Banksy shares first-ever footage of himself as he paints Coronavirus message on the Tube

Credit: Banksy

Banksy shares first-ever footage of himself as he paints Coronavirus message on the Tube

Bloody Banksy might just be the most important artist of our generation. And before you give us that ‘he’s only drawing on walls’ s**t, just keep in mind that some of the greatest art in history has been drawn on walls, ceilings, and toilet room doors. Deadset, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, probably the other ninja turtles, and our mate, Bruce, who draws a deadly cock n balls in the jobsite dunny. So yeah, point is Banksy’s all right. And, he’s just released a video that shows the first-ever footage of himself on the job. F**ken check it out.

The video, which he posted to his Instagram for his nine-and-a-half million followers to see, shows him chucking a bit of art up onto the walls of metro trains. It shows him – or someone doing his work – painting his signature rats all over the joint. In a sign of the times, the f**kers are sneezing.

Credit: Banksy

The rats are equipped with face-masks, and they’re using them in various ways. Some are parachuting with ‘em and some are wearing ‘em. There are a few more doing other things, but perhaps most amusing are those travelling on the admittedly empty trains who are just watching the mysterious b**tard do his thing.

Credit: Banksy

The video came with a simple caption that read, “If you don’t mask – you don’t get.” Considering all the talk about mandatory mask-wearing in Pommyland, that’s no surprise.

Credit: Banksy

Best of all though, are the vid’s closing moments. After spray-painting his name onto one of the trains, he leaves a simple message on two folding doors. The first says, “I get lockdown”. The follow-up, which we see just as Tubthumping kicks in, says, “But I get up again.”

Credit: Banksy

Yeah, nah, it’s art. Whether you’re a graffiti fan or not, this s**t’s art.

Credit: Banksy

Credit: Banksy

Final thought: We may as well just use this one to ask you guys what you reckon about the age-old debate: who the f**k is Banksy? Let us know what you reckon in the comments section. See you there, ya legends.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Death Diving