All Wildlife
Aussie bloke lets spider take on cockroach after finding both in bathroom
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Rightio, blokes and blokettes, have we got a bloody treat for you today! In the past, we’ve seen some great battles, but today, we’ve got two contenders from the world of the creepy crawlies going head to head. In one...
The internet can’t stop comparing this ‘Thicc’ Starfish to Patrick From SpongeBob
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Rightio, ya big bloody legends, good to be back. Today, we’re talking about the thick ass starfish. If you’re not aware of this freshly internet famous invertebrate, you’ve clearly been living under a rock for the las...
7.1 magnitude earthquake hits during sheila’s make-up video blog
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Every now and then, the team at Ozzy Man Reviews goes through Ozzy’s video submission zone and has a squiz at some of the gold on offer. We can usually count on finding something rad in there, but on rare occasions, w...
Angry Cockatoo destroys entire row of anti-nesting spikes
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Here in Ozzyland, we bloody love a rogue. Yeah, fair dinkum, ever since the days of Ned Kelly, cheeky scallywags have been high on our list of Ozzy legends, and if this video’s anything to go by, a cranky cockatoo fro...
‘Exotic’ bird was really just seagull covered in curry powder
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What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when someone mentions the phrase ‘exotic bird’? Obviously, a few of you will be thinking about things like toucans and macaws, while some of you will be thinking about s...
Steve and Robert Irwin fed the same Croc in the same place 15 years apart
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If you’ve been on social media over the last few days, you’d no doubt have seen some images of Steve ‘Bloody Legend’ Irwin’s son Robert feeding one of Australia Zoo’s crocodile in the same place his old man used to. I...
This bloke found a creature that looks like an alien on his ceiling
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The internet’s the kinda place where people can spend their whole life looking at cute pictures of adorable puppies and gorgeous kittens. The kind of place where it’s easy to forget that Mother Nature loves a bloody u...
Cockroaches are evolving to a point where they’ll be immune to all bug sprays
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If you know someone with a mortal fear of cockroaches – known as katsaridaphobia by blokes who wanna win television game shows – tell ‘em you’ve got some great news. Seriously, do it. It’ll make their facial expressio...
Farmers are protecting calves from frostbite with custom earmuffs and its bloody genius
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Let’s be honest, no one likes being extremely cold. Not only is it pretty bloody uncomfortable, it can also make a right mess of you. Frostbite is nothing to be sniffed at, everyone knows that. What might not be reali...
Giant snake is caught on video ringing a doorbell
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We all know that it’s just bad form to rock up at someone’s house unannounced in this day and age, and to be quite honest, we reckon that’s fair enough. Given the propensity of mobile phones, messenger apps and social...
Florida Park alligators have laid an incredibly rare batch of albino eggs
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You’d better bloody believe we’re big fans of all of planet earth’s crocodiliacs here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Obviously, our legendary Ozzy crocs, the saltie and freshie, take pride of place, but across the world, there ...
Shark tries to attack dog on beach, gets ass kicked by a pack of other dogs
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We’ve spoken in the past on this site about some of nature’s natural enemies. There are cats versus birds, cats versus fish, cats versus mice; and, to be honest cats versus pretty much anyone – including dogs. Obvious...
Stork flies 13,000kms every year to reunite with his wounded soulmate
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As a young bloke, you may well have been big into wildlife. You might have had all sorts of encyclopaedias and you might have watched every single David Attenborough documentary that appeared on the television. But, w...
‘It kept me to eat later’: Claims Russian rescued after spending a month inside a bear den
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When it comes to crazy bear stories, you really can’t discount Russia. Seriously, for a minute there, we were starting to think those bloody legends had exhausted their supply of ursine insanity for the year. Obviousl...
This turtle lost both his back legs so vets got creative
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We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. It’s a bloody classic that’s been around since the days of Aesop, and that dude was kicking around Greece five to six hundred years B.C. Well, while the tortoise in ...
Deep sea explorers capture rare footage of a 12-foot giant squid
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As far as ‘mythical’ beasts go, the bloody kraken is one that’s definitely held our attention for a long time. For bloody centuries, we’ve known they’re down there in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean, but unti...
Live rat falls from ceiling onto restaurant table
1.88K Views0 Comments
In a pretty bloody interesting event that’s sure to get the Ratatouille memes coming in the comments section, a sheila in the States was sitting down at a restaurant when a big bloody live rat came plummeting from the...
Two tonne great white shark jumps from water and tears chum bag from boat
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If you’re not even a little bit awe-struck by the predatory power of a big bewdiful great white shark, then you either haven’t seen one cutting through the water like a knife through butter or you’re bloody bonkers. F...
Legend of a pit bull saves baby from house-fire, carries her by nappy
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Of all the awesome doggos that cop an unfair flogging in the media, you have to say that bloody pit bulls are right up there. Depending on whom you ask, these canines are responsible for everything from the disappeara...
Polite rat kindly returns broccoli to owner after discovering how it tastes
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When it comes to veggies, most people fall into two camps. Put simply, you either bloody love ‘em or you bloody hate ‘em. Obviously, there are shades of grey within that, but it’s pretty much a common consensus that s...