech gaming devices, HD television, electronic toys and augmented reality gadgets we have available to us these days, there’s still an awful lot to be said for the classics. Seriously, we’ll probably ...

Blokes car was so messy he couldn’t reach the handbrake and crashed

1.62K Views0 Comments

There’s not one of us who doesn’t have a mate with a car that looks like a bloody tip. Honestly, that bloke might even be you. Still, even if you are a bit of a grub when it comes to keeping your car spick n span, you...

‘It kept me to eat later’: Claims Russian rescued after spending a month inside a bear den

165.40K Views0 Comments

When it comes to crazy bear stories, you really can’t discount Russia. Seriously, for a minute there, we were starting to think those bloody legends had exhausted their supply of ursine insanity for the year. Obviousl...

Instagram couple ask fans to fund their lifestyle because working isn’t an option

52.54K Views0 Comments

The internet is a bloody wild and woolly place that takes all-comers. That’s no bloody secret. After all, you’re on it right now and you’ve seen the kind of stuff that people post online. Amongst all that ‘stuff’ you ...

Bloke creates chat-bot to text with his girlfriend while he’s at work

10.89K Views0 Comments

As you’re probably aware, we spend a lot of time on the internet at Ozzy Man Reviews. It’s kind of our job, but amongst the drunk Russians, the fake text conversations and the vids of doggos being awesome, the interne...

Justin Bieber has challenged Tom Cruise to a fight in the octagon

15.40K Views0 Comments

Don’t ever let anyone tell you the world is not a crazy place. Deadset. We’re looking at this story and we’re shaking our heads and we’re wondering just what mind-bending lunacy the gods of Hollywood social media will...

Sheila posts CCTV video showing ‘Dobby’ looking creature in her driveway

27.71K Views0 Comments

Most people who are familiar with the Harry Potter movies know exactly who Dobby is. If you have no inclination to watch Harry Potter, he’s that little elf thing that looks way more like a goblin than an elf. Anyway, ...

The motives behind television’s most notorious hack remains a mystery 30 years later

13.68K Views0 Comments

Those of you who are into your conspiracy theories and s**t will know exactly what the Max Headroom television hack was. Those of who you aren’t familiar with this iconic moment in television history are about to beco...

Pot Lawyers launch ‘shut the f**k up Friday’ to help educate dispensary workers

11.87K Views0 Comments

From what we understand over here in the Land of Oz, getting arrested in the States can be a f**ken scary proposition. Yeah, deadset, we’ve seen your cops in a few YouTube videos and those guys like to bust heads. Obv...

Sheila paints eyes on rocks and leaves ‘em where they’ll freak people out

7.78K Views0 Comments

There’s not really much in the world that’s more unsettling than the feeling of being watched. When you’re hanging out somewhere that s**t shouldn’t be happening, the feeling is even worse. So, imagine how you’d feel ...

Turns out everyone has the same freckle and they’re freaking out

1.52K Views0 Comments

Before we get started with this one, we’ve gotta tell ya that here in Oz, it’s not unusual to refer to a butthole as a freckle, so yeah, we really bloody hope they’re all in the same place. I mean, we know a lot of yo...

This house with over 1,000 nude pics inside has gone up for sale

1.68K Views0 Comments

Everyone knows that a blokes home is his castle. And you should be able to have it sorted in whatever way you see fit. Pool room? Sweet. Big ass shed in the back yard? No worries. Close to 1000 nudie pics all over...

Big legend of a bloke downs huge icy cold sprite like it’s nothing

8.44K Views0 Comments

The internet has given us some marvellous things. It really has. It’s also opened the door to all sorts of strange fascinations and kinks. And, nah, yeah, nah, there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that sometimes...

Swiss company launches new VIP gold class cinema that looks f***en mint

8.54K Views0 Comments

We dunno about you blokes, but in our old age, we know that there’s only one thing that can possibly happen when we lie down to watch a movie. Deadset, give it five minutes and the snoring begins. Still, for some peop...

This Russian Youtuber has turned a Bentley into a f**ken tank

12.53K Views0 Comments

You know we love some crazy Russian s**t here on Ozzy Man Reviews and if you don’t, you really should. Yeah, we serve it up to you on a pretty f**ken regular basis. Mostly, that’s because they really do get up to some...

This little sheila has trained her bird to attack on f***en command

15.71K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we’re pretty firm believers in the idea that animal attack videos are the f**ken height of comedy. Deadset, we love it. F**ken gecko grabbing someone by the goolies? Comedy gold! F**ken casso...

New Zealand accent has been voted the sexiest in the world

6.77K Views0 Comments

The world is f***en choc-a-block with accents. Here in Ozzyland, we’re pretty well known for the sweet lilting cadences of our own accent, but other places around the world have got some great s**t going on with their...

Millennials expecting baby get roasted for asking neighbours to cook for them

21.78K Views0 Comments

Community. It’s really what makes the world go round. Everyone working towards a common cause, helping each other out in times of need and knowing that people will have your back when it's most necessary. Of course, t...

F**ked up science experiment shows 10,000 maggots eating a pizza in 2 hours

16.11K Views0 Comments

Pizza is f**ken grouse. Maggots, on the other hand, are decidedly not grouse. Yeah, nah, these feral little b**tards are gross. Fair dinkum, we love nature, but sometimes we look at some of the species doing the round...

Bloke chooses to live like a dog, eats from bowl and barks at friends in the street

3.38K Views0 Comments

Here in Ozzyland, we’ve had the joy of Barking Dog Man for some time, but we don’t reckon that even he can compete with this fella from Pommyland. No s**t, Barking Dog Man is a bit of a character, but we feel comforta...