WWE in uproar over star forcing used tampon down rival’s throat

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Bloody wrestling has got to be one of the most entertaining pseudo-sports out there. You’ve got the ongoing conflicts between rival factions, grudge matches between former tag-team partners, love triangles, people get...

Archaeologists uncover ‘Vampire Skeleton’ in UK burial site

27.13K Views0 Comments

The world today is pretty bloody different to the one that existed in the third century BC. Deadset, compared to the poor b*stards who inhabited the place back then, we live a pretty f**ken charmed life. We’ve got mob...

Sheila who was married to ghost of 300 year old pirate issues warning after divorce

14.72K Views0 Comments

Argh, me hearties, make no mistake, the world be an interesting place in this day and age, and whether you’re scouring the seven seas for your soul mate and that one piece of booty you know you want to spend the rest ...

Doctors warn of severe health dangers in new ‘peegasm’ trend

40.43K Views0 Comments

G’day cobbers, how the f**k are ya today? Before we begin, do any of you pricks need to use the bathroom? Hang on, who are we kidding – most of you are probably reading this on the sh**ter right now aren’t you? Anyway...

New Indian superhero movie “2.0” is as crazy as it f*cken looks

33.94K Views0 Comments

Thanks to the likes of the irrepressible Stan Lee – and may he rest in peace – we’re pretty used to Superhero movies these days. There always seems to be a new one at the cinema, and so long as they’re not made by DC,...

Drunk bloke lets “ninja” slice sausage in his mouth with sword, backfires terribly

27.99K Views0 Comments

Whether they’re big into medieval history, total Game of Thrones-loving nerds, or just flat out bogans with a collection of samurai swords hanging on their bedroom walls, people everywhere seem to love swords. There’s...

Blokes arrested in front of kids by mall cop who falsely accuses him of stealing

2.83K Views0 Comments

You probably don’t have to go far to find someone who’s been falsely accused of something in their life. We all know someone who’s been in that situation, and whether it’s a little accusation and you’ve been blamed fo...

Bloke scratches wife’s anus in public, she smells his finger

83.11K Views0 Comments

Ya know, the world loves to think that once you’ve been with someone for a while it’s okay to develop all sorts of kinks and ‘common bedroom interests’ and to an extent it probably is. But, let’s be fair dinkum for a ...

Indonesian kids are drinking boiled sanitary pad water to get high

14.49K Views0 Comments

Some f**ken blokes will go to great lengths to get a buzz on. Deadset, it seems that no matter how bloody rank, gross or outright disgusting a practice is, there are people out there who’ll give it a f**ken crack if i...

Couple and homeless man charged with conspiracy over $550,000 GoFundMe

12.19K Views0 Comments

You may remember a while back a ‘paying it forward’ Go-Fund-Me campaign designed to help homeless bloke, Johnny Bobbitt Jr, get back on his feet, turned into the feel-good story of the summer. It had all the makings o...

Scientists have f*cken nailed how to induce lucid dreams

25.65K Views0 Comments

How are you blokes and blokettes doing today? Are you feeling f**ken good or are ya feeling a bit bloody sleepy? If you are a little bit on the tired side, don’t nod off yet, we’ve got some news you might want to hear...

Sheila says she’s engaged to a ghost, had sex with 20 others

5.77K Views0 Comments

Before you buckle yourself in for this one, get yourself a big f**ken pinch of salt and have it handy – you’re going to need it. We are once again entering the realm of the bizarre here in Ozzy Man Reviews, and we’re ...

New research reveals blokes spend seven hours a year hiding in the bathroom for ‘peace and quiet’

4.96K Views0 Comments

Rightio, ya big lovely bell-ends, raise your bloody hands if you – or your old man, hubby, son or other significant male figure in your life – disappears into the sh**ter for hours on end. Well, the science is in and ...

Time traveler from 2030 meets himself 40 years in the future

17.40K Views0 Comments

Ah, bloody hell, you’ve gotta love the internet. Just when you think you’ve seen enough batsh*t craziness for one day, there’s always something else to come along and remind you there is quite literally no end to the ...

This sheila smeared herself in menstrual fluid and took selfies to make herself feel better

13.93K Views0 Comments

One of the things we harp on about pretty f**ken regularly here at Ozzy Man Reviews is the fact we live in interesting times. And, we’re gonna reiterate that today. We really do live in a world that would probably sho...

Teen bloke builds nuclear reactor in mum’s backyard that made the neighborhood radioactive

30.44K Views0 Comments

You know, some blokes are bloody handy when it comes to inventing sh*t, building complex machinery and engineering mad as f**k equipment from household items. This is a story about a young bloke who most certainly fit...

Check Out These Celebrity Doppelgangers From Around The World

24.45K Views0 Comments

For celebrities, image is bloody everything. For many of them, their careers and their largely inflated bank accounts are massively dependent on their good looks. We live in a world where looks often are more importan...

Ridiculous family calls the cops on whales while sailing

20.28K Views0 Comments

Yeah, nah, I’m not sh**ting ya here, but until recently we weren’t actually certain these apparent ‘white people call cops on black people’ videos were real. Before you get your knickers in a twist about that, we know...

Pricey as f**k new Fendi scarf looks like a fur burger!

15.53K Views0 Comments

Hey, just wondering, but have you legendary b*stards ever wondered what you looked like right after your head came out of the birthing canal? Sh*t, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that you’ve seen something v...

Man arrested after he masturbates, dips butt in church’s holy water

9.27K Views0 Comments

Sometimes the world of fiction can’t come up with a headline that’s crazy enough. Yeah, nah, sometimes you’ve got to rely on a real world story to demonstrate to the world the real definition of ‘off the f**ken hook’....