Scientists find oldest human shark attack remains, over 3,000 years old!

19.87K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, there are a few things we choose not to f**k with. Right at the top of that list are f**ken sharks. We know all the stats and all the figures about how they are at greater risk of us than we ...

Elon Musk’s new and only house is worth $50,000

28.66K Views0 Comments

Before we begin, we’d just like to point out the obvious. When you’re talking about shacks, there’s a pretty fair question about whether or not a shack that costs $50,000 really counts as a ‘shack’ at all. After all, ...

US Navy tests new warships with bomb-blast equivalent to 3.9 magnitude earthquake

10.56K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing we know about Americans, it’s that they f**ken love to blow s**t up. Naturally, their Navy are huge fans of explosions, and when it comes to blowing s**t to f**ken smithereens, they’re right up th...

These bloody ripper food combos will make your stomach turn

7.56K Views0 Comments

Rightio, before we start this one, we’re just going to point out that we’re not entirely without self-awareness here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We might be a few beers deep, and we might love a bit of vegemite on toast, but...

This bloke had a piece of his brain cut out and can no longer feel fear

7.41K Views0 Comments

It’s not uncommon to hear the word ‘fearless’ thrown around to describe moments of courage and bravery, but have you ever wondered what it would be like to actually lose all sense of your fight-or-flight fear response...

Lobster diver swallowed whole by humpback whale while fishing

29.75K Views0 Comments

As you know, we bloody love an interesting wildlife story here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and when we saw this one, we knew we had to share it with you. The poor f**ker in this story was diving for lobster when a f**ken hum...

New York Times accidentally publishes story about watermelons on Mars

642 Views0 Comments

Yeah, nah, get your tinfoil hats on, folks, because there’s some serious s**t going down right now. In a total blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment of complete f**kery at the New York Times, a pretty f**ken suspicious arti...

Big F#%K Off Mexican sinkhole forces family out of new house

5.40K Views0 Comments

One of the natural disasters we tend to overlook here at Ozzy Man Reviews is the bloody sinkhole. Yeah, nah, these sneaky f**kers can cause massive damage and harm, but for some reason, they don’t seem to get the atte...

Locals in this small Aussie town are creeped out by this mysterious doll

824 Views0 Comments

Bloody everyone knows full-well that you don’t f**k with creepy little dolls. Yeah, nah, deadset, unless they’re where they bloody belong – in a toy pram or on the shelves of a toy store – dolls are scary as f**k. So,...

Teen spent six years digging underground home in backyard after fight with parents

23.22K Views0 Comments

Forgive us for reminiscing here, but do you remember what it was like to be a pissed-off teenager after a fight with your olds? We don’t know about you guys, but we remember more than a few times when we packed our ba...

Loose bat on Air India flight forces it to turn around mid-flight

2.43K Views0 Comments

Yeah, nah, nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah, bats, man, they’re bloody cheeky little buggers at the best of times, but no matter how much they’ve made the news lately (rightly or wrongly), it’s a bit of a surprise to see one h...

Some of the best f@*#en online shopping fails

14.24K Views0 Comments

There’s no bloody doubt that we’re relying on internet shopping more and more every day. The ease and convenience of buying whatever the f**k you want with just a few clicks and keystrokes is just irresistible for mos...

TikTok bans video containing “rude” Kmart toy

863 Views0 Comments

G’day, ya big bloody bewdiful b**tards. How you going? Hopefully you’re doing a bit better than bloody TikTok at the moment. Yeah, nah, turns out those prudes have gone and banned a video because it features an eggpla...

High school creates controversy by Photoshopping girls’ cleavage in yearbook

279 Views0 Comments

As you all know, bloody Photoshop is a thing that exists. It, in itself, isn’t inherently evil. Yeah, nah, it’s just a tool, but just like any tool, it can be used for good and not so good. One school in the US, Bartr...

If a cat is dropped upside down at near-zero gravity, will it fall on its feet?

5.59K Views0 Comments

When it comes to the really f**ken big questions, there are a few that are real brain-busters. Chief among them is whether or not cats can land on their feet in zero gravity? Yeah, nah, don’t pretend you haven’t wonde...

Some f*@#en ripper hair cuts!

19.20K Views0 Comments

For many of us, there’s nothing in life quite as f**ken shameful as a bad haircut. Don’t get us wrong, we know it’s shallow and we know that we shouldn’t worry so much what other people think, but pretty much everyone...

Police release footage of bloke making slow get-away in lawnmower theft

4.12K Views0 Comments

We know that when it comes to joyrides, bloody Hollywood has created a bit of a stereotype about the way they look, but a recent video released here by coppers from Cairns in Queensland flies in the face of all that. ...

Tiger strolls streets of Houston – leads to hectic confrontation

19.23K Views0 Comments

Some people reckon that normal pets like cats, dogs, and goldfish just don’t cut the mustard. Yeah, nah, these thrill-seekers reckon an animal doesn’t make a good pet unless it can rip your f**ken face off. These kind...

Kiwi bloke paints penises over potholes to get them filled in faster

12.14K Views0 Comments

If there’s anything comic-book movies have taught us, it’s that the great and gallant works of society’s biggest heroes aren’t always welcomed by the authorities. Yeah, nah, J Jonah makes Spidey’s life a misery, and e...

Awesome footage shows UK Marine f@*#en jetpack onto ship

6.03K Views0 Comments

It goes without saying that guns are bad, violence is abhorrent, and war sucks, but we’d also be liars if we didn’t say that this footage of a pommy marine using a jetpack to board a ship and whip out his gun isn’t f*...