All Wildlife

Lions Maul Poacher Hunting Them, Then Leave Ironic ‘Trophy’ Behind

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Instead of the usual animal v animal throwdown here on, we’re bringing you something way more hardcore today. A story way more extreme, something featuring a pride of deadly lions and one karmic-retribu...

Giant Anaconda Ambushes Crocodile Underwater and Swallows It Whole

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The anaconda, one of the most feared non-venomous snakes in the world, is renowned as the star of a seminal Ice Cube movie and a dodgy pop song, but its status as the biggest, heaviest man-eating snake in the world is...

Scientists Have Proof Of These Aussie Birds Deliberately Starting Bush Fires

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Scientists have suspected for quite a while that birds are fairly clever little b*****ds. However recent reports suggesting that Ozzyland’s native birds of prey have harnessed fire as a tool to flush out their din ...

Hundreds of Polar Bears Meet Up And Feast On Dead Whale

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Polar Bears, the biggest hungriest b*****ds outside of Santa Claus to call the world’s frostiest, northern-most environs home, are usually solitary animals content to ignore their mates and find their own food. Bu...

Kangaroo Sends Cyclist To Destination F***ed!

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What’s that, Mr Cyclist?  You want to ride in the middle of the road?  Well, how about a farken projectile kangaroo to the face, ya dickhead! Bang!  This cyclist gets absolutely bloody walloped by this kangaroo!  O...

Rare Fish With Hands Found Off Tasmanian Coast

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F*****g high five for Australia’s weird and wonderful wildlife and a proper fist-bump for Tasmania who are once again stepping forward and raising their hands to rep Ozzyland with yet another unique creature. Wheth...

Here’s The Survival Mechanism That Allows Alligators To Live In Freezing Ponds

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We love a good creature feature here at Ozzy Man Reviews, there’s no doubting that.  What we’ve got for you today is a little different though.  There’s no blood, there’s no guts, there’s no strange confrontation or a...

Ozzy Kid Makes Horror Discovery In School Sandpit During His Lunchbreak

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Ozzyland gets a pretty bad rap for its dangerous animals.  With all the crocodiles and snakes and spiders and scorpions and box jellyfish and cassowaries and blue-ringed octopuses and drop bears, it’s a wonder any of ...

Aussie Bloke Returns To Car And Finds F*&ken Scary Note

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You know, it’s hardly ever good news to find a note left on your car. Whether it’s some filthy b*****d letting you know they’ve dinged it, some whinging b*****d having a whinge or some parking inspecting b*****d finin...

Mother Elephant ‘Salutes’ Rescuers Who Saved Her Baby

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We frequently visit India here at  Unfortunately it’s usually because someone there has done something dumb or, worse, cruel to an animal.  We’re looking at you, people who threw Molotov cocktails at a ba...

Photographer Reveals The Story Behind THAT Photo Of The Snake-eating Frog

6.54K Views0 Comments

Remember that bloody awesome photo we posted a while back that, depending on whether you’re a glass half full or half empty kind of person, showed a green tree frog either chowing down on or spewing up a snake?  Well,...

Scientists Catch A 500 Year Old Shark

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You’ve gotta love the wilderness!  Whether you’re in a forest, a savannah, the mountains or the tundra, there’s always some other species there with some sort of amazing story.  Then of course there’s the deserts, the...

Study Shows Spiders Could Wipe Out The Human Race In One Year

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Some people think the world will end in fire.  Others think it will end with a zombie apocalypse, and even more think it will end in an explosive nuclear war.  Science has other ideas though.  A recent study has deter...

A 518 Million Year-Old Fossil Has Been Discovered, And It’s Weird As F*$k

3.53K Views0 Comments

Crikey, blokes, have a look at this gorgeous little creature: at an estimated 518 million years old, it’s been described as ‘strange beyond measure’.  Considering it has a helmet head and a long cylindrical body, ...

India Throws Eight Badass Donkeys In Prison

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Jail: The brig, the clink, the lockup, the penitentiary. Whatever you call it, it’s a place you don’t want to find yourself.  Unfortunately for some bad-ass mofos, there’s no avoiding it, especially when you engage...

Russian Bear Currently on the Loose Carrying Two Guns Stolen From Hunter

16.97K Views0 Comments

F*** YES! You read that sh** properly. There is a bear on the loose in Russia (where else) with two guns.  The cheeky ursine prick broke into a hunter’s cabin, stole the weapons and is now presumably hunting the hu...

Dead Sharks Are Washing Up With Their Livers Removed

21.95K Views0 Comments

I’m not a big fan of great white sharks.  They’re big, they’re scary and they can just about get f***ed in my humble opinion.  So with news that packs of orcas off the coast of South Africa are killing the b*****ds an...

Touching Moment When An Orangutan Meets a Burn Victim At The Zoo

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Sometimes a video just tickles you right in the feels. More often than not videos like that involve animals, sick or injured people or incredible interactions. This video has all three. Back in 2015, Darci Mille...

Perfectly Timed Photo Captures The Moment A Frog Eats A Snake

3.41K Views0 Comments

Bloody frogs. Have you ever stopped to think how terrifying they’d actually be if they were big enough to attack humans. They’ve got that leap, that dead-eyed stare and that sticky f***ing tongue that fires out like a...

Scientists Plan Cloning This Perfectly Preserved 50,000 Year Old Extinct Lion

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In a move that shows scientists have learned the square-root of dick from classic films like Jurassic Park, the discovery of an almost perfectly preserved cave lion cub has them frothing at the mouth.  The cheeky b...