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Voice actor brilliantly trolls scammer over the phone and records it

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There really aren’t many life-forms lower than a bloody scammer. In fact, we’re hard-pressed to think of any. Just for starters, we can rule out any life form with a spinal cord. S**t, we can pretty much rule out anyt...

Viral math hack has everyone asking “Why the f*** weren’t we taught this in school?”

22.54K Views0 Comments

Whether you call it math, maths, arithmetic, or numeracy, it’s no secret that mathematics sucks a fat one. It really does. And that’s probably why people are always looking for ways to excel at maths without actually ...

Latest online challenge: throwing cheese at babies

6.91K Views0 Comments

There’s always some sort of new “challenge” that sweeps the internet to keep the masses entertained. We’ve had the ice bucket challenge, the mannequin challenge and next up is the #cheesechallenge The challenge is ...

The truth about this bloody “Momo challenge” is actually more disturbing than you think

25.38K Views0 Comments

By this stage, every one of you has probably heard about the latest viral threat to the lives of children, the Momo Challenge. It’s the one where a freaky looking sheila appears on the screen of various media and talk...

Live streamer “Ice Poseidon” unknowingly admits to running a ponzi scheme conning millions of dollars

2.05K Views0 Comments

You don’t have to be a bloody genius to know that controversy can be a great way to get your name out there so you benefit from the publicity associated with it. If you know YouTuber Ice Poseidon, you’re no doubt awar...

Turns out the entire f***en Internet is outraged by PETA’s scummy attack on Steve Irwin

11.09K Views0 Comments

As you’re no doubt aware, those dodgy vultures over at PETA really raised our bloody ire the other day. We won’t patronise you with all the details, but they decided to have a crack at our beloved Steve ‘the bloody le...

A bunch of things people didn’t know what the f*** they were, solved by the Internet

31.94K Views0 Comments

No matter how bloody smart we think we are, there’s just no comparison for the combined knowledge of a hive-mind or a team of bloody awesome people. Just for the sake of it, think about all the people you’ve met or sp...

PETA sparks huge f***en backlash with anti-Steve Tweet on his Birthday

28.90K Views0 Comments

Look, first of all, we get it PETA. We know what you’re trying to do – you wanted free publicity – and to a large extent, the fact we’re even talking about your bulls**t post about Steve ‘the bloody legend’ Irwin mean...

Bloke shares the coolest s**t he has found on Google Earth

43.39K Views0 Comments

Google Earth is pretty much the cheapest way to see the world. Deadset, from the comfort of your own living room, you can check out all sorts of cool s**t. Whether you want to see some of the finest man-made monuments...

Bloke accidentally makes sheila think he is a serial killer, deletes her online account

10.64K Views0 Comments

All right, ya big bloody legends, you know we love a bit of Reddit around here. The reason for that, as always, is that it’s a melting pot of people who aren’t afraid to tell you s**t you really don’t need to know. No...

Bloke notices Eminem never smiles, so he photoshops him brilliantly

21.20K Views0 Comments

Eminem is a famously intense mother**ker. That’s probably got a lot to do with his whole thing being that he’s a dude from the streets who’s conquered great adversity to reach cult status while still ‘keeping it real....

Bloke sends Sheila $9 invoice after failed date

2.60K Views0 Comments

We dunno about you blokes and blokettes, but we’re pretty sure we live in a world in flux right now. We’re evolving as social beasts. The ways we’ve interacted in the past don’t always apply and, as a result, the rule...

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s house looks like something out of a bloody horror film

3.65K Views0 Comments

Look, right off the bat, that’s a bloody big call. But, it’s pretty much accurate. And, just for clarity’s sake, we’re not talking about a spooky one like the house on Niebolt street in It. Yeah, nah, we’re talking ab...

Suffering bloke texts Pasta Helpline instead of depression line, gets incredible response

15.00K Views0 Comments

As much as we like to think that life is all fun, games, YouTube videos and d**k jokes, we just have to face reality and understand that some people are doing it tough. Deadset, we all have our hard moments, but for s...

Son of anti-vaxxer who got vaccinated on 18th birthday shares all in Reddit AskMeAnything

30.39K Views0 Comments

We know we’ve given anti-vaxxers a bit of s**t here in the past, and we still urge everyone to make sure they vaccinate, but on reflection, we reckon we might be able to learn a thing or two from Ethan Lindenberger, t...

A bunch of bloody good ideas that are almost genius

6.75K Views0 Comments

There’s a bloody fine line between lunacy and genius. Deadset, some of the greatest ideas of our time would have seemed completely stupid at one point. Similarly, some of the ideas you’re about to see might seem a bit...

Pub leaves savage response to one-star Trip Advisor review

54.24K Views0 Comments

Maaate, if there’s one thing the internet has brought us, it’s the ability to fire off a rapid review or nasty text message when we’re feeling chagrined. And why wouldn’t you? You feel hard-done-by and you want to get...

People try to imagine what God was thinking when creating certain things

35.08K Views0 Comments

All right, ya big bloody legends, how ya doing? Hopefully you’re in the mood for something a little silly, because we’ve just seen a whole bunch of funny-as-f**k Twitter posts explaining what God might have been think...

When kids drawings go horribly wrong

41.98K Views0 Comments

We all know that at some point every one of us was a stupid kid – however well-intentioned we may have been – who knew jacks**t about the world and had no idea that half the s**t we said and did was unintentionally do...

Sheila posts her breakkie on “Rate My Plate” FB page, gets absolutely roasted

21.57K Views0 Comments

G’day, ya bloody bewdiful bogans, we hope you’re having a grouse f**ken day and enjoying the s**t out of whatever it is you do. We certainly are, and a big reason for that is a simple Facebook post featuring someone’s...