Uncle Rob puts Covid masks to the test with bloody awesome fire experiment
We’re gonna go out on a limb here and assume that most of the people who read this site are bloody good people who know the science behind wearing a mask. S**t, we’re even going to assume you know the reason is public safety and not anything more sinister than that, but just in case, we thought you blokes and blokettes might like to check out this video. Yeah, nah, loads of videos have aimed to prove why you should wear a mask, but this one’s got fire, and we reckon it’s pretty much the definitive clip.
Yeah, for sure, we’re even gonna say that we reckon fire makes a pretty good metaphor for the old Covid. The s**t catches like, well, like fire, and er, yeah, nah, that’s it. Still, it’s a decent metaphor, and everyone loves a YouTube video with fire in it.
If you haven’t met Uncle Rob before, he’s a bloke on YouTube and he f**ken loves fire. Deadset, we’re not even sure he’s made videos without it.
And that’s probably what makes him uniquely qualified to test whether or not a mask will work. Because if a simple medical mask – not one of the ventilated ones you shouldn’t be using – can stop him from setting fire to s**t, it’s pretty f**ken handy.
Anyway, before you go accusing us of conflating issues here, have a bloody squiz at his plan. He sticks a mask on a mannequin he’s rigged up with an aerosol. He then takes turns squirting that aerosol from behind a mask (and without) at a propane flame.
While it might not be the best and most accurate bit of science, it’s certainly a nice little analogy for exactly why you should wear a bloody mask. Give it a watch.
Final thought: Yeah, nah, we’d like to say we can’t believe this discussion is still necessary, but with the bloody Karens making the news here in Ozzyland last week, we figure it’s still kinda timely. Anyway, have a watch. And listen to his advice. After all, Uncle Rob’s justification is the best reason for this. It’s not about you, it’s about everyone else. Till next time, though, ya legends. Stay safe out there, and keep your community safe while you’re at it.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Dashcams
Video Link: Uncle Rob