All Gold
The memes that remind us that the struggles of being a 90s kid were f***en real
16.28K Views0 Comments
It’s no secret that every old b**tard you know reckons they had it way tougher back in their day than you do. That’s probably true. Some people had to deal with some really poxy s**t. Those 90s kids, though, they occu...
Bloke asks Internet to photoshop his Eiffel Tower pic, users respond with comedy gold
15.86K Views0 Comments
When it comes to travelling the world and getting a photo in front of famous landmarks, there’s not many tricks as super f**ken cool as using the camera angles and perspectives to make it seem like you’re actually tou...
Men Using Snapchat’s New Filter Are Experiencing What It’s Like Being A Woman On Tinder
22.25K Views0 Comments
It’s not really a secret that thousands of chicks who’ve gone online to try and find a date – and even some who haven’t – have had to deal with the inundation of desperate, presumptuous and downright uncalled-for mess...
Kid tries to bribe the Kiwi Prime Minister into researching dragons and psychics
5.79K Views0 Comments
It’s a fair comment to say that there’s more than a few blokes and blokettes around the world who are happy with the job the Kiwi PM is doing. As a woman in power, Jacinda Ardern has been the epitome of cool, calm and...
Emilia Clarke squeals as NBA mascot drops coffee cup and bends the knee
29.05K Views0 Comments
Anyone who’s seen Game of Thrones knows that Daenerys loves having blokes – and blokettes – drop to their knee and swear their allegiance to her. If that person shares affinity with a bear, then that’s even better. Ye...
Amazon’s selling a DIY guesthouse ‘kit’ that you can assemble in 8 hours
943 Views0 Comments
More and more these days, designers and engineers are looking at ways to build sustainable – and affordable – products we can all use without f**king the environment too hard in its already broken poopchute. When you ...
Legend of a Beluga Whale returns iPhone woman dropped in the sea
1.15K Views0 Comments
You probably remember the beluga whale we told you about the other day. You know, the one that had defected from the Russian military and was suspected of perhaps being a trained soviet spy. Well, while we knew the bl...
Sheila tweet’s about sexy men in ‘dirty work gear’, gets flooded by hilarious tradesmen pics
12.44K Views0 Comments
The internet is a bloody strange beast. You can never tell exactly what’s gonna tickle someone’s funny bone or explode across the world in viral fashion, but once the zeitgeist begins, it’s like bloody wildfire and yo...
Darth Vader Vs Obi Wan fight scene gets a f***en epic re-imagining
29.38K Views0 Comments
The Star Wars movies are about as bloody iconic as movies get. The characters, the sounds, the settings, the stories; they’re all f**ken s**t-hot. And within that, some scenes are even more famous than others. One of ...
Jackass star Wee-Man sold his $2.37million beach home and is now living in a van
23.91K Views0 Comments
We’re gonna hazard a guess and say that most of the people reading this article, are pretty bloody familiar with Jackass. Those of you who aren’t au fait with it need to go and unf**k that as soon as possible. Those o...
Lord of the Rings fan travels around New Zealand dressed in Gandalf costume
787 Views0 Comments
Long before there was Game of Thrones, there was the fantasy series it used as inspiration. It even included an ancient evil hiding in the deep north where it could eventually mount an attack on the free world. That s...
Kids who found out their parents are way f***en cooler than them
10.21K Views0 Comments
You might not realise it, particularly if you’re still only knee-high to a grasshopper, but for some of you, there’s at least the possibility your parents were way cooler than you are. Deadset, before they were your o...
This freediving couple takes you beneath the word underwater like never before
3.03K Views0 Comments
The world beneath the ocean is often spoken of as the last truly unexplored place. While we’ve done tonnes of scientific s**t down there, and plenty of people have explored parts of it, there’s still so much that’s in...
Scottish farmer pranks tourists by claiming sheep grow tartan wool
1.27K Views0 Comments
Some cultures just love to rib the s**t out of people. Here in Ozzyland, we call our best mates ‘c**ts’ and we constantly throw the banter around. Fair dinkum, it’s not unusual to hear someone say, “I wouldn’t put s**...
Two of the world’s strongest men were sat next to each other in economy class
24.33K Views0 Comments
Even the smallest little bugger has a hard time squishing into most airline seats, and when you’re next to a big bloke – or blokette – it’s never fun. So, you’ve got to love the circumstances that put two of the world...
This Ozzy bloke built a f***en working hovercraft in his garage
2.32K Views0 Comments
It’s probably a fair call to say that the ability to build cool s**t is often seen as one of those skills that gets you automatic points on your man-card. Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we reckon that’s about f**ken right,...
This Twitter ‘life hack’ explains how to get creases out of your sneakers
16.09K Views0 Comments
Shoes. These days, most of us in the civilised world wear them. Obviously, you bogans in Queensland kinda see them as an optional extra, but most of us love a good pair of shoes. It’s not even a stretch to suggest tha...
Drunk bloke wakes up in strangers house and the owner’s reaction is f**ken gold
85.44K Views0 Comments
Most of us have heard stories from our bulls**t artist mates about that time they were so bloody maggoted they woke up in a stranger’s house with no f**ken clue where they were or how they got there. Usually, the stor...
Artist transforms apartment block into mural of residents favourite books
644 Views0 Comments
Traditionally, graffiti can be a pretty divisive thing. Some people are against it in all its forms, some people love the s**t out of it, and some people fall somewhere in the middle. They love some constructive stree...
Sheila takes the piss and strings desperate bloke along after he asked her to sendnudes
135.96K Views0 Comments
Us Ozzy's are known for havin' a pretty good sense of humour. We love nothing more than hanging s**t on our mates and taking the p**s outta whatever situation presents itself. I reckon this kinda larakin behaviour end...