Sheila tweet’s about sexy men in ‘dirty work gear’, gets flooded by hilarious tradesmen pics
The internet is a bloody strange beast. You can never tell exactly what’s gonna tickle someone’s funny bone or explode across the world in viral fashion, but once the zeitgeist begins, it’s like bloody wildfire and you can’t stop it even if you want to. Have a squiz at the reactions to one sheila’s thirsty tweet to see what we mean.

Credit: Deadline News

Credit: Deadline News
Rightio, tradies and labourers, this one might be right up your alley. Just the other day, Olivia Corcoran, a London shazza, went online to tweet about the fact dudes in dirty work gear get her weak in the knees and flushed in the cheeks.

Credit: Deadline News

Credit: Deadline News

Credit: Deadline News
Specifically, she said, “Boys in their dirty work gear, nothing sexier.” As you can imagine, it took about zero seconds flat for desperados to send in some selfies from their various jobsites. As awareness of the hilarious responses started to spread, the floodgates opened and Olivia was inundated with replies from far and wide.

Credit: Deadline News

Credit: Deadline News
The tweet quickly racked up 23,000 likes and with dudes being dudes, the replies varied from the obviously tongue-in-cheek to the sly to the desperate as f**k. With blokes from all over the country showing off exactly how grubby they get at work, you can only imagine how much Olivia loved it.

Credit: Deadline News

Credit: Deadline News
Of course, she responded to a few of the pics with comments of her own. In particular, she singled out two tweets of one bloke posing in classic boudoir fashion to say they had, “Made her day.”

Credit: Deadline News
Final thought: I guess what the sheilas out there can take from this is that if you want to solicit photos from random men, all you have to do is announce your tastes and just let the photos roll in. You should try it. Just let us know how it turns out.
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