The memes that remind us that the struggles of being a 90s kid were f***en real
It’s no secret that every old b**tard you know reckons they had it way tougher back in their day than you do. That’s probably true. Some people had to deal with some really poxy s**t. Those 90s kids, though, they occupy a kinda unique niche in grand scheme of things. The world was starting to get a bit tech savvy, but the engineering of the tech hadn’t really caught up – and that meant loads of the s**t was actually pretty f**ken clumsy. Check these bad boys out if you’re too young to remember…

Credit: AmPoeticSoul
First up, take a look at this bloody loser. Without counting, we’d have to say that’s your standard 64 disc CD case, there. F**k me, they were a pain in the arse to carry around. The only time they were worse was when some lowlife f**k broke into your car and stole it. Pricks!

Credit: TheKingOfTheBlind
Man, as much as CDs were huge in the 90s, cassette tapes were still the reliable way to deal with portable music. If you had a 90 minute tape, you knew you could usually get one album on either side. Pretty sure, I had a f**ken awesome one with the debut albums from Deftones and System of a Down rocking back to back. Good f**ken times. Of course, when they f**ked up, they f**ked up big time – and out came the pencil to fix the bloody mess.

Credit: fair use
The old floppy disc. These bloody things were ubiquitous. You could fit barely anything on them, but we got by. They carried games, documents and guitar tabs as far as they needed to. In fact, I think I still have a pack of some in the garage. I’ve no reader to open them, but there you go.

Credit: fair use
Dialling up to the f**ken internet. You didn’t just open up your computer to get online. You had to actually call! F**k that s**t.

Credit: fair use
Well, that’s what you get for pirating music. Besides, it just adds to the charm.

Credit: fair use
This s**t was hell. It took f**ken ages to burn a CD too. We really don’t reckon there’s anyone who misses those days.

Credit: bored panda
CD Booklets were the s**t. When they were good, they made the whole package a f**ken collector’s item. Also, hot bloody tip, the best place to find cool new bands was in the liner notes and thank you section. F**K me, you got onto some gold that way.

Credit: Twitter
Ha, they’re right. We’d forgotten all about this s**t. What a pain in the d*ck that was.

Credit: fair use
See, this is why the Walkman was always superior to the portable discman. It didn’t skip and jump like a coked up kangaroo. That thing was supposed to read a rapidly spinning disc – without losing sound quality – as you moved around. Needless to say, it was usually a pretty quick way to scratch the f**k out of your CDs.

Credit: bored panda
Didn’t want telemarketers to call you through dinner? You just had to take the phone off the hook. It was the only reliable way. At least now we have mute and silent mode. Old-school phones were bloody s**thouse.
Final thought: You know, most of this stuff really didn’t seem that bad at the time. F**k, some of it still holds a cherished place in my heart. We’d probably do our nut trying to use it today, but at the time, old f**kers used to look at the advanced technology and marvel. F**k we miss the 90s.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Quickest Dog Ever