Scientists have discovered a f#*@en skinless shark
491 Views0 Comments
We all know that the depths of the ocean house a million weird and wonderful creatures. Some of these, according to scientists, are yet to be discovered. Some of them, are f**ked-up variations of creatures that are al...
Steve Irwin’s eerie ‘farewell’ speech to his crew before fatal attack
430 Views0 Comments
As you know, here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we are long-time fans of Steve ‘bloody legend’ Irwin. Yeah, nah, straight-up, like most Aussies, we reckon the guy is a deadset hero and we still love him to bits. That’s why we ...
World reacts to fan’s “disgusting” live TV attack on WWE favourite
364 Views0 Comments
Whether you love wrestling or hate it, you’ll know that one of the criticisms it often cops is that it’s just so scripted. And, you know what, there probably aren’t too many people who’ll argue that point. Yeah, nah, ...
Sheila arrested after throwing soup in restaurant employee’s face!
88.52K Views0 Comments
Some people are just f**ken full-on off-tap. Fair dinkum. One minute someone might be mildly annoyed about their soup being too f**ken hot and the next a switch might have flipped in their head and they might have thr...
‘Scorpion storms’ in Egypt have hospitalised over 500 people
12.14K Views0 Comments
We don’t talk about scorpions here much on this website. Yeah, nah, of all the potentially dangerous little – and large – creatures that we focus on here, we just seem to overlook the buggers. Today, though, that’s go...
Bloke goes full GTA-mode in what surely is the wildest car-chase ever filmed
10.85K Views0 Comments
Everyone knows that a properly good video game is just practice for the real world. After all, who can’t say they’re not fair dinkum ready for the zombie apocalypse thank to first-person shooters? Who can’t say they d...
TikToker says she lets husband sleep with her Mum and Sister
206.61K Views0 Comments
Look, you know we’re not into kink-shaming here at Ozzy Man Reviews, but even we’ve gotta perk our ears up from time to time and wonder if we’re hearing s**t correctly. This is one of those stories. Yeah, nah, the she...
Red-headed wrecking machine sends half the club to Destination F**ked in epic biff!
1.12K Views0 Comments
We’re not gonna lie, we’re not too keen on participating in violence ourselves, but we certainly know how to enjoy footage of it. And, we s**t you not, the footage in today’s video is next level. The bloke who’s captu...
Brass Against apologise after vocalist pees on fan’s face during live set
93.67K Views0 Comments
If you know your rock and roll history, you’ll know that it’s not exactly free of unsavoury incidents. That, of course, is an understatement, but we can take it further. It’s not even free from incidents involving on-...
Speed camera captures car travelling at 120kms/hr with bloke on the bonnet
11.00K Views0 Comments
By this stage, we reckon the phrase ‘play stupid games win stupid prizes’ is known everywhere. Yeah, nah, deadset, it is. Still, that doesn’t mean everyone takes it to heart. Take young blokes hanging out with their m...
US sheila billed $700 after waiting 7 hours in ER before leaving without treatment
12.51K Views0 Comments
A lot of our fans in the US might not know this, but here in Australia, we look at some of the expenses we see coming out of your health system and we find ourselves wondering just how the f**k they can be so ridiculo...
Chris Barnett lands “physically impossible” KO for a heavyweight
358 Views0 Comments
Whether or not it’s just stereotypical bulls**t, one thing we often don’t think about when we think about heavyweight MMA contests is a bit of finesse. Yeah, nah, it’s the sort of place where we often fall back on cli...
Old footage of Linkin Park ensuring their moshpit is safe goes viral
28.64K Views0 Comments
Right now, we’re not gonna go on too much about the AstroWorld incident. Obviously, there’s tonnes of conjecture and speculation around, and plenty of it’s being whipped up by the media, but what we know for a fact is...
US bloke reckons he can cook a perfect steak in… the dishwasher
11.49K Views0 Comments
When it comes to steak, there are a few schools of thought on the best way to cook the bugger. Some reckon a barbecue is the dog’s bollocks. Others say you should chuck that s**t in the oven, and even more reckon that...
Bloke on subway reacts to sheila who told him to “chill”
676 Views0 Comments
We don’t know about you lot, but when we were growing up, we were taught that you shouldn’t be hitting sheilas. Yeah, nah, deadset, there’s not much more that needs saying except to point out that what we learned went...
The Aussie bloke who found an ATM glitch and became a millionaire
13.99K Views0 Comments
F**k, we don’t know about you, but every day at work we have chats with other colleagues about how good it’d be to win the lotto or stumble onto a million-dollar idea. We also know that s**t’s not uncommon. It’s a thr...
US bloke drops nearly $60,000 of COVID relief money on a single Pokemon card
987 Views0 Comments
If you know any other human being – or you have the internet – you’re no doubt aware that COVID has brought the best and the worst out of people. Yeah, nah, some people have shown themselves to be caring, compassionat...
BJ Novak accidentally had his image stolen and is now on products all around the world
392 Views0 Comments
The ownership of intellectual property and images can be a pretty f**ken tricky thing in this day and age. And, fair dinkum, you can take our bloody word for it. That’s why we always try to give credit where we can. U...
Doctor warns peeing in the shower is bad for sheilas
1.04K Views0 Comments
In recent years, plenty of people have been arguing that we should all be peeing in the shower. Yeah, nah, apparently, draining the lizard – or the clam – while you give yourself a bit of a scrub is a bonza way to sav...
This optical illusion from the 70s is still tricky as f*#k
13.62K Views0 Comments
You might not know this, but Australia is a pretty f**ken clever place. Deadset, not only are we the home of the Hills Hoist washing line, box wine, and spray-on skin, but we’ve also got a bit of a tricky hand when it...