This Paragliding couch potato will make your palms sweat

8.81K Views0 Comments

Chilling the f**k out on your couch is a pretty bloody swish thing to do at the best of times. Deadset, if you know the feeling of wanting to just sit on your arse, watch cartoons and eat potato chips when you know yo...

11 times people met their real-life doppelgangers and had some bloody questions to ask

12.47K Views0 Comments

While we’re happy enough to call it bulls**t, there’s an old adage that reckons every bloke and every sheila have got a doppelganger somewhere in the world. As you probably know, old adages are usually about as trustw...

Teens film moment they discover body stuffed into suitcase and post it on TikTok!

5.66K Views0 Comments

If you reckon that bloody TikTok is all about stupid dance moves and kids pissing themselves, you’re wronger than a dingo’s donger. Yeah, nah, don’t feel bad, we thought that s**t too, but apparently, things on TikTok...

People shocked after learning what the sombrero on the Tequila bottle is actually for

33.23K Views0 Comments

If you’ve ever bought a bottle of Sierra tequila, you’ll know full-well that it comes with an awesome little hat. Deadset, you might have worn it as a miniature hat at some stage in the past. S**t, you might have done...

The Internet has discovered baby owls sleep face down as their heads are too heavy

23.91K Views0 Comments

As you’re no doubt aware, owls have always been a symbol of wisdom and intelligence. And that s**t goes right back to ancient times. The Greeks were all over it, often tying the creature to Athena, and pop culture see...

Police defend decision to fine man after his ‘provocative’ fart

8.89K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we’re pretty sure most of you are aware of animals that are able to emit a noxious gas when they’re threatened. Obviously, the skunk is the most famous example, but apparently, Austrian bloke...

Woman who spun 174 times in stretcher under helicopter is suing her rescuers

30.90K Views0 Comments

You might remember that sheila who was airlifted to safety after tripping and hurting her head while descending a mountain in Phoenix, Arizona last year. If you don’t, give the video below a whirl, but all you need to...

Ridiculous pizza hack on plane has stunned the bloody Internet

4.22K Views0 Comments

F**ken pizza. It’s right up there with the best foods ever invented. Piping hot from the oven, reheated in the bloody microwave, or even cold, it’s one of the most versatile bloody dishes going, and everyone has their...

Sheila falls off rope-swing and appears to break the laws of physics

26.46K Views0 Comments

Everyone knows that the internet loves a bit of debate over a bloody optical illusion. Fair dinkum, whether it’s over the colour of a shoe, the colour of a dress, the presence of a bloody jaguar or confusion as to whe...

People are vowing never to eat strawberries again after TikTok video shows hidden bugs

76.61K Views0 Comments

Every now and then, the Internet does everyone a favour and throws up a viral video that educates the general populace on things they should really have known already. You know, like the fact your double-bladed potato...

Bizarre new reality TV show sees 15 men competing to get a sheila pregnant

24.74K Views0 Comments

It’s no real secret that reality television’s been plumbing some fairly low depths in recent years. Funnily enough, though, just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse than the normalisation of cheating on shows l...

Bodybuilding nurse almost unrecognisable after 6 weeks on ventilator with Coronavirus

57.30K Views0 Comments

If you’re the kind of internet user who frequents Instagram, there’s a decent chance you’ve heard of the Bearded Nurse. If you haven’t, the bloke’s a weightlifter known for being a bit of a staunch b*stard. And a nurs...

Bloke asks if other dogs pewp as strangely as his, gets inundated with response

36.24K Views0 Comments

You know we bloody love dogs here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Deadset, those little buggers are awesome. And, the best thing about them is that they’re awesome pretty much all the time. Note, though, that we didn’t say they ...

Latest TikTok challenge proves we’ve hit Destination F*@#ed in 2020

129.52K Views0 Comments

Obviously, we all love to talk about movies and TV shows that have ‘predicted’ the future. Yeah, nah, apparently The Simpsons basically gives us a play by play at this point, but it turns out that it’s Adam Sandler’s ...

Elon Musk has revealed his newborns name and the internet has had a bloody field day

12.22K Views0 Comments

Yeah, yeah, we know as well you do that famous people give their newborns completely bats**t names all the time. It’s not a new thing, and it’s certainly not going to stop anytime soon, but anyone who thought that Elo...

“World Naked Gardening Day” is a thing and we’ve got the bloody best bits here

8.26K Views0 Comments

We’re gonna hazard a guess and say that there’s at least a few of you out there in the comments section who’ve got a ‘weird’ mate on Facebook who gets their gear off for something called ‘World Gardening Day’ every ye...

The Pentagon released UFO footage this week and we’ve all been too bloody busy to notice

16.70K Views0 Comments

You might remember that a while back we showed you some footage of purported UFOs. Well, we can now tell you that the US Government has come out and said the bloody things are fair dinkum unidentified flying objects. ...

Sheila’s implant saves her life in what appears to be a medical first

21.08K Views0 Comments

Mate, once you’ve read this story, you’ll be wondering if there’s anything these things can’t do. Yeah, nah we all know that bloody jubblies are pretty special, what with their ability to feed the young, and impress t...

Doctors film spider spinning web in sheila’s ear-canal

7.61K Views0 Comments

We’ve all heard that bullshit about spiders climbing inside your mouth while you sleep at night. Yeah, nah, we can’t remember the exact claim, but basically it says you eat a s**tload of spiders at night without knowi...

Bloke left stunned after discovering we’ve all been using peelers wrong

35.62K Views0 Comments

All right, in the interests of laying our cards on the table, we know that whenever a hack comes up, there are bloody clever bastards out there in the comments section acting like they knew all about this s**t before ...