Ozzie Mailman f**ken tears it up on his Postie bike
3.03K Views0 Comments
Here in Australia, our mail delivery comes courtesy of an ancient order of f**ken legends. We call ‘em the posties. And, we s**t you not, these blokes (and sheilas) deserve every cent they make. While you lot overseas...
Reddit users share the most f**ked up things they ever saw at sleepovers
211.10K Views0 Comments
F**ken sleepovers are supposed to be one of the highlights of your young life. You’re hanging out with your mates, you watch films, you eat pizza, you talk s**t; yeah, nah, in an ideal world, it’s a f**ken blast. Unfo...
Aussie politician claims renaming “Coon” cheese has ended racism
489 Views0 Comments
We’ve said this before, but we live in interesting times. And for once, we’re actually thinking about the positive aspects of this. In a world where division is the rule, it’s great to see a decision made that’s desig...
Company is developing a functioning franga with a hole in it
1.21K Views0 Comments
By all accounts, the one thing you don’t want in your franger is a bloody hole. Yeah, nah, that defeats the entire purpose, right? Well, according to one company, the answer is ‘hold our beer.’ Galactic Cap reckon the...
LA’s elusive Jetpack Man has finally been caught on tape by pilot
16.68K Views0 Comments
While it’s not totally unheard of for people to take to the skies on jetpacks these days, LA’s own Jetpack Man has become something of an urban legend. Rumours about his existence have persisted ever since two reporte...
Kentucky bloke goes viral for clearing snowy driveway with flamethrower
3.32K Views0 Comments
While we’ve been talking about the fact the Christmas and New Year’s period is hot as ball soup here in Oz, we know that our friends in the northern hemisphere have been freezing their knackers off lately. Still, that...
Mia Khalifa uses face-mask to pick up dog-s**t then puts it back on
1.92K Views0 Comments
Yeah, nah, it’s been a big year for stories that make you wonder just what the f**k is going through people’s minds, but this one might be the biggest of them all. Mia bloody Khalifa has been filmed picking up dog-s**...
Naked bloke in panda mask captured on film rollerblading down US highway
812 Views0 Comments
Yeah, nah, we know the US is bloody brimming with crazy news right now, but although plenty of it’s pretty unusual, the best thing to come out of there lately is the footage of a bloke rollerblading on the highway. Th...
Michael Jordan’s new golf course uses drones to deliver the beers!
3.04K Views0 Comments
Mate, we’ve said it before, but we are marching headlong into a glorious future chockers with technological wonder and convenience. Deadset, if you haven’t already noticed just how much s**t has changed around us, hav...
Another leaked Pentagon photo and report reveals another UFO
609 Views0 Comments
Mate, if you thought that art group claiming credit for the metal monoliths meant that 2020 wouldn’t end with same alien shenanigans, we’ve got some bloody news for you here. Yeah, nah, just like they have a few times...
Sheila attacked by kangaroo for wearing Sarah Jessica Parker perfume
15.76K Views0 Comments
We know you’re looking at that headline and thinking ‘crikey, fellas, that seems a touch overblown’ and maybe it is, but if you ask the Aussie sheila who was savagely assaulted by an irate kangaroo how it happened, sh...
Bodybuilder marries sex doll in traditional marriage ceremony
124.66K Views0 Comments
As you lot know, the world takes all-comers. Yeah, nah, there are bloody billions of us on this planet, and we’ve all got a wealth of different interests, hobbies, kinks, and tastes. Yuri Tolochko, a bodybuilder from ...
After Romanian monolith disappears, another bloody pops up in California
8.11K Views0 Comments
If you’ve been keeping an eye on your social media feeds over the last couple of weeks, you’ll undoubtedly be aware of the metal monoliths that have been popping up in random places. Deadset, since the first one appea...
Elon Musk has detailed how humans will survive on Mars within our lifetime
531 Views0 Comments
Whether you love him or hate him, you’ve gotta admit that Elon Musk knows how to get people talking. Yeah, nah, he’s the master of dropping the kind of news that gets tongues wagging. But we’re not here to talk about ...
60kg female MMA fighter finishes 240kg YouTuber in Russia
52.96K Views0 Comments
It’s been a while since we got some good content from Russia, and that’s a bloody shame. Yeah, nah, those legends are usually chocking up the internet with great content, so after a bit of a drought, we have to say we...
Arnott’s shuts down Aussie grandpa’s wild claim about Scotch Finger recipe
6.25K Views0 Comments
F**ken hell, ya legends, we’ve got a story here that’s gonna make you bloody irate if it turns out to be true. Seeing as we’re not here to f**k spiders, though, let’s just spin the yarn. An Ocker Grandpa on Reddit has...
Experts puzzled over Massive Metal Monolith found in Remote Utah
13.39K Views0 Comments
With 2020 coming to a close, you might be thinking that things are finally settling down, that we’re reaching some sort of new normal, or that the world’s just gonna run out of crazy s**t to throw at us. To that, we a...
Real estate listing photos are creeping out house-hunters in Oz City
1.22K Views0 Comments
If you’ve been house-hunting lately, you’ll know there are a couple of things you don’t want to see in any prospective property on your radar. Deadset, you don’t want termites, you don’t want construction issues, you ...
Meet Joe Weber – The best bloody troll going around on Facebook
29.49K Views0 Comments
If we’re completely honest, we’ve all gotta admit that there is a place for the humble troll. And nah, we’re not talking about the ones that live under bridges, we’re talking about the ones that lurk on Facebook and j...
Aussie hospital worker gets dished up a bloody rat burger at local cafe
900 Views0 Comments
Rats aren’t for everyone. Yeah, nah, some people like the little buggers, but when we’re talking about the wild rats, the little pricks come with a wealth of connotations, and not a single one of them’s good. Deadset,...