Credit: Disney+
Baby Yoda has appeared on ‘The Mandalorian’ and he’s bloody adorable
Rightio, ya big bloody loveable goons, we hope you’re ready for a total cuteness overload, because today we’re talking about baby ‘Yoda’. If you’ve heard of the whole Disney+ launch thing, you’ll know that The Mandalorian is all the bloody rage and that’s not hurt by the fact it’s got a baby Yoda. Of course, we’re happy to appease the nerds in the fanbase and say that yeah, we know it’s not actually baby Yoda and it’s actually a member of the same species (which is unknown according to Star Wars canon). The point remains, though. The internet has basically declared baby Yoda the cutest thing ever.
So, yeah, we guess that’s it. Move over Puppies.
There’s a new cutest thing ever on the block and if early online reactions are anything to go by, people are already doing their nut over how cute the baby Yoda from The Mandalorian is.
Deadset, some people are already saying they’d die for it.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
Twitter has been besieged by a bloody army of baby Yoda posts, and plenty of folks are having their say. Basically, they bloody love it. Now, we know that this baby Yoda isn’t actually a baby and is apparently fifty years old, but yeah, nah, yeah. That’s a bloody baby in Yoda years. Just have a squiz at its cute face and s**tty nappy.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
Naturally, there are a few theories doing the rounds about this little cherub, but that’s for you guys to discover. Well, mostly. We will mention that we came across a theory suggesting this is a Yoda clone. We dunno how we feel about that, but in case you’re not aware, The Mandalorian is set after the real Yoda’s death and anything’s possible.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
Final thought: So far, The Mandalorian – and Baby Yoda – seem to be making the internet pretty bloody happy and plenty are losing their mind at the thought of any harm coming to him, but we reckon another plot twist could be baby Yoda going to the dark side like bloody Anakin. What do you reckon?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Baby Penguins Vs Bird
H/T: Nerdist.