Credit: Barstool Sports
Bloke scratches wife’s anus in public, she smells his finger
Ya know, the world loves to think that once you’ve been with someone for a while it’s okay to develop all sorts of kinks and ‘common bedroom interests’ and to an extent it probably is. But, let’s be fair dinkum for a second or two. The key words there are ‘to an extent’. We’re gonna go out on a limb here and say that between two consenting adults, there probably shouldn’t be too much that’s out of bounds in a loving relationship. But, this? Well…make your own mind up.
So, we’ll add the caveat here that the idea of two consenting adults doing their own thing should probably also feature the phrase ‘in the comfort of their own home.’
After all, some of you more adventurous types are probably into all sorts of kinky butt stuff – and no one wants to see that in public.
Well, someone should probably tell the two lovebirds in this video. And, ya know, we don’t really want to poo-poo their funtime, but they’re cracked if they think this little bit of loving even scratches the surface of ‘publicly acceptable.’

Credit: Barstool Sports
When the video begins we see a happy couple standing in close proximity and enjoying the serenity. As the camera pans in though, we begin to realise that’s not her pocket that old mate has his hand in. Yeah, nah, that’s the back of her pants.
Again, this is probably not the worst thing in the world if you’re trying to be discrete about it. But then, as he withdraws his hand there’s a moment where the sly dog filming it begins to realise this isn’t over yet. “Don’t do it,” he says. And nah, yeah, we realise this is a whole new version of scratch and sniff.

Credit: Barstool Sports
Then. Then. F**ken then, he holds his hand, redolent with the smell of ass, up to the lovely lass. She. F**ken. Inhales. The. Smell. F**k me, that sh*t is not cricket. He’s scratched her ass for her and she’s had a bloody good go at savouring the nostril flavour.
We dunno if we’re just getting old and this is totally the done thing these days, but please tell us it’s not. Please, please tell us we’re not the weird ones for thinking this is beyond the realms of cute…

Credit: Barstool Sports
Final thought: Look, we’re not here to shame people out and we think – as we said before – that consenting couples should feel free to sniff all the ass they want in the comfort of their own home, but this is f**ken gross, right?
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Scratch and sniff Ozzy Man Review coming soon…
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Instant Karma