All World News

Scientists find oldest human shark attack remains, over 3,000 years old!

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Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, there are a few things we choose not to f**k with. Right at the top of that list are f**ken sharks. We know all the stats and all the figures about how they are at greater risk of us than we ...

US Navy tests new warships with bomb-blast equivalent to 3.9 magnitude earthquake

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If there’s one thing we know about Americans, it’s that they f**ken love to blow s**t up. Naturally, their Navy are huge fans of explosions, and when it comes to blowing s**t to f**ken smithereens, they’re right up th...

Big F#%K Off Mexican sinkhole forces family out of new house

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One of the natural disasters we tend to overlook here at Ozzy Man Reviews is the bloody sinkhole. Yeah, nah, these sneaky f**kers can cause massive damage and harm, but for some reason, they don’t seem to get the atte...

Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, just sold his first tweet for 2.9 Million US Dollarydoos

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Look, there’s no doubt that the first letter ever posted would probably be worth a f**ken mint. Deadset, the first phone-call ever made would be worth a s**tload too if we could somehow capture it. We’re not too sure ...

Incredible drone footage captures close-up views of volcano erupting in Iceland

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Mate, we’ve said this before, but drones can be pretty f**ken rad when it comes to capturing awesome footage. Obviously, there’s loads of videos online that back that s**t up, but a recent video caught by Bjorn Steinb...

Archaeologists find preserved Roman Chariot from eruption that destroyed Pompeii

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Mate, pretty much everyone knows about the vast archaeological site of Pompeii, and is familiar with what happened there. After all, it’s pretty much the poster-boy for towns destroyed – and preserved – by erupting vo...

The moment the Utah Avalanche struck – caught on film!

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Thanks to the movies, it can be pretty tempting to think you know all about natural disasters and scary f**ken events. We’re willing to bet, though, that the reality is pretty f**ken different. Deadset, we live in Aus...

Dancing woman accidentally captures Myanmar military coup on video

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Fresh from seeing the giant clusterf**k of a coup that Trump’s MAGA-hat militia treated us all to a little while ago, the Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar has decided to stage one of their own. This time, the nature ...

Heroic Czech sheila distracts thief by performing ‘act’ on him until cops arrive

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Let’s not beat around the bush here. This story is basically the premise of a dirty movie come to life. Yeah, nah, deadset, we’d even go so far as to say that if it had a happy ending, it’d be the kind of wet dream a ...

The best Bernie Sanders inauguration memes on the Internet

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As you’re probably aware, Joe Biden’s now been sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. You’re probably also aware that the world collectively held its breath to see how things were going to pan out, but f...

Banksy artwork appears on wall of house that’s up for sale – chaos ensues!

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Bloody Banksy is at it again. The world’s most famous graffiti artist has confirmed he was behind a new artwork in Bristol in Pommyland. This time, his work seems to have been timely in more ways than one. The owners ...

Old bloke gives bloody gold interview after getting his COVID-19 Vaccine

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Today’s a bit of a monumental one in that it marks the beginning of the Brits doling out the Covid-19 vaccine to members of the general public. Keen to make sure they had some solid coverage of the human element, CNN ...

A giant 2,000 year old cat drawing was accidentally found by workers in Peru

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Sometimes you see news that you just think has to be bulls**t. Don’t get us wrong, we know the Nazca lines contain f**ken tonnes of awesome images that you wouldn’t expect to be there, but a giant Nazca line cat just ...

Indonesian anti-maskers made to dig graves for Covid victims

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Here in Australia, we’re all too aware of Indonesia’s legal system. A few of our venerable citizens have fallen afoul of it in recent years, and while there’s often a bit of argy-bargy about whether they’re a bit drac...

Russia has declassified footage of the largest nuclear explosion ever

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We don’t reckon we’re stretching the truth when we say that every sensible b**tard on the planet knows that nuclear bombs are bad news. But, by the same token, governments around the world love to bloody have ‘em. Don...

Banksy shares first-ever footage of himself as he paints Coronavirus message on the Tube

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Bloody Banksy might just be the most important artist of our generation. And before you give us that ‘he’s only drawing on walls’ s**t, just keep in mind that some of the greatest art in history has been drawn on wall...

The Pentagon released UFO footage this week and we’ve all been too bloody busy to notice

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You might remember that a while back we showed you some footage of purported UFOs. Well, we can now tell you that the US Government has come out and said the bloody things are fair dinkum unidentified flying objects. ...

Wildfires are getting closer and closer to the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor

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We know that sometimes it feels like the entire media is out to scare you. S**t, we won’t even deny that the tabloids are designed to sell papers through hyperbole and exaggeration, but sometimes, things have to be re...

Dalek spotted cruising around UK streets ordering humans to self-isolate

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Just the other day, we spoke to you about some of the unique ways places like Japan are dealing with social distancing requirements. And, to be fair to them, they’re bloody nailing it. They’re busting out the robots a...

Empire State Building was lit up like a f*@#en ambulance to signal state of emergency

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Over the last week or so, the Unites States has become the bloody epicentre of the Coronavirus, and the state of New York has been hit particularly badly. Yeah, nah, the virus is running rampant in the big apple, and ...