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Couple get hitched in first Viking wedding in almost 1000 years
28.24K Views0 Comments
The f**ken Vikings! Considering they're popularly known to be vicious, visceral and violent, most of you probably think of attacks on isolated monasteries, horned helmets and awesome television shows when you think of...
Rapper Hopsin loses his sh*t when Eminem name-checks him on new album
17.69K Views0 Comments
As you’re probably well aware, Eminem’s anticipated as-f**k new album, Kamikaze was surprise-released last week. Obviously, this is big news in the music world. So when Slim casually tweeted a link to the album, bloke...
Some f*cken legend brings his figurines to life with his genius photography
19.02K Views0 Comments
The debate over Marvel and DC is a pretty bloody frequent one among the nerds of the world, and one that’s clearly redundant. We all know Marvel is the best by miles and miles. Still, one internet photographer, who go...
Dad hides 12 inch dildo in son’s luggage for hilarious airport prank
32.15K Views0 Comments
We all know someone whose banter game is over the top good. You know the guy, the one whose renowned for their ability to roast the f**k out of anyone or set up a quality ‘gotcha’ on anyone. When you think about it, t...
Mum calls local gay bar for advice after her son came out
7.55K Views0 Comments
We live in an age where cultural norms and values are shifting. Finding out your son or daughter was gay, used to be a good enough reason – in the eyes of many – to disown them, kick them to the curb or send them to a...
Sheila uncovers epic way to get out of parking fine
21.65K Views0 Comments
Local councils around the world love to tell you exactly when and where you can park your car. And that’s fair enough. It’s also fair enough that some blokes and blokettes roll the dice, flip the coin, and play the ca...
People are sharing hilarious stock images of their jobs
25.77K Views0 Comments
Ah, the internet stock image. You’ve gotta say, they’ve certainly added a certain impressionistic style to the world wide web. We’re not exactly sure what they’re trying to create an impressionistic view of, but appar...
Magician and flash mob audience convince bloke he has turned invisible
39.48K Views0 Comments
All right, we all know invisibility is bullsh*t, but what would it take you to think it’s not? Rightio, whatever your answer there was, take it a step further: what would it take for you to believe that you’re invisib...
Bloke gets busted havin’ an Instagram perv on the toilet by his missus in the next room
29.22K Views0 Comments
The wonders of modern technology are bloody amazing. No matter where you are in the world, you can keep in touch with those around you. You can see photos and images and interact with people like never before. But tha...
Bloke’s mates prank him with dissolvable swimming shorts while on holiday
42.82K Views0 Comments
The best thing about having a group of mates hanging out and drinking together has to be the banter. Providing every wanker is down with it, and no one’s gonna take offence, some of the best insults you’ll ever re...
Even the original auditions for Superbad were f*cken hilarious
27.01K Views0 Comments
Superbad has to be one of the most iconic comedy movies of our era. Featuring three foulmouthed kids desperate to get drunk, score chicks and get laid before they finish high school for ever, its success ensured t...
There is a real life Kwik-E-Mart store from The Simpsons now open
7.24K Views0 Comments
I’m pretty sure we’ve said this before, but The Simpsons is abso-f**ken-lutely a cultural institution. If you don’t believe me, put it this way – for many, many people, The Simpsons has been a more consistent feature ...
These hidden messages on common products are bloody awesome
28.00K Views0 Comments
If there’s one thing that’s always sure to light up your day, put a smile on your dial and imbue you with a sense of wonder, it’s got to be a secret message. At the end of the day, we’re social creatures and finding o...
The comedy of errors behind Warrnambool’s new wombat mural
5.01K Views0 Comments
Some things are just meant to happen. Call it fate, call it destiny, call it whatever you want, but when circumstances conspire to create something awesome – like the Warrnambool wombat – you’ve just gotta nod your he...
A nutrition coach has destroyed a bunch of ‘healthy’ food myths
109.03K Views0 Comments
It seems like everywhere you look these days there’s a new diet promising the world. Usually, these diets seem to have some sort of gimmick about them that supposedly makes them ground-breaking, revolutionary, or new....
Parrot tells fire fighters to f**k off during rooftop rescue attempt
39.33K Views0 Comments
You know, for all the cheeky, belligerent and angry animals we invite onto Ozzy Man Reviews, we really don’t see enough parrots. And that kinda sucks. Parrots are f**ken awesome. Not only are they gorgeous little bugg...
Car thief gets chased down by f*cken cow police
10.41K Views0 Comments
The police force has always been known to employ a select few animals in its fighting of the good fight. Dogs and horses are the obvious go-to animals, while some others would probably throw pigs in there. Personally,...
People in zorb balls getting nailed by bulls is f*cken brilliant
56.65K Views0 Comments
The creativity of the human mind is a marvelous bloody thing. Some say it knows no bounds. That’s probs bullsh*t though. What makes the human mind such a master of adaptation, of evolution, of infinite initiative is i...
Legendary dog surfs as therapy to recover from attack that scarred him
5.89K Views0 Comments
Dogs are bloody awesome and everyone knows it, but every once in a while, the internet brings up a dog who really steps things up a notch. With that in mind, meet Jojo. This legend of a doggo has 75 thousand Instagram...
Russian couple have been raising a f*cken orphaned bear for over 20 years
16.20K Views0 Comments
G’day blokes and blokettes. Have you realised that we haven’t been to Russia in bloody yonks? Well, seeing as it’s been too long between crazy car crashes, full-on fights or bloody bear stories, we’ve got something he...