This house with over 1,000 nude pics inside has gone up for sale

Credit: NB Press

This house with over 1,000 nude pics inside has gone up for sale

Everyone knows that a blokes home is his castle. And you should be able to have it sorted in whatever way you see fit. Pool room? Sweet. Big ass shed in the back yard? No worries.

Close to 1000 nudie pics all over ya walls? Yeah, nah…

That’s what some pommy Real Estate agents are facing as they try to flog this place on the property market. It looks pretty unassuming from the front….

Credit: NB Press

But behind closed doors, this joint features 228 pictures in each of the bedrooms, and 991 nudie pics overall.

That’s quite the bloody collection!

It’s steeped in history too, with some of the artworks dating back to 2001. That’s classed as vintage apparently, and sure to drive the price up on auction day with those bloody hipsters I reckon.

Credit: NB Press

If the unique decor of this place has got you interested, the property is in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

The bloke responsible for this joint bit the bullet last year and now his love of bikini stuffers and shelias in the nuddy are on full display as it goes on sale.

Someone in the know told The Sun:

“It is quite a tip. The guide price for the auction is listed as £80,000, when houses in the street are going for nearly £200,000.”

In Ozzy dollars, you’d be looking at around $150K. Not a bad price I reckon. Might make for a good investment, whack it on Air BnB for a laugh.

“There were no pictures in the kitchen and lounge. The only photos in the lounge were of a dog. There were no paintings about.

“The chap who lived there may not have known much about art – but he certainly knew what he liked.

“There is to be an open-house showing shortly. I hope buyers are warned!”

Credit: NB Press

People described the old bloke as a bit of a recluse that kept to himself. Don’t suppose he had too much time for socializing. All the pictures have been carefully cut out by hand from “Page 3″… I reckon the frequent and long term use of scissors wasn’t the only thing givin’ him a hand cramp.

Credit: NB Press

Final Thought:

Keep in mind that when you head off to the pearly gates, all the s**t you leave behind will be up for scrutiny for those we leave behind. If you give zero f**ks, good on ya. But if you’d prefer your large collection of sex dolls or piles of VHS porn to not be found by ya kids or ya in-laws, I suggest you get your affairs in order quick smart.

H/T: Ladbible

Featured Image Credit: NB Press