Credit: Qi Le
Bloke finds his ‘missing’ kitten snoozing under dog’s ear
For a long time, dogs and cats have been at war. It’s one of the great rivalries of the world, and it’s a dispute that’s been immortalised in thousands of cartoons, kid’s stories and comic books. But just like the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues, it’s one that’s not immune to a little bit of star-crossed love. To see it in action, just check out this awesome story about a ‘missing’ kitten. It’s deadset cute as f**k and it’s one that really could end the great Canine/Feline War once and for all…
So, er, yeah, we’ve given cats heaps of s**t here on Ozzy Man Reviews, and we reserve the right to do that in the future, but today, we just don’t reckon that’d be in the spirit of the story. Bearing that in mind, imagine you’ve got a gorgeous little kitten to look after and you’re feeling like a bit of a snuggle. Then, imagine yourself sh**ting broken glass when you can’t find the bloody thing!

Credit: Qi Le
That feeling of panic is pretty bloody familiar for Qi Le, the Chinese bloke responsible for the animals in today’s story. He couldn’t find his kitten and he was f**ken stressing. He’d have been lifting the seats on the couch, checking behind closed doors and looking inside boxes, for sure.
Finally, when everything else has turned up empty, he’d set his eyes on the bloody dog. Let’s be honest, the two species have history and a big dog like the lovely golden retriever in this video might see a little kitten as a tempting snack.

Credit: Qi Le
Of course, that’d be nonsense. Golden Retrievers are bloody legends. Something would have to be seriously messed up for one of them to do the wrong thing, but Qi found himself having a look. Just in case. And that’s when he noticed a little bit of strange movement behind the dog’s ear.
You can watch the video to check out exactly how it all pans out, but if this isn’t a f**ken top notch story of loving cuddles between two rival species, we don’t know what is.

Credit: Qi Le
Final thought: In all seriousness, we all know that combining pets of different species usually makes for some pretty great bloody friends. Let us know what bizarre inter-species relationships you’ve had in your house. And, just to be clear, we’re talking about animals that are mates – even if you wouldn’t expect them to be – so don’t take it any other way, ya kinky buggers. Whack your stories in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Koala in a Car
Video Link: Daily Mail