When kids drawings go horribly wrong
We all know that at some point every one of us was a stupid kid – however well-intentioned we may have been – who knew jacks**t about the world and had no idea that half the s**t we said and did was unintentionally dodgy as f**k. And that, in turn, is one of the greatest things about raising little tuckers. Before they grow up and start to realise that not every drawing needs to look like a cock and balls, you get to laugh at all their accidentally inappropriate artwork.

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
And that, in a nutshell, is essentially what this post’s about. Hilarious drawings from kids who had no idea what they were doing was comedy bloody gold or completely unacceptable for the context. Take this seemingly innocent spelling mistake above. It’s only compounded by the movement lines around old mate’s hand! Oops!

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
All right, we’ll say it. Once you know it’s supposed to be scissors, you can see it. It’s really not that bad this one. We guess scissors do kinda look like a cock n balls. Who knew?

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
Farken hell! The ‘Go Dad’ makes this. Imagine the son wanting to high-five him when he’s finished. You know Dad would probably deliver too. Cheeky bugger.

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
Well, we guess that’s the last time we go to any bakery where Buzz Lightyear has been. Dodgy b**tard.

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
Hang on, before we comment on this, are we sure this isn’t supposed to be another representation of scissors? Maybe tin-snips? Maybe Big Bird’s beak?

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
Yeah, well it’s kind of a red rocket, right?

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
Hahahahaha. Looks like a dildo at a gloryhole. Bloody conductor’s, ey? Can’t bloody trust ’em.

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
Well, a skipping rope, okay. I thought it was a myconid preparing to harvest some wheat. Either way, this kid’s getting there. I probably can’t do better now. I certainly couldn’t at three!

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
He loves that bitch. He even likes to take her bowling by the look of things.

Credit: Family Tried and Tested
Bloody hell, those are some hefty stalk ends on those apples. Maybe you need to let the fruit itself grow a little bit before you pick them. The counting’s spot on though, so at least there’s that…
Final thought: Bloody hell, if you’ve got young ones of your own, this’ll make you think twice before divulging the family secrets. Imagine the kinda messed-up s**t pre-school teachers and day-care centre staff would hear on a daily basis!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Strange World Records
H/T: Family Tried and Tested.