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Teen fired after sharing money saving Chick-Fil-A hacks online

11.79K Views0 Comments

One of the big downsides of viral culture is that people are willing to do just about anything to get clicks. Obviously, that includes a s**tload of risky behaviours that you can see in any epic fail video. Unfortunat...

Potential evidence of a new Borat being filmed on streets of LA has emerged

13.27K Views0 Comments

In a time when plenty of people are voicing fears about the future of ‘politically incorrect’ comedy, you might be forgiven for thinking that something as out there as Borat could ever be replicated. If you know anyth...

Twins listening to Phil Collins for the first time go viral after hilarious reaction

15.39K Views0 Comments

Whether you first heard it in a bloody Cadbury commercial or you’re an OG fan of Phil Collins’ classic-as-f**k banger In The Air Tonight, you’re probably no doubt aware of the fact the song straight rips. Yeah, nah, i...

Elon Musk meeting Mlon Eusk is bloody internet gold!

11.22K Views0 Comments

Elon Musk. If there’s one bloke who’s become synonymous with all that’s weird and wonderful on the internet in 2020, it’s somehow this bloke. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, we love a bit of Elon Musk news as much as a...

2020 might be rubbish but the dude with the sign is back and better than ever

17.85K Views0 Comments

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, we’re gonna hazard a guess and say you’ve probably seen banner boy here, aka Dudewithsign, getting around the internet. Yeah, nah, he's a master at protesting the small stuff wi...

Scambaiting hacker leaves scammers in awkward silence after calling them by their real name

28.25K Views0 Comments

If you’ve followed us for a while, you’ll know we always keep one eye on what proper internet legend Jim Browning has been doing. If you don’t know Jim, he’s a bloody top-notch YouTuber who baits the f**k out of hacke...

Uncle Roger meets rice chef and reviews her cooking skills in person

22.46K Views0 Comments

You might remember a video we looked at on here a week or two ago where Malaysian comedian Uncle Roger reviewed TV-Chef Hersha Patel’s cooking technique. The video was an instant bloody classic that saw Roger, aka Nig...

Removal company returns customer’s waste after failing to pay

14.76K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing that’s pretty hard to disagree with, it’s this simple fact: fair work deserves fair pay. It’s not rocket science, and it’s one of the founding principles of our society. By the same token, while i...

Twitter hacker’s virtual court hearing Zoombombed with music and dirty movies

8.30K Views0 Comments

As you know, 2020’s been an interesting year for innovation and the rethinking of social systems affected by the bloody ‘Rona. There’s had to be a plethora of changes to the way s**t’s run, and a large part of the loa...

A never seen photo of a stealth US helicopter used in Bin Laden raid has leaked

2.09K Views0 Comments

Some of you might remember a simpler time in life when conspiracy theories were all about how much insanely cool secret s**t the US Government had at its disposal. These days, conspiracies tend to revolve around more ...

Bloke breaks toe off 19th century sculpture then sneaks off

8.11K Views0 Comments

If you’ve done much travelling, you’ll know that there’s nothing quite like checking out a few museums to get a bit of culture into your system. One of the best places to do that is bloody Italy. Yeah, nah, those f**k...

Olympic Gold-Medallist swims full lap with choccy milk on her head!

5.68K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we have massive respect for athletes and their dedication to taking their sports seriously. Of course, we also f**ken love it when an athlete knows how to have a bit of fun. And that’s what b...

Uncle Rob puts Covid masks to the test with bloody awesome fire experiment

505 Views0 Comments

We’re gonna go out on a limb here and assume that most of the people who read this site are bloody good people who know the science behind wearing a mask. S**t, we’re even going to assume you know the reason is public...

Insane job description for influencer’s personal assistant goes viral

18.46K Views0 Comments

We all know that the world of the Instawanker is a bloody strange one. Deadset it’s one that nary seems to set a toe – let alone a foot – in the real world, but every now and then we come across stories about these pe...

Simpsons-inspired rock and metal covers are brilliant!

5.21K Views0 Comments

As you know, we bloody love the internet. It’s deadset chock-a-block with weird creativity, clever ideas and shmick little pop-culture mash-ups. With that in mind, we had to share these bloody mintox Simpsons-inspired...

Blokes critical analysis of TV chef cooking rice goes viral

17.87K Views0 Comments

We don’t know if you’ve seen a recent video doing the rounds where TV chef Hersha Patel shows viewers how to cook egg fried rice, but you might be aware that London-based Malaysian YouTuber Uncle Roger has had his say...

This bloody fish has baffled the internet with its weird ‘human’ lips!

898 Views0 Comments

We bloody love it when we get to share a bit of wildlife with you lot here on our site, and that’s why we’re a bit stoked about today’s piece. It’s all about an innocent little fish that’s set the internet on fire wit...

Amazon reviews for Haribo’s Sugar-Free Gummi Bears are the most brutal we’ve come across

25.43K Views0 Comments

We’ve spoken in the past about some of the best reviews on Amazon, and we’re firmly of the belief that a good one is a bloody art-form. Where those reviews end up getting written seems to be purely random, but once th...

Superman’s Henry Cavill makes the internet weak at the knees while building a computer

11.12K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we know that no matter which way you swing, some blokes are just hot. Take the team here for example. We’re all bloody smoking. But, even our rugged beauty is nothing compared to Henry Cavill...

Bill Nye breaks down the science behind wearing face masks

437 Views0 Comments

Yeah, nah, we’ve gotta be honest here and point out that it blows our minds that this is even a debate, but it seems there’s a whole bunch of people who just refuse to accept the need to wear a face-mask during the ti...