All Wildlife
Photographer Captures the Real-life Jungle Book
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If you don’t know by now that bloody wildlife stories really get our juices flowing, you should. We love ‘em. We lap that s**t up. Yeah, we fair dinkum can’t get enough of it. So when we found out that a bear and a wo...
Fisherman captures footage of big bloody saltwater croc stealing his catch
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It’s been at least a week since we spoke to the internet about bloody crocodiliacs, so we figure it’s about time we get right back to it. Deadset, they’re coming up as frequently as crazy Russian bastards at the momen...
Top bloke discovers whether sharks can really smell blood in the water
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We’ve all heard that if there’s one thing you don’t want to do in the ocean, it’s bleed. And, let’s not muck around here, we all know why. F**ken sharks. Deadset, we’ve seen it in movies, we’ve talked about it when we...
Photographer captures heartbreaking images of deer with severe skin condition
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We reckon it’s a fair bet that if you had to picture a deer, you’d picture a fairly graceful looking animal. It’d have a nice plush coat, a meek manner and a woodland aesthetic that’d put it right at home with the pix...
Footage shows elephant trying to rip off sheila’s bikini
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You know, we’re pretty bloody careful watchdogs here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Some get past us, but we’re on the ball when it comes to knowing trickery when we see it. That’s why reports that this bikini-model’s wardrobe ...
Aussie sheila found this huge bloody spider in her living room
12.78K Views0 Comments
Ooh yeah, you know we love to show off some of our true-blue Ozzy wildlife here on this very website, and this post is one of those. Yeah, we’re coming back to the fabled Ozzy spider. This time, we don’t have anything...
Farm owner makes grisly discovery inside a dead croc’s stomach
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When it comes to bloody crocodiliacs, you know we love ‘em here in Ozzyland. You probably also know that Crocodylus porosus, our very own saltwater crocodiles are pretty bloody revered for their ability to just munch ...
Bloke jumps over a zoo fence and rides a giraffe
12.45K Views0 Comments
Let’s be honest, when you’re a young whippersnapper, you might harbour fantasies of riding all sorts of awesome animals around as a mode of transport. It’s not like it’s unheard-of behaviour, after all. Loads of place...
Hilarious footage of geese running it straight against an alligator
10.86K Views0 Comments
You know how much we love a bloody good animal fight here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We don’t keep it a secret, and the big man himself posts a few of ‘em to the YouTube Channel if you want to get balls-deep in the action. ...
Giant bison sends 9 year old girl flying through the air
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Mate, we talk about big animals on here a fair bit and, in fairness, we make plenty of jokes about ‘em smashing blokes. However, it’s usually not funny when the victim is someone who can’t really defend themself. And,...
Bloke escapes charging elephant with an epic reverse-drive
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Every now and then, bloody elephants crop up on this website, and that’s a good thing. We like elephants. We reckon they're mad bastards and we’d love to see them in the wild. However, we’ve got a pretty grudging resp...
Wild horse sends bloke to Destination F**ked with kick in the nuts
28.53K Views0 Comments
Ah, the family jewels. The wedding tackle. The baby sack. The gonads. Let’s face it, whatever you call ‘em, you really don’t want ‘em knocked around too much. Deadset, even when someone’s giving them some consensual f...
Seagull swoops down and f***en steals a dog
1.26K Views0 Comments
Bloody hell, speaking of animals that are deadset dodgy wankers, we can’t let this one fall to the wayside. A filthy bloody seagull has swooped down and plucked a four-year-old Chihuahua from its backyard. Frankly, th...
Is Australia truely the land of ‘Nope’? We take a look at some pictures that ‘prove’ it
23.66K Views0 Comments
Look, we know that we’ve got a bit of a reputation for harbouring some deadly bloody animals here in Australia, and we’d be tugging your truncheon if we tried to pretend that every animal here’s a bloody darling, but ...
Amazing Russian dog leaps off train and travels 200km back towards owner who rejected her
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All right, straight up and completely without bullshit, this isn’t the happiest story in the world. Don’t get us wrong, it’s not like a movie about a dog where the dog cark its or anything, but there’s still an underl...
Tennessee Police warn the public about ‘Meth Gators’
32.41K Views0 Comments
In the world of man-made monsters, there are plenty of psychotic bio-engineered animals that are only too happy to rip your guts out, eat your face and turn you into a steaming pile of monster turds. Fortunately, most...
Meerkats escape zoo to play minigolf by the sea
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Thanks to popular culture, Meerkats have become easily recognisable as some of the natural world’s most gloriously cheeky little buggers. Deadset, whether they’re doing the Big Brother thing in Meerkat Manor, entertai...
‘The Bandit’ is a Brazilian bull that no-one has been able to ride successfully
30.48K Views0 Comments
We’re pretty sure we’ve talked about the massive bloody balls you need to participate in the rodeo on this site in the past. We stand by that. Some blokes and blokettes are born tough bastards. And that makes the rode...
Bloke discovers cobra hidden in motorbike, handles it like absolute legend
11.87K Views0 Comments
Here in Ozzyland, we’ve got a bit of a reputation because of our snakes. And while we’re not going to suggest that our snakes really aren’t that bad – we do have 21 of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world – they’r...
Two great white sharks attack each other in South Australia
1.44K Views0 Comments
You know we get pretty friggen excited when we’ve got an animal throwdown here on Ozzy Man Reviews. Deadset, we crank up the Survivor album, we froth at the mouth and we pitch a tent in our bloody grundies. It really ...