Students charged over sick prank on teachers

15.96K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we reckon a good prank is an important part of life. In your formative years, there’s no denying that a good prank can build resilience, foster bonds between friends and give everyone a blood...

Kid gets speared by metal spring during trampoline accident

1.44K Views0 Comments

Remember all those so-called do-gooders with their warnings about your trampoline? Well, judging from the looks of a freak accident in Pommyland, they might have been pretty bloody close to the mark. Of course, even t...

Nurse escapes prison-sentence after treating patient’s “Tuna Taco” as a puppet

922 Views0 Comments

You know, if we were sitting around the Ozzy Man Reviews newsroom and coming up with headlines for you blokes and blokettes, this is exactly the sort of thing we’d consider before going, ‘Yeah, nah, no one’s gonna bel...

Mullets are making a bloody comeback

8.22K Views0 Comments

If you’ve been out an about lately, you’ve probably noticed that the most maligned of dodgy haircuts – the mullet – has been making something of a comeback. Deadset, if you’ve thought that over the last few months, th...

North Carolina intersection plays host to an all female Royal Rumble

31.59K Views0 Comments

At the risk of sounding like a bunch of violence-loving lowlifes, we bloody love a bit of the old ultraviolence here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Still, we’re not animals. We do have a couple of parameters on the violence we ...

Footage of spiders shedding their skin in new time-lapse video

1.06K Views0 Comments

When it comes to shedding skin, the chances are that spiders aren’t the first critters you think of. Yeah, nah, we all know that’s something snakes do, but believe it or not, it’s a pretty important part of a tarantul...

Latest optical illusion has people debating whether this is a crow or a rabbit

19.63K Views0 Comments

When it comes to wildlife, there are some animals that are a bit obscure and strange. Those are the ones we need our mate Davo Attenborough to identify for us. When it comes to some of your more common species, though...

Dude wearing TV on head keeps leaving old TVs on people’s front porches

11.50K Views0 Comments

Despite the pretty sleek nature of our modern televisions, it wasn’t that long ago that the idiot box was actually a pretty hefty and clunky piece of hardware. For the most part, the world has moved on. One bloke who ...

Photographer captures heartbreaking images of deer with severe skin condition

1.06K Views0 Comments

We reckon it’s a fair bet that if you had to picture a deer, you’d picture a fairly graceful looking animal. It’d have a nice plush coat, a meek manner and a woodland aesthetic that’d put it right at home with the pix...

YouTuber under investigation after accidentally uploading footage of her spitting on and hitting her dog

988 Views0 Comments

We’ve often said that we now live in a world where any foot you put wrong can be filmed and quickly uploaded to the internet. The result of that can be pretty extreme. Obviously, there’s the humiliation that can come ...

This sheila claims shes raking in $30k per month thanks to her sugar-daddies

13.62K Views0 Comments

We’re pretty sure that most of you blokes in the Facebook comments are familiar with the concept of the sugar-daddy. Put simply, you earn bloody billions and then you pay young ladies to hang out with you in exchange ...

Bloke so upset by the sound of chewing, he hasn’t spoken to his family in years

7.70K Views0 Comments

Let’s be honest, we all have our quirks and eccentricities. Usually, though, we find ways to manage them or to cope. In some circles, we might even call that kind of thing ‘growing up’. Don’t get us wrong, we know tha...

Pregnant Mother demands woman change her dog’s name to use it for her daughter

19.24K Views0 Comments

As you know, the world is friggen chock-a-block with crazy. It really doesn’t matter where you go, you’re pretty likely to bump into at least one person who’s positively cuckoo. And, yeah, nah, we’re not trying to tal...

Farm owner makes grisly discovery inside a dead croc’s stomach

33.47K Views0 Comments

When it comes to bloody crocodiliacs, you know we love ‘em here in Ozzyland. You probably also know that Crocodylus porosus, our very own saltwater crocodiles are pretty bloody revered for their ability to just munch ...

Cops arrest woman who calmly walked into the supermarket and PEED on the potatoes

62.21K Views0 Comments

Just a few weeks ago, the internet was going bloody bananas over the trashy sheila who decided to lick some ice-cream and put it back on the shelf. We’re guessing you remember it, but if not, you can check out the sto...

This sheila had to put up with a guy trying to buy her iphone going nuts

26.68K Views0 Comments

We’re gonna be straight up in this one, there’s some themes in this thread that are going to annoy those blokes who’ve got their head so deep in the sand, they fail to see that there are times when random dudes are f*...

Bloke attempts to cross an entire country in a straight line

13.84K Views0 Comments

We all know that bloody maps have caused their fair share of problems over the years. And, yeah, we know that realistically it’s the people drawing ‘em who’ve caused dramas – and we don’t mean the cartographers – but ...

Japan approves first ever experiment to create human-animal hybrids

13.77K Views0 Comments

Usually when we talk about Japan, we’re commenting on their quirky little country and its myriad of awesome cultural practices and cool social customs. Today, though, we’re talking to you about something that’s potent...

Video of raw meat wiggling it’s way off the table is freaking people out

21.49K Views0 Comments

If you’ve been around the internet long enough, you’ve seen all manner of s**t online. Deadset, if you were here in the days of the old, or if you’ve got sicko mates, there’s probably not too much online th...

These fake products found in real stores are f*@#en brilliant

7.44K Views0 Comments

Let’s be honest, everyone loves a bloody good practical joke. Deadset, that’s probably one of the main reasons the internet has been so popular for so long. Yeah, nah, it’s not because it’s super convenient or full of...