All Wildlife
This badass parrot got arrested for warning drug dealers about the police
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When it comes to literature and urban legend, the kinds of animals crack-dealers use to guard their premises from the authorities are typically pretty f**ken large, pretty f**ken ferocious, and pretty f**ken lethal, b...
Legendary couple regenerate a completely destroyed forest in just 20 years
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Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we talk heaps about the state of the environment and the wildlife living in it. That’s because we reckon if there’s one bloody awesome thing on this planet worth saving, the ecosystem is it. ...
Scottish farmer pranks tourists by claiming sheep grow tartan wool
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Some cultures just love to rib the s**t out of people. Here in Ozzyland, we call our best mates ‘c**ts’ and we constantly throw the banter around. Fair dinkum, it’s not unusual to hear someone say, “I wouldn’t put s**...
American burger joint releasing ‘special’ burger on 4/20
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Anyone who’s ever chonged on, ripped a few cones, choofed a few buckets or shared a spliff with their mates knows that a trip to the local burger joint is all part of the fun. You can load up on thickshakes, cheesebur...
Swarms of octopus are taking over the ocean
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If you don’t already know that octopuses are pretty f**ken grouse creatures that are way smarter than your average cephalopod, you must have been living under a big bloody rock. Except, surprise mother**ker, that rock...
Scientific study suggests blokes with larger beards have smaller testicles
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It’s no secret that across the animal kingdom, the male of the species is always trying to impress the female. Of course, some of them might be trying to impress the male of the species, but the central point is the s...
Ancient four-legged whale discovered in Peru
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Here in Ozzy Land, we bloody love our whales. We reckon they’re grouse as f**k and despite the fact we love the Japanese, we reckon they need to leave the bloody whales alone. Still, despite that, that’s not quite why...
Rhino poacher sent to Destination F*@#ed by elephants and lions
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Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we do genuinely aim to steer away from stories about blokes carking it and sheilas kicking the bucket. We just don’t reckon it’s right to carry on about that stuff like it’s funny. However, a...
These tiny frogs have been discovered and their names are f**ken mint
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Anyone who remembers their high school biology knows that scientifically, different species of animals get dubbed with awesome as f**k binomial nomenclature. Traditionally, that s**t was built around Latin grammar, bu...
Legend UPS driver who takes photos with the dogs on his route
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If you’ve ever heard anyone try to argue that doggos aren’t the best animals on the planet and that some animals – like f**ken cats, for example – are better, you know you’ve come face to face with someone who’s more ...
Bloke finds his ‘missing’ kitten snoozing under dog’s ear
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For a long time, dogs and cats have been at war. It’s one of the great rivalries of the world, and it’s a dispute that’s been immortalised in thousands of cartoons, kid’s stories and comic books. But just like the feu...
Aussie bloke finds 100kg shark head bitten clean off by something
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We all know that the waters off the coast of Australia are full of terrifying s**t. We’ve got jellyfish that’ll f**ken kill ya, octopuses that’ll f**ken kill ya and sharks that’ll f**ken kill ya. Of course, that’s not...
“Toey” elephant smashes cars and houses after failing to find a missus
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If you’ve ever come across a group of toey incels online, you’ll know all too well that some people don’t cope well when they can’t get no satisfaction. Unfortunately, people aren’t the only ones who don’t know what t...
The last photos of legendary “Queen of the Elephants”
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As far as animals go, you’ve got to admit that the elephant is a f**ken bewdy. Think about it: as big as a brick s**thouse? F**ken check. Ability to s**t-mix c**ts with their f**ken legendary trunks? Also f**ken check...
Bloke who got swallowed by a whale explains how he got out
1.59K Views0 Comments
Bloody hell! If this isn’t some Jonah and the Whale bulls**t, we’re never gonna have a story that is. The other day, a diver was filming some pretty cool marine shenanigans when a friggin’ whale just f**ken gobbled hi...
Paraglider gets into biff with kangaroo during landing, because ‘STRAYA
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It only takes a rudimentary knowledge of wildlife, geography and near-death experiences to know that Australia is famed for possessing wildlife that’ll f**k you up. To be honest, we’re not really sure how we came to p...
Bloke discovers dead eagle with tracking device, turns out it travelled everywhere
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F**ken eagles are majestic bloody beasts. While the lion rules the land as the king of the jungle, we’re pretty bloody certain that eagles are the kings of the sky. They’re big apex predators and they’re instantly rec...
Watch this f**k-off big spider drag an opossum to its lair
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By this stage, we’re all aware that the deadly predatory instincts of spiders aren’t limited solely to catching s**t in webs. We all know that the little pricks can actually get pretty f**ken big and that some of the ...
Turns out the entire f***en Internet is outraged by PETA’s scummy attack on Steve Irwin
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As you’re no doubt aware, those dodgy vultures over at PETA really raised our bloody ire the other day. We won’t patronise you with all the details, but they decided to have a crack at our beloved Steve ‘the bloody le...
Clever cat removes wooden bar and f***en unlocks door for owner
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As you probably know, we’re pretty bloody quick to brand all cats as c**ts here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Well, it might be time for us to rescind on that a little. The reason for that is an awesome little video that’s cur...